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What Part Don't You Get?

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  • What Part Don't You Get?

    Part 1

    Yesterday, on my way to punch in, a customer stopped me wanting to know where something was and I told her I wasn't on. She insisted I tell her where the item was so I told her the area it would be in and she wanted me to be more specific. I went up to the service desk, got an answer from my coworker, and told the customer who said thank you. What part of "I'm not on" didn't the customer get?

    Part 2

    After I closed lottery, 2 customers wanted their scratch offs checked and I told them that the lottery was closed. They insisted on having them checked so I checked the tickets just to get them to leave. One of the tickets won which meant I had to recount the till. What part of "the lottery's closed" didn't these customers get?
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  • #2
    On number 2, honestly, I wouldn't have checked it for her. I know she'd spout the "poor customer service" line, but if it's closed, and you gave her the money, what's gonna stop her from doing it again, and again, and again.
    Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


    • #3
      If you're standing there, you're clearly there to help them, right?

      This goes along with the cash register light being off and people flying in expecting service. I'm sorry (I'm not), but I'm not here to help you no matter what. I'm here to help you within reason.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        I have found that at times like these, one must be firm, yet polite with customers, lest they walk all over you. People come up to where I work several times after we are closed and bang on the doors... just tell them, "I'm sorry, but the terminal is down, you'll have to check back tomorrow. We open at such-and-such time..." and for the other, "Give me two seconds so I can clock in and I'll help you, or you can go over to the service desk and someone will help you immediately."

        Sometimes they just figure that what they need is more important or that it won't take long, etc.
        This message brought to you by a hopeless pop-culture-obsessed social reject.


        • #5
          What part of "I'm not on" didn't the customer get?
          The customer understood every word of it. And ... didn't care.

          What part of "the lottery's closed" didn't these customers get?
          The customer understood every word of it. And ... didn't care.

          (notice a pattern forming?)
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Today, a customer called wanting to know the winning lottery numbers that night. I was able to give her the 3 digit and 4 digit numbers but Cash 5 hadn't come up yet. I told the customer that Cash 5 wasn't up yet but she didn't seem to believe me. I told her this a few times very insistently and she still didn't believe me. I even told her the numbers from yesterday to prove that the Cash 5 numbers for today hadn't come up yet and then I finally got through to her. What part of "the numbers haven't come up yet" didn't this customer get?
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            • #7
              Sounds like the SC's at my store that when the doors are locked they bang on the doors and ask with hand gestures and mouth out the words "are you closed?"
              "Who Run Bartertown?"


              • #8
                Quoth Master_Blaster View Post
                Sounds like the SC's at my store that when the doors are locked they bang on the doors and ask with hand gestures and mouth out the words "are you closed?"
                Nope, were open. You have to find the secret brick in the building that will let the doors open.

