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Good lord, the stupidity...

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  • Good lord, the stupidity...

    Hey all, I've been gone for quite some time, but I'm back now

    I've started working in a call center for an online gaming site. Policy states that when you make a deposit with a credit card, you need to submit a Credit Card Verification Form (which you can fax or email to us) before you can receive a payout. On this form, you have to make an imprint of your credit card. Basically, you just put your card under the form and rub it with a pencil. This is simply so that we can tell you have the actual card in your possession and didn't identity theft somebody.

    Enough explanation.
    I had a client send an email asking how to make the imprint of the credit card. I figured, "Hey, everybody has a brain-fart type of day, right?" So I gave him some slack. I explained the imprint process to him, answered the rest of his questions and hit the merry little "Send" button.

    Two Minutes Later. I get another email from this guy. Surprising, because we're in a queue system, so the email could have very well gone to somebody else. No, I had to experience the sheer stupidity.

    In the email, he asks: "How do I get an imprint of my card on the email?"

    I figured if I didn't tell him exactly what to do, step by step, that he'd end up bashing his credit card against the computer screen and yelling at us for making him ruin it. So, this is what I had to tell him, "In order to make an imprint of your credit card on the verification form, you must first print out the form."

    I never thought that I'd have to type something so.... dumb.
    Last edited by CiggyStoreClerk; 05-24-2008, 01:40 PM. Reason: A little clarification

  • #2
    Quoth CiggyStoreClerk View Post
    I never thought that I'd have to type something so.... dumb.
    If you think that's dumb, you'd better brace yourself. Any person who's worked for a while in an IT call centre has encountered that sort of intellect on a regular basis.

    I give you three months before you have developed a belief that you should have the legal right to make stupidity painful. If you want an idea of what a career in IT does to you, check out the usenet usegroups alt.sysadmin.recovery and It is not a pretty sight.


    • #3
      I've been lucky so far, that's the stupidest I've had since I started working here almost three months ago. Oh, I get sucky A LOT (where's my payout? what do you mean you observe international banking holidays? etc etc) but people normally have a little bit of common sense.

      Guess all those common-sensical people got my hopes up for the rest of the world


      • #4
        Why is this dumb? Making an imprint of a card isn't done so often anymore ...
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Quoth marasbaras View Post
          Why is this dumb? Making an imprint of a card isn't done so often anymore ...
          It's just cause he was asking how to get it in an email, and the fact that I'd already told him how to make the actual imprint. And the fact that he asked how to get the imprint on the email. Like I said, I was honestly expecting him to just bash his card onto his screen.


          • #6
            I guess I don't understand the sucky either. Was he supposed to snail mail the form back? If he does not have a scanner, how could he Email the form back with the imprint?
            Was it clear that he had to snail mail the form back?
            Not judgmental, just questioning.
            I have a scanner.. but most folks I know do not.
            If ultimately you let the people that fuck you over decide your attitude then they won.


            • #7
              Guess I should've clarified that a bit for everybody. I just forget that not too many people work for gambling sites.

              With the Credit Card Verification Form, you can either fax or email it in. Since we know most people don't own fax machines or scanners, we let them know that their local Kinko's or library would have that available, and I'd informed the client of this in the first email he sent to us.

              Sorry about forgetting that part


              • #8
                Sending a scan of a CC through email wouldn't be the wisest thing to do I imagine...
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Ciggystoreclerk, I have a grocery story that will make your person seem like a genius.

                  Of course, at our store we were super short handed (like usual ) so I was doing the cash office, self scan and service desk since the self scan person had to go on a checklane as a second cashier. I went over and scanned the alcohol for the cashier as she was under 21 and went back to the selfscan as there was a customer staring blankly at the machine. I asked if she needed help and this is where my brain locked:

                  Me: Hi, did you need some help?
                  Her: Yes, they're trying to give me soup.
                  Me: Excuse me?
                  Her: The machine said I bought soup.
                  Me: *looking at the control station monitor* this shows you bought (whatever she had that was most definitely NOT soup).
                  Her: The screen is showing soup. Look. *pointing*
                  Me: *looks up at the customer screen* Ma'am, that is just a graphic saying to place your item in a bag.

                  The screen was showing a can of soup being placed into a bag with the words "Please place your item in the bag" being repeated audibly and on the screen.

                  Me: (thinking to self) What the f*** is wrong with you?
                  Her: But, I don't want soup.
                  Me: Ma'am, be assured, you're not being charged for soup. That is just a generic picture being shown to say put your scanned item in the bag.
                  Her: *slowly catching on*, I'm not being charged for soup?
                  Me: No.
                  Her: okay.

                  So, CSC, your customer was at least trying.
                  Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                  • #10
                    Goodness, that made me giggle like a school girl ^_^

                    Now every time I see a can of soup, I'll think of you

