If you all remember my old boss from this thread:
A bunch of us went out last night, and she had s'more stories to tell.
So the store had some bikes to clearance out. Normally well over $100, they were going for $25. Lady comes in, and the only bike left is damaged. My boss, S, agrees to fix it for her, by Christmas. (It's November or early December at this point.)
S jumps through a lot of hurdles: drives to other stores to get parts/service, and does a lot of work for this bike. SC and her husband come in.
SC: I'm here for my bike.
S: Absolutely. Here it is, all fixed up. $25.
SC: You expect me to pay for it!?
S: Uh, yeah. $25.
SC: I'm not paying for it.
S: Then you're not getting it.
SC: Oh yes I am. I'm leaving with this bike.
S: That's fine. $25.
And a little more. SC eventually pays the money.
Later, a day or two, husband comes up to S and says, "Don't worry, you'll learn how to do your job eventually."
What had happened? SC had come back in, complained, and the Store Director refunded her money for the bike, and gave her a coupon good for 10% off her next total purchase.
A bunch of us went out last night, and she had s'more stories to tell.
So the store had some bikes to clearance out. Normally well over $100, they were going for $25. Lady comes in, and the only bike left is damaged. My boss, S, agrees to fix it for her, by Christmas. (It's November or early December at this point.)
S jumps through a lot of hurdles: drives to other stores to get parts/service, and does a lot of work for this bike. SC and her husband come in.
SC: I'm here for my bike.
S: Absolutely. Here it is, all fixed up. $25.
SC: You expect me to pay for it!?
S: Uh, yeah. $25.
SC: I'm not paying for it.
S: Then you're not getting it.
SC: Oh yes I am. I'm leaving with this bike.
S: That's fine. $25.
And a little more. SC eventually pays the money.
Later, a day or two, husband comes up to S and says, "Don't worry, you'll learn how to do your job eventually."
What had happened? SC had come back in, complained, and the Store Director refunded her money for the bike, and gave her a coupon good for 10% off her next total purchase.