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Wherein I Once Again Drink From the Font of Ire

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  • Wherein I Once Again Drink From the Font of Ire

    If you're ever wondering how I write while under the influence of heavy meds, here you go!

    But First, A Recap

    Yes! It is I! I have returned. I’m sure you’ve been wondering where I’ve been. Perhaps you’ve been languishing around the office thinking “Wow, my whole life is drab and colourless since Gravekeeper left! How can I possibly fill the void in my heart?!”. Well, perhaps not. It was probably more like “Hey, I haven’t seen what’s his face in a while. You know…that guy….what the heck was his name? With the sunken eyes and despairing, broken expression that’s here in the morning. He kind of scares me.”

    Well, according to the doctor, the correct term for the suffering I endured is called an “acute lumbar sprain”. In my case there’s two ligaments on either side of your lower back that attach your spine to your pelvis. I sprained one and tore the other a little bit. I discovered that when this happens you fall to the floor like a gut shot elk and…..well, actually that’s pretty much where you stay. Then you spent the next 3 days utterly immobile. Then you live your entire life from a couch for the next 2 weeks because, well, you can’t actually do anything else. Then they start making you do things, painful things. All the while claiming that it’s suppose to help “rehabilitation” or something. They’re lying.

    It was during this time that I discovered something else. Something insidious and horrifying. Daytime television. There’s only so much of this a sane man can endure and I have reached that point and gone beyond it. How does anyone watch it? And it goes on for hours! All day! It never ends! But you can’t get away from it because you can barely walk! <sob>

    Ok, so it’s not all that bad. I’m just not entirely sure how I feel about the fact I became quite fond of TLC’s What Not to Wear.

    Ah, F*ck

    Me: “and your phone number, please?”
    SC: “867-“

    …wait……something’s coming back to me…..what was-……oh God. Oh sweet butternut chocolate Cthulu. I’d forgotten. I’d been gone so long I *forgot* about you people. All the pain and suffering I endured and I didn’t even realize how good I truly had it the whole time being unburdened by the knowledge of your existence. Now I’m back here….and I remember. I remember it all. I remember the ever present crushing weight that was the abject, constant failure of humanity pressing down on my shoulders every night.

    If you need me I’ll be in the break room having a good cry.


    SC: “I wanna order glasses!”
    Me: “Ok, what’s the id number on them?”
    SC: “Uh…..der on page 35.”
    Me: “Ok. Can you tell me the number next to them in the catalogue?”
    SC: “I’m jus trynna order GLASSES~#!!"
    ( HULK SMISH! )
    Me: “Yes, but I need the ID number next to them.”
    SC: “Uh….oh, you mean these numbers here next to them?”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “It’s uh….xxxx-xx”
    Me: “Alright and would like Plasma or X Metal lens?”
    SC: “I want them in ORANGE!~”
    Me: "....."

    You know what? In my current back injury inspired mood if I ever somehow managed to run into you on the street ( Unlikely, I know. As I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near the border to Nunanvut and you will live out the rest of your pitiful alcoholic life in the same tiny village you were born in. ) I’d probably just head butt you in the face upon recognizing your voice. Then I would pee in your hat. No, it’s not creative, but then I’m on painkillers so this is the best I’d be able to come up with off the top of my head ( or rather, off the top of yours ) on the sidewalk.

    But it’s ok, I’m sure you have more hats. I know you have more hats. Perhaps specifically because of these types of incidents.

    It's Always My Fault

    Me: "Minimum call out for this time at night to fix a window would be $xxx"
    SC: “It’s that much for a call out?!”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “Well I guess I just have to stay up all night with a baseball bat then!”

    You sound as if you think this is my fault. I assure you it’s not. I had no part in throwing a “boulder” through your basement window. You did specifically refer to it as a boulder if I recall correctly. You also expressed concern that your felines might seek freedom through the opening that was freshly bored through the side of your house by said granite missile. This too is my fault somehow I’m sure.

    You’re also worried that whomever it was that rolled the trebuchet onto your lawn and laid siege to your home would return to invade your basement and convert you and/or your cats to Islam. At no point did you consider simply taping the window up and/or closing the basement door to prevent the escape of your felines. As these options would show a glimmer of common sense and/or practicality.

    Instead you’ve chosen to proclaim yourself a basement sentinel and sacrifice sleep in exchange for baseball bat duty. Because this is what criminal’s do you know. Break a window and run away to make sure they have the attention of at least one police cruiser in area first before they come back to rob the place.


    Me: “Ok, and your last name please?”
    SC: “Lameboy”

    Do I really need to say anything?

