Instead of concentrating on what SHOULD or COULD have happened, I'm going to concentrate on what DID happen: Given the cirucmstances, reaction time, etc, I think you handled this very well.
He seemed to be very defused once you gave him the phone number. Make yourself a stiff drink, and think about a battle (I mean handling, not fighting) plan for next time. Does your company not publish the number to the head office many places? Maybe you should carry cards to pass out if people complain to you enough on your way home.
(God, but what an annoying pain in the ass that would be!)
All in all, at least the outcome was positive, even though your heart and its palpitations may not agree at the moment.
He seemed to be very defused once you gave him the phone number. Make yourself a stiff drink, and think about a battle (I mean handling, not fighting) plan for next time. Does your company not publish the number to the head office many places? Maybe you should carry cards to pass out if people complain to you enough on your way home.

All in all, at least the outcome was positive, even though your heart and its palpitations may not agree at the moment.