Or possibly- I hate Sundays, since this is what has sparked this off.
Sundays although one of the quietest days of the week is also one of the worst , why because the customers are quite often Scs or CBA's
(can't be arsed.
As in can't be arsed to not dump stock on the floor ,
read large signs,
stop their kids from screaming for hours on end.
Or even worse CBA to take the kid to the bathroom, even though they have been asking to go for over twenty minutes.Really don't need to draw a picture for that one
, hate cleaning it up)
So to while away the frustration, I thought on some of the 'helpful' little things I do.
That while still within the limits of what won't get me fired , relieve some of the frustration.
before the limited brain to mouth filter fails.
Please add in some more so I know I'm not alone
BBF- Before brain filter
ABF- After Brain filter
Number one -Screaming kid
BBF- It's way to early in the morning, and the kid has been screaming fit to burst since they came in the store, while mum serenely pushes here little darling round and round our floor in an endless circuit.
Little kids scream, all natural, inevitable, fair enough , but for F@@~ks sake woman, at least pick the kid out of his push chair and try to find out what's wrong with him. I recognise that pitch , he hungry , bloody well do something about it we sell baby food and we'll even heat it up for you! What the hell is the problem
In the sickliest tone possible
ABF-Is all that noise coming from you, such a big noise for such a little person.
Customers "Oh yes and it's for no reason" like she couldn't hear the noise that permeated that whole floor.
BBF No reason the kids been screaming since half ten and it's now near enough lunch time, go feed it already
Number two-Subjective colour
Customer literally a minute before closing- "I want this dress it's blue , the code is XXxX"
BBF- " Thank god this one actually knows what she wants"
Runs off to find said item.
Which I'd never heard of, or seen before.
Not surprisingly find the item described doesn't exist.
On the off chance picks up a different colour dress and glances at the code.
Yep, no mistake, this is what the customer ordered, and it's no where matching the description she just gave. No it's not in the size she wants, we don't have her size, this one defiantly won't fit but she wants it anyway
Solution, think "thank god I'm not dealing with it when she brings it back to complain about the crappy person who got the wrong dress for her"
Number three - Why in hell's name do you think I'm cleaning up?
There's not enough staff in (never is) but I'm slowly making my way across the rails tidying up, picking up dropped stock standards , size range and colour ordering. It's taking ages as I'm having to run back and forth between jobs (till and shop floor)
Pair of Scs are wondering what's in the clean area, they spend the drum total of five minutes there, and low and behold - the whole damn lot's been unsorted again.
What's so damn hard about replacing an item on the rail your stood next to , in the placed you've just pulled it from.Instead of just dropping it and moving on the the area I'm currently tidying up.
Will post more frustrations later

(can't be arsed.
As in can't be arsed to not dump stock on the floor ,
read large signs,
stop their kids from screaming for hours on end.
Or even worse CBA to take the kid to the bathroom, even though they have been asking to go for over twenty minutes.Really don't need to draw a picture for that one

So to while away the frustration, I thought on some of the 'helpful' little things I do.
That while still within the limits of what won't get me fired , relieve some of the frustration.

Please add in some more so I know I'm not alone
BBF- Before brain filter
ABF- After Brain filter
Number one -Screaming kid
BBF- It's way to early in the morning, and the kid has been screaming fit to burst since they came in the store, while mum serenely pushes here little darling round and round our floor in an endless circuit.
Little kids scream, all natural, inevitable, fair enough , but for F@@~ks sake woman, at least pick the kid out of his push chair and try to find out what's wrong with him. I recognise that pitch , he hungry , bloody well do something about it we sell baby food and we'll even heat it up for you! What the hell is the problem

In the sickliest tone possible
ABF-Is all that noise coming from you, such a big noise for such a little person.
Customers "Oh yes and it's for no reason" like she couldn't hear the noise that permeated that whole floor.
BBF No reason the kids been screaming since half ten and it's now near enough lunch time, go feed it already
Number two-Subjective colour
Customer literally a minute before closing- "I want this dress it's blue , the code is XXxX"
BBF- " Thank god this one actually knows what she wants"
Runs off to find said item.
Which I'd never heard of, or seen before.
Not surprisingly find the item described doesn't exist.
On the off chance picks up a different colour dress and glances at the code.
Yep, no mistake, this is what the customer ordered, and it's no where matching the description she just gave. No it's not in the size she wants, we don't have her size, this one defiantly won't fit but she wants it anyway

Solution, think "thank god I'm not dealing with it when she brings it back to complain about the crappy person who got the wrong dress for her"
Number three - Why in hell's name do you think I'm cleaning up?
There's not enough staff in (never is) but I'm slowly making my way across the rails tidying up, picking up dropped stock standards , size range and colour ordering. It's taking ages as I'm having to run back and forth between jobs (till and shop floor)
Pair of Scs are wondering what's in the clean area, they spend the drum total of five minutes there, and low and behold - the whole damn lot's been unsorted again.

What's so damn hard about replacing an item on the rail your stood next to , in the placed you've just pulled it from.Instead of just dropping it and moving on the the area I'm currently tidying up.
