Our son's 2nd birthday is this weekend. Since our family don't really mix we decided to have 2 parties. My mother in law is even letting us have the party at her house since packing my husband's clan into our house makes a tight squeeze. With my family over half won't come either due to the drive or cause they have to work. 
There is a bakery in our neck of the woods that makes what I long ago dubbed Crack Cakes. These people make cupcakes and such that are just plain addictive. We've used them since Hubby and me's wedding and have promoted them a lot. When the in-laws needed a baby shower cake for me, they went there. When the local college was cake hunting for a function, we promoted them. Any time someone has needed a cake of some kind in the area we have promoted this bakery.
I called them on Monday after I'd gotten a final head count on how many folks we'd be having at both parties. Instead of ordering 2 cakes that would leave us with a lot of leftover cake, my husband and I decided to order a bunch of cupcakes to split between the parties. I placed an order for 25 cupcakes. 15 for the hubby's huge family and 10 for my smaller one. Even this is technically more then needed but it never hurts to have extra eh? Now the place is also a small restaurant and I called about 1ish after putting the minion down for a nap. This is during the lunch rush but I honestly was more worried about my chronic forgetfulness then catching them at a good time. I placed my order without any problem.
Wednesday I get a call from the bakery. They are calling to tell me that I can't have cupcakes ordered basically. I freely admit to becoming very confused at first till it occurred to me that it's Memorial Day weekend and that they probably had a ton of orders for fancy deserts (they do specialized cakes and the like). Most places have a set number of special orders they can do and I'm probably taking up a spot with my order of 25 regular cupcakes.
However the conversation quickly goes downhill. I'm told that I can't have an order AT ALL. I can walk in on Saturday and buy 25 cupcakes. This confuses me more. Conversation went something like this.
ME: To make sure I understand you correctly. You can't put 25 cupcakes to the side on Saturday and mark them with my name so I can come in and buy them. I have to just walk in on Saturday and hope you haven't been mobbed for cupcakes and that you'll have 25 to give me?
WORKER: Yep, but don't worry we never run out of cupcakes.

You never run out of cupcakes...this is suppose to be comforting? It's Saturday and you said yourself that your not open on Sunday or Monday when everyone is going to be having parties needing cupcakes or cookies or any other sweet you guys make. GAH!
I don't understand this policy. However I have never worked in a bakery, so I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this policy is in place for a good reason. I mentally shuffle my schedule to be at their door obscenely early on a Saturday when they open to get my cupcakes. I'm going out of my way to make sure my guests have the best cupcakes I can get on my son's birthday.
That night after a nasty day of life kicking the crap out of me I tell my husband about the situation while venting mildly about my day.
He seriously blew up! He started going on about how could they treat us so horribly after all the business we'd given them. How the owner would not have had a store if not for us (when we got married the owner was working out of her home). How if they were going to treat their customer's this way we'd go to Jewel down the street and get cupcakes. He even had the gall to say how if he'd treated his clients in such a manner he'd be out of business. I had to resist the urge to point out that he really shouldn't compare his job which is helping government employees use their software and fixing it when it breaks with a bakery job. He doesn't work with the public day in and day out, he works with the same people EVERY DAY.
Anyways he's up in arms over the whole thing.
I'm pretty much sitting there silently fuming at him being a jackass. I learned long ago never to bother trying to argue opinions or the like with my husband because eventually he'll adopt the mentality of "I'm right and your an idiot" even when there is no actual wrong or right!
We have a mild disagreement over the whole thing where I explain to him that they must have the policy in place for a good reason and he shouldn't expect that since we've praised them and recommended them to folks that we should be special. Sound familiar?
Yeah...I seem to have married a SC.

There is a bakery in our neck of the woods that makes what I long ago dubbed Crack Cakes. These people make cupcakes and such that are just plain addictive. We've used them since Hubby and me's wedding and have promoted them a lot. When the in-laws needed a baby shower cake for me, they went there. When the local college was cake hunting for a function, we promoted them. Any time someone has needed a cake of some kind in the area we have promoted this bakery.

I called them on Monday after I'd gotten a final head count on how many folks we'd be having at both parties. Instead of ordering 2 cakes that would leave us with a lot of leftover cake, my husband and I decided to order a bunch of cupcakes to split between the parties. I placed an order for 25 cupcakes. 15 for the hubby's huge family and 10 for my smaller one. Even this is technically more then needed but it never hurts to have extra eh? Now the place is also a small restaurant and I called about 1ish after putting the minion down for a nap. This is during the lunch rush but I honestly was more worried about my chronic forgetfulness then catching them at a good time. I placed my order without any problem.
Wednesday I get a call from the bakery. They are calling to tell me that I can't have cupcakes ordered basically. I freely admit to becoming very confused at first till it occurred to me that it's Memorial Day weekend and that they probably had a ton of orders for fancy deserts (they do specialized cakes and the like). Most places have a set number of special orders they can do and I'm probably taking up a spot with my order of 25 regular cupcakes.
However the conversation quickly goes downhill. I'm told that I can't have an order AT ALL. I can walk in on Saturday and buy 25 cupcakes. This confuses me more. Conversation went something like this.
ME: To make sure I understand you correctly. You can't put 25 cupcakes to the side on Saturday and mark them with my name so I can come in and buy them. I have to just walk in on Saturday and hope you haven't been mobbed for cupcakes and that you'll have 25 to give me?

WORKER: Yep, but don't worry we never run out of cupcakes.

You never run out of cupcakes...this is suppose to be comforting? It's Saturday and you said yourself that your not open on Sunday or Monday when everyone is going to be having parties needing cupcakes or cookies or any other sweet you guys make. GAH!
I don't understand this policy. However I have never worked in a bakery, so I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume this policy is in place for a good reason. I mentally shuffle my schedule to be at their door obscenely early on a Saturday when they open to get my cupcakes. I'm going out of my way to make sure my guests have the best cupcakes I can get on my son's birthday.
That night after a nasty day of life kicking the crap out of me I tell my husband about the situation while venting mildly about my day.
He seriously blew up! He started going on about how could they treat us so horribly after all the business we'd given them. How the owner would not have had a store if not for us (when we got married the owner was working out of her home). How if they were going to treat their customer's this way we'd go to Jewel down the street and get cupcakes. He even had the gall to say how if he'd treated his clients in such a manner he'd be out of business. I had to resist the urge to point out that he really shouldn't compare his job which is helping government employees use their software and fixing it when it breaks with a bakery job. He doesn't work with the public day in and day out, he works with the same people EVERY DAY.
Anyways he's up in arms over the whole thing.

I'm pretty much sitting there silently fuming at him being a jackass. I learned long ago never to bother trying to argue opinions or the like with my husband because eventually he'll adopt the mentality of "I'm right and your an idiot" even when there is no actual wrong or right!

We have a mild disagreement over the whole thing where I explain to him that they must have the policy in place for a good reason and he shouldn't expect that since we've praised them and recommended them to folks that we should be special. Sound familiar?

Yeah...I seem to have married a SC.
