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It's not my fault you don't understand math. (long)

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  • It's not my fault you don't understand math. (long)

    Ok here's how it works... you have to buy one game for each person that is bowling.

    So if you have 1 person bowling 3 games, you need to buy 3 games, but if you have 2 people bowling 3 games, you need to buy SIX. One game being 10 frames.

    So this group of 4 comes in, 3 of them buy 3 games each, and one of them buy 4.

    This gives them 13 games for 4 people... which means they can bowl 3 full games each, but then only ONE of them can play a 4th.

    Of course, they all try to play the 4th game, and they get cut off in the 4th person's 8th frame, because they are one game (10 frames) short.

    3 people x 2 frames left = 6 frames.
    1 person x 3 frames left = 3 frames.
    So they need 9 more frames... which basically means they have to buy ONE more game in order for everyone to finish.

    Also, we had a deal tonight in which you pay $15 per person, and then games only cost you 25 cents.

    So one of them comes up to the counter.

    SC = Guy who can't do math.
    SCF = Guy's friend who also can't do math.
    Me = Awesome at math.

    SC: "The lane just turned off in the 9th frame! We bought 4 games!"
    *I pull up his lane, and see the problem, 13 games, for 4 people*
    Me: "No, only one of you did, the other 3 only got 3 games each. You have 13 games for 4 people. If you want to finish, you need to buy one more game."
    SC: "What!?"
    Me: "Ok, with games you have to buy one game for each person. you're ONE game short of being able to finish."
    SC: "That doesn't make sense."
    Me: "You have 10 frames left to play, that's one game. If you want to finish you need to buy another 10 frames, it's gonna cost you a quarter."
    SC: "But it shut us off!"
    Me: "Yeah, you're short ONE game... Dude, it's only a quarter!"
    SC: "Well we want to finish this game and then play 1 more."
    Me: "Ok, $1.25 then."
    SC: "What?"
    Me: "It's 25 cents to finish this game, and then you need to buy 1 game for each person in order to play another... you have 4 people. So 4 people, 1 game each, is a dollar."

    The guy still doesn't understand, but pays the $1.25 and goes back to his lane. A minute later he comes back with his friend. (Well, it was more like his friend brought him back.)

    SCF: "We want to finish this game and get one more."
    Me: "Yeah, he just did, you're good."
    SCF: "but it shut us off!"
    Me: "Yeah, you have 4 people playing on 13 games, so you came up short. He already paid the $1.25. You're good to go now."
    SCF: "That doesn't make any sense."
    SC: "That's what I was saying."
    Me: "It's simple, you buy one game per person, he paid a quarter to finish this game, and then a dollar so you guys can play one more each. Everything's taken care of, you can go back and finish now."

    Neither of them understand still, but they accept their fate and go back to their lane.

    It's not hard people! 4 does not go into 13 evenly.

    Oh and yeah, I know the math is a little weird, because 4 doesn't go into 14 or 18 evenly either, which is how many games they ended up with. I think two of them showed up and played a game before the other two got their, so it makes the numbers a little weird... either way, they still needed to buy 5 more games
    <Insert clever signature here>

  • #2
    Man, bowling is complicated. I would fail at buying games.
    you are = you're. not "your".


    • #3
      It's actually very simple.

      1 game = 10 frames
      They got stopped with 10 frames left.

      Which means in order to complete the game for all of them, they need to buy one more game.

      In order for all of them to play one more full game, they need to buy 40 frames, which is 1 game each, or 4 games total... however you want to look at it.

      Usually, we go by time though (Most people go by the hour since that's how the price is listed, but I can sell any amount of time they want... 1 hour, 8 hours, half an hour, 47 minutes... whatever).
      Last edited by Lingering Grin; 05-22-2008, 01:01 PM.
      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        At least they finally accepted it, instead of demanding their 1.25 back and to play for free because they're stupid.
        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


        • #5
          Quoth Apathy View Post
          At least they finally accepted it, instead of demanding their 1.25 back and to play for free because they're stupid.
          Let them try... we don't do refunds
          <Insert clever signature here>


          • #6
            I thought I was good at math and I'm not following either. They had four people playing four games. That needs 16 games.

            They bought 13 games and then one more game. That's 14 games.

            So, they get two games free?
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              No, I think two of them showed up and bowled a game before the other two.

              So 1 game each for two people. Then 3 games each for 4 people = they need 14 games total. They only had 13 games.
              <Insert clever signature here>


              • #8
                And this is why I just go to the movies.


                • #9
                  Bowling's a little wierd that way. Try it like this.

                  Each set of 10 frames = $.25
                  Each person needs to buy 10 frames to play a full game.
                  4 people x 10 frames = 40 frames = $1.00 to play a full game.

                  The problem comes from how other games work. Most sell based on # of times playing, like shooting pool. Bowling is like mini-golf in that you pay per player, not per game.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.

