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a very subtle suck

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  • a very subtle suck

    some of the members on here even probably do it, and it's not that bad it's just annoying because half of my carryouts do it and it doesn't help. When we're going out to your car, pointing at it doesn't help, you're pointing at 20 cars. That are half way across the parking lot. There are a lot worse things you could do, and doesn't make you an SC, but it's not the amazing help you think it is when you're pointing across 3 rows of cars in a packed parking lot

  • #2
    Here's another way to look at it: half of your carryouts aren't trying to be helpful.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      but it's always the ones who point that don't help me load their stuff. like the disabled person who has their groceries in the electric cart, they always point, why? or "it's the jeep right there" without pointing, this is alaska I see 3 jeeps and 4 subarus every time I look up.

      if you point and say "it's the red Yukon" or "it's the black escalade on 24s" I'll know where I'm going, but I walk to your vehicle with you not ahead of you, in case there are special instructions, or you're willing to help, it's very rarely both, but one way i don't get screamed at for doing it wrong the other way i get help


      • #4
        Thats my car, right there. The blue one! *points to a parking lot full of blue cars*

        What are carryouts anyway? Do the cashiers actually CARRY the groceries out for people?
        MMO Addicts group


        • #5
          Not the cashiers, the baggers. Stores like Publix and Bruno's do carryouts as a "service".

          I do have a problem with the one complaining about the customers who don't "help me load their stuff". If the store is offering carryout, why would/should I help the clerk do his job?

          And before you start sniping me for it, I worked at a grocery store that did carryouts for about a year. It was always nice when a customer helped load the bags in the car, but I didn't expect then to. Same with tipping, it's a nice bonus, but not expected.

          (For more on tipping/not tipping please go to
          Last edited by Crawley; 05-22-2008, 04:56 PM. Reason: punctuation... Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.
          If today is an indication of the rest of the week, I'm going to need to start drinking. - Mongo Skruddgemire


          • #6
            short answer

            the cashiers don't, because they can't leave their stand, but there is someone appointed to do that, with use of a cart(or you may call them buggies)

            long answer

            most stores have someone assigned to help customers get stuff to their car with use of a shopping cart, or sometimes an "L" cart or pallet jack, i've gotten creative a couple times. this can be an elderly/disabled customer who has trouble with their milk, or a large, heavy piece of furniture and anything in between. most stores that have baggers assign it to the baggers, as the cashiers can bag for a little while, or larger stores like most Wal Marts, Sam's Clubs, Costcos etc have the cart pushers do it. my store gives the cart pushers walkie talkies so that our managers can call us. sometimes stores will be understaffed on those positions(which, in my opinion, is a great place to trim payroll costs) and will have one or 2 people that the front end supervisors call by name over the PA system. if it's a heavy furniture item or trampoline or anything else the customer can't get off the shelf we usually have to go to the department where the items are to get them off the shelf, wait in the line at the register, then take it out to the customer's car, or in the summer we get alot of carryouts for soil type stuff. one day I had 3 carryouts back to back to back, involving almost 100 bags of chicken manure


            • #7
              Quoth Crawley View Post

              I do have a problem with the one complaining about the customers who don't "help me load their stuff". If the store is offering carryout, why would/should I help the clerk do his job?
              in a grocery setting this is true, but in situations such as a large, heavy furniture item, I see no reason why a uniformed soldier or airman would not be able to grab an end and make it a whole lot quicker/safer/easier. if the customer is disabled, or unable to help, I can be creative or call a coworker(I have a good amount of experience, so I know if I can or can't do it alone, and how to "get creative") but able bodied customers can make things a whole lot easier and safer for me, quicker for the, and safer for their vehicle, pretty easily, and I feel they should, unless 2 of us show up


              • #8
                I've never had a bagger help me carry out my groceries.

                Of course, none have ever offered and I never asked. *shrugs*

                But, I think, it's because I generally have one of my roommates with me when I go shopping so I have help carrying and loading the goods.

                I think, if I ever did a carry out, I would probably be kinda obvious about my vehicle. "Oh, it's the mono-tone one with the Jack in the Box thingy on the CB antenna."

                (CB antennas are never, ever standard and it's in the middle of the hood so it kinda sticks out in the parking lot)
                Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                • #9
                  Hmmm... I do point, sometimes, but I also say as I'm pointing "it's the blue Saturn" which is very descriptive when the parking lot is full of non-blue, non-Saturn vehicles.

                  I have to admit that I don't usually help load the groceries. The reason is, when I used to do so, I would usually be told by the bagger/carry-out person that "I've got it, ma'am".
                  Don't wanna; not gonna.

