I freely admit that when I pulled this antic I was 18 and on a moral high horse at the time. The customer might have actually been correct but I didn't feel he went about it the right way.
I was working at a local fast food joint. I'm always put on drive thru for my superior politeness skills or something. I blame having a grandmother raise me who lived through WWII. Anyways, we get a new girl and before the rush I'm showing her the ropes of the register.
Now said girl had some kind of skin disorder and our uniforms have short sleeves. I forget what the disorder was called but one of the first questions I asked was what it was. She explained it was genetic and there was 0 risk of spreading it or anything.
Lunch rush hits and I have my hands full with drive thru. New girl is doing a wonderful job up front. She's obviously done this work before, just needed to learn the register really, and not a single customer has made a comment about her skin.
Enter Sucky Customer that was lucky I didn't slap him.
He places his order with the new girl who's not far from my register (no idea who the heck though having the DRIVE THRU register up front was a good idea). However when she says she'll be right back with his food the following happens.
SC: I don't want you getting my food. Your arms are disgusting! *looks about sees me in the middle of talking to someone on a head set* I want her to get my food.
ME: *not paying attention as I finish placing the car's order* Sorry, say again sir?
SC: I don't want that disgusting girl touching my food. You get it for me.
ME: *starting to plot murder for insensitive jackass* It's genetic and don't think our managers would have her working if...
SC: I said get my food you slow *number of words that small children should not hear included the dreaded C word*
Why certainly sir I'll ge....get....a...aaa....ACHOO! *making it a point to practically spit in my own hands and sniff rubbing my nose all over my hands* I'll get that for you now.
SC: *looking totally grossed out* Nevermind, she can get it.
Now I'm mentally grinning in triumph only to turn around and have my manager standing right behind me. She simply told me to go scrub my hands and get to work.
Later though, after the rush, she said she had to fight not to laugh her ass off at the whole thing.
I was working at a local fast food joint. I'm always put on drive thru for my superior politeness skills or something. I blame having a grandmother raise me who lived through WWII. Anyways, we get a new girl and before the rush I'm showing her the ropes of the register.
Now said girl had some kind of skin disorder and our uniforms have short sleeves. I forget what the disorder was called but one of the first questions I asked was what it was. She explained it was genetic and there was 0 risk of spreading it or anything.
Lunch rush hits and I have my hands full with drive thru. New girl is doing a wonderful job up front. She's obviously done this work before, just needed to learn the register really, and not a single customer has made a comment about her skin.
Enter Sucky Customer that was lucky I didn't slap him.
He places his order with the new girl who's not far from my register (no idea who the heck though having the DRIVE THRU register up front was a good idea). However when she says she'll be right back with his food the following happens.
SC: I don't want you getting my food. Your arms are disgusting! *looks about sees me in the middle of talking to someone on a head set* I want her to get my food.
ME: *not paying attention as I finish placing the car's order* Sorry, say again sir?
SC: I don't want that disgusting girl touching my food. You get it for me.
ME: *starting to plot murder for insensitive jackass* It's genetic and don't think our managers would have her working if...
SC: I said get my food you slow *number of words that small children should not hear included the dreaded C word*

SC: *looking totally grossed out* Nevermind, she can get it.
Now I'm mentally grinning in triumph only to turn around and have my manager standing right behind me. She simply told me to go scrub my hands and get to work.
Later though, after the rush, she said she had to fight not to laugh her ass off at the whole thing.