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a few stories from the Quick Stop

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  • a few stories from the Quick Stop

    At the gas station I work at we have fountain drinks. (as they do) And the normal prices are around a dollar more or less. However for people we like or just people we are trying to placate we can sell them for 14 cents (15 with tax) for any size. This one old woman had been content up until now with just getting the discount for herself and anyone else that happened to be with her, but recently has started begging and bitching for free fountain drinks. She got 2 off of me from me just not paying attention but today when she came in to ask about it I made sure to tell her that she could not have it for free. She looked very pissed off and shoved her kids back outside and drove off. Later she called back and told a coworker that I was very rude and disrespectful and she was coming back in and wanter her drink. Thankfully the coworker she called was a friend and refused to give her a free drink either so she ended up buying the discounted drink and tried to tell me I was rude and I don't need to be doing that crap in front of other people blah dee bloo.

    god I hate entitlement whores.

    The other story is that for about a month this kid has been coming in wanting cigarettes. The first night he came in I decided randomly he looked way to young to be smoking and asked for an ID, of course he "didn't have his". I told him he did look too young to me and that I would need to see an ID that had his birthdate. He pitched a fit stomped over to the cooler and got a drink, came back, threw open his wallet, and there was his ID. Bright red, under 21 format and all that. So I'm thinking , if you wont show it to me, but you have it...ehhhh no. None for you.
    I put up with him coming in constantly for about 4 weeks till I finally had to stop him and explain to him in no uncertain terms that I had seen his ID. I know he has an ID. And that fact that he wont show it to me means that he should legally not even be allowed in the store but if we started enforcing that we would have no business. Crushed his little soul I did.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Albert Einstein

  • #2
    The first lady illustrates why you should be really careful who you're over-and-above nice to. Sad but true.
    There's always going to be the people who take advantage and act like you owe them something.
    And all that rage over a cheap fountain drink.

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


    • #3
      Can you stop giving her the discounted price at all? She doesn't deserve it anymore
      Pit bull-

      There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

