I do customer service for a credit card. The biggest thing to note about our card is that we offer no interest no payments for six months on any purchases 299 or more. That catch is, you have pay to the amount off in full or you'll get charged all the back interest from the 6 mo or 12 mo if you bought it at the right time. Needless people somehow always manage to miss that part. And this guy took the cake. He of course, had had a promotion expire (that's what we call the 299+ deals) and was utterly livid. The call went approx something like this.
Dr: supposedly one anyways
M: me
M: Thank you for calling blah blah this is Rosakala speaking may I have your name please?
Dr: Dr High and Mighty
M: Thank you and how can I help you today?
Dr: Why have I been charged these finance charges? Rant rant whine whine, Did I mention I was a doctor? Do you know how smart that makes me? These finaces chrges are an abomination! Oh was that word to big for you, do I need to explain what it means?
M: (Annoyed but still calm) No sir my vocabulary is just fine thank you. Now sir you -
Dr: No, no, you listen to me these finance charges are an abomination of the greatest sin akin to incest! Take those finances charges off or I'll close my account. *click*
I hit the aftrcall button so fast after I realized the idiot had hung up and promptly laughed myself silly. And since the customer hung up on me no finance charges were adjusted.
Dr: supposedly one anyways
M: me
M: Thank you for calling blah blah this is Rosakala speaking may I have your name please?
Dr: Dr High and Mighty
M: Thank you and how can I help you today?
Dr: Why have I been charged these finance charges? Rant rant whine whine, Did I mention I was a doctor? Do you know how smart that makes me? These finaces chrges are an abomination! Oh was that word to big for you, do I need to explain what it means?
M: (Annoyed but still calm) No sir my vocabulary is just fine thank you. Now sir you -
Dr: No, no, you listen to me these finance charges are an abomination of the greatest sin akin to incest! Take those finances charges off or I'll close my account. *click*