    Dangerous Assumptions

    Me: “Do you have a customer ID number?”
    SC: “I sure do!”
    Me: “Great, what is it?”
    SC: “Oh, I don’t know and I have no idea where it is.”

    Then why even mention it? Why ev….oh, wait. I see what you did there. Your mind isn’t capable of thinking more than one or two moves ahead so you naively and honestly answered my question. Without realizing where I was going with the line of questioning. Silly me. Our script wasn’t designed with the lowest common mental denominator in mind. No really. Our script actually assumes the caller has a glimmer of the precious fairy dust known as common sense at their disposal. I think over the years I’ve already established that making this assumption about our callers is a mistake. A horrible, tragic mistake.


    Me: “Good evening, <company>.”
    SC: “…….”
    Me: “Hello?”
    SC: “…….”
    Me: “Hello?”
    SC: “snaer…wha?”
    Me: “Hi.”
    SC: “Oh, you woke me up! Sorry, I've been on hold for so long!”

    I fervently hope your penis falls off and the dog finds it before you do.


    Me: “and what would you like to order?”
    SC: “Uh, I dunno.”

    Wait, I recognize you. You’re captain “I want them in ORANGE!@~” from yesterday. You know I meant to ask you this yesterday but isn’t it way too early in the morning to be drinking? I mean it was 8am your time when you called yesterday and 9am today. By the sound of you, you can’t be sober. At least I hope you’re not sober. If this is what you’re like sober then I fear for the future of the human race as a whole.

    But Gravekeeper, you ask, surely someone with the IQ of a moist lint brush would never be given an opportunity to pass their genes on to the next generation! What about natural selection? Well you see, Sherman, in today’s age of warning labels, helmets and first aid even the most mentally flawed troglodyte can and will survive into maturity. At which point there’s a very real danger that they may find a mate around the same mental level of themselves that will consent to whatever horrific courtship ritual they take part in. Either that or they’ll at least find one that’s ingested enough alcohol to not outright decline courtship or spray them with mace.

    One way or another the chance of his accursed seed taking hold in someone or thing's oily womb and spawning the next generation of unholy crotch fruit is very real.

    Therefore I fear.

    You Aren't Funny

    SC: “Make sure you send me the lucky ticket!”

    Mmhmm. Very original. I haven’t heard that or anything remotely like it before in all my years of taking lottery ticket orders. Truly, you have graced me with original material. If the ticket selection was actually up to me I’d send you a set of tickets I’d personally kept between my butt cheeks for 2 hours while running laps.

    Well, ok, maybe 20-30 minutes. I am a computer geek after all. Endurance training isn’t exactly my forte.


    Ah, Captain Orange again....

    SC: “So…uh…how do they work?”
    Me: “You mean the MP3 sunglasses?”
    SC: “yeah”
    Me: “Well, you’d need a computer first.”
    SC: “A campooter?”

    The absolute worst part about the discussion that ensued beyond this point was that in the end I was unable to prevent the sale.

    That was a mere two nights......two nights! I have two more to go. <whimper>

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    All the while claiming that it’s suppose to help “rehabilitation” or something. They’re lying.
    Yeah, they are. After I rolled my car and messed up my back, I spent 2 painful months enduring agonizing torture for an hour to 90 minutes every few days. The absolute worst thing was where my therapist would basically "stretch" the muscles in my back all along my spine. When she got to my head, she jammed her index fingers up into the space where my spine connects to the base of my skull. She would then do some kind of move that felt like she was trying to either yank my head off or tickle my brain stem, and hold that position for a full minute.

    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    How does anyone watch it?
    It just kind of happens (I work from 2pm to 10 pm, so most of my TV watching is "Daytime" TV). I always swore I'd never get hooked on Soaps like my mother and her mother before her. Then my SO got hooked when she saw one at a friend's house. Now we're both addicted to All My Children and One Life to Live.

    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Ok, so it’s not all that bad. I’m just not entirely sure how I feel about the fact I became quite fond of TLC’s What Not to Wear.
    I think the feeling you are looking for is..... FABULOUS!

    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Me: “and what would you like to order?”
    SC: “Uh, I dunno.”
    Exactly how many employees did your company go through while you were gone? And what happened to them? Are they just locked in a storage closet somewhere in the building, rocking back and forth, muttering gibberish and restrained in pink camo straightjackets, or did they just have the poor things put down?
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


    • #3
      Far as I know they rotated two other people to cover my shifts. -.-


      • #4
        omg i love daytime tv sometimes but i watch the bad reruns
        like ER, Charmed, Las Vegas, Gilmore Girls, Travel shows, Firefly when its marathon time and what not to wear.
        What not to werar is oddly addictive.... im so not that into fashions (i design fashiion sometimes, but i dont need to dress people) lol its sucks everyone who touches it with their eyes with its evil


        • #5
          yay, I made first page

          oh and I finally got a call from a former Nananvut resident... not surprisingly he commenting escaping from a frozen wasteland...

          and I almost never watch daytime TV... but I will admit that when I'm at my mom's house I'll watch the soaps on BBC
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

            Ah, Captain Orange again....

