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Someone has to pick that up, you know

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  • Someone has to pick that up, you know

    Just a quick one.

    I was out shopping a little bit ago, and I walked by an aisle and saw a lady reaching for some high stuff and knocking products off the shelf while doing so. I keep walking.

    My Wife: Did you see that?
    Me: What? (what I saw wasn't worth mentioning)
    MW: That lady just waltzed away after knocking all that stuff down. What a jerk.

    Here's how it would have gone down if I had seen it, or was motivated enough to make a scene:

    Me: Hey, lady, pick that stuff up.
    SC: WHAT!? Who are you to tell me (because you're somebody important, alright) what to do!?
    Me: I'm the guy that used to have to pick that shit up. So do it, NOW.

    And then my imagination went to where it always goes with SCs: into that gray area that CS doesn't condone...
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?

  • #2
    I would have paid good money to see someone do that to an SC. Hell, I'm remembering that line myself (spent a couple months as supermarket wage slave so that works for me too).
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


    • #3
      In such a situation, I make it a point to say something just loud enough for the SC to hear me, but it's never anything terribly mean. Something like "man, people are so inconsiderate..."
      This message brought to you by a hopeless pop-culture-obsessed social reject.