            SC: “So…uh…how do they work?”
            Me: “You mean the MP3 sunglasses?”
            SC: “yeah”
            Me: “Well, you’d need a computer first.”
            SC: “A campooter?”

            The absolute worst part about the discussion that ensued beyond this point was that in the end I was unable to prevent the sale.
            I'm extremely positive I've heard something like this one before... But didn't you know, there are these magical sunglasses called "MP3 sunglasses" that magicly play music. You don't need to do anything except put them on. lolz.
            MMO Addicts group


            • #7
              Quoth Jacen View Post
              I'm extremely positive I've heard something like this one before... But didn't you know, there are these magical sunglasses called "MP3 sunglasses" that magicly play music. You don't need to do anything except put them on. lolz.
              We only have two of them in our catalogue and they tend to be the bane of my existence whenever they come up as it's always an 867er that orders them. But this is the first one that's actually confirmed my suspicions that they haven't the slightest clue what they are or what to do with them.

              He did figure out that they played music somehow and by God that was good enough for him. =p


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                I fervently hope your penis falls off and the dog finds it before you do.
                I am stealing this for my own personal use and am not ever going to give it back.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  We only have two of them in our catalogue and they tend to be the bane of my existence whenever they come up as it's always an 867er that orders them. But this is the first one that's actually confirmed my suspicions that they haven't the slightest clue what they are or what to do with them.

                  He did figure out that they played music somehow and by God that was good enough for him. =p
                  Are they these? Oakley Thump 2 Sunglasses.

                  $250 for sunglasses regardless of weither it plays music or not... :P

                  But this is the first one that's actually confirmed my suspicions that they haven't the slightest clue what they are or what to do with them.
                  Ah, but you wouldn't be posting about them here if they actually KNEW :P
                  MMO Addicts group


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Me: "Minimum call out for this time at night to fix a window would be $xxx"
                    SC: “It’s that much for a call out?!”
                    Me: “Yes.”
                    SC: “Well I guess I just have to stay up all night with a baseball bat then!”
                    867, I assume? Most people figure out creative uses for all the plywood scraps the kept "just in case" at this point.


                    • #11
                      Like Irv, Gravekeeper, your misery makes me happy. Welcome to your Return to Hell. We have punch!
                      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jacen View Post
                        Are they these? Oakley Thump 2 Sunglasses.

                        $250 for sunglasses regardless of weither it plays music or not... :P

                        Ah, but you wouldn't be posting about them here if they actually KNEW :P
                        Close. They are Oakley's but they're the $500 model.

                        Quoth Gurndigarn
                        867, I assume? Most people figure out creative uses for all the plywood scraps the kept "just in case" at this point.
                        That guy was actually local. Glass replacement company. Normally it does commercial buildings but every now and then someone calls and gets offended that its $300 to get one of our service guy's out of bed at 4am to come down and replace their screen door window.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Then you live your entire life from a couch for the next 2 weeks because, well, you can’t actually do anything else.
                          You're not the only one. I had surgery on my ankle 3 days ago and am confined to the couch except when I need to use the bathroom for a few weeks. So much fun.

                          And I too have become addicted to daytime television, it's sad isn't it?
                          "...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?!" ~ Kalga

                          "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


                          • #14
                            Ah, Gravekeeper, I have missed your stories. I'm sorry you have to put up with those fools, but I get a giggle from hearing you talk about them.

                            I'm a returning CS'er, so I'll be seein' you around.

                            "Damn, I'm good!"-Dr. Who


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              I remember the ever present crushing weight that was the abject, constant failure of humanity pressing down on my shoulders every night.
                              Ah-hah! That's it! That is the cause of your lumbar distress!

                              You just have to avoid all 867s and you should never suffer a relapse! That should be no problem, right?

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              I fervently hope your penis falls off and the dog finds it before you do.
                              Speaking of assumptions.... Are you sure he even has one any more?

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              One way or another the chance of his accursed seed taking hold in someone or thing's oily womb and spawning the next generation of unholy crotch fruit is very real.
                              Remember, kids. Idiocracy is supposed to be a cautionary tale. You know, like the fable about The Boy and His Nuts.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

