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We Can't Keep Promises Other People Make

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  • We Can't Keep Promises Other People Make

    I'm still chasing down stray brain cells and accidentally picked up the phone while I'm at lunch:

    Here's the conversation:

    Caller: I got your software as a free bonus at a training. They assured me that the next version would be free.

    Me: May I have your serial number?

    The caller gives the number, I look it up. It's too old to be free.

    Me: That was purchased in March of last year. I'm afraid that is well before the cutoff date for a free update. Your price would be $200.

    Caller: I don't understand. I was TOLD that I wouldn't have to pay for the next version.

    Me: Were you told that by an employee of our company?

    Caller: No. The trainer told me. She was QUITE clear. [Note: The trainer is not an employee or a representative of our company. She is in no position to make promises on behalf of our company. I think she was well-intentioned, but misinformed.]

    Me: I don't know where she got her information, but I'm afraid she was mistaken.

    Caller: This is unbelievable. Why would she tell me something wasn't true? She CLEARLY told us we would get the next version for free.

    Me: I'm afraid I can't answer for anyone else, but I can assure you that the price I am giving you is correct.

    Caller: Well, that just stinks. I was COUNTING on this being free. We don't HAVE any money to pay for it.

    Me: I understand. I've entered the quotation into our database. It will be good for 30 days, in case you change your mind and decide to purchase the update. Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Now I have to start all over tracking down those brain cells. Damn.
    Last edited by Dips; 09-14-2006, 07:56 PM.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    This reminds me of whenever I have to cover someone in the printing department and I take a message for Z or N or whoever, the customer almost always asks WHEN Z or N will call them back.

    All I can say is, "I will post the message where they'll see it but I can't guarantee when they'll get back to you." Mainly because I don't keep track of they were working on at break or lunch time, and perhaps my colleague simply isn't able to return calls immediately!


    • #3
      Quoth Dips View Post
      Now I have to start all over tracking down those brain cells. Damn.
      Meh, let them roam while your at work. You'll feel better for not trying to think too hard there and they'll have fun and come back when work's over and you need them.
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Quoth Cyanocobalamin View Post
        This reminds me of whenever I have to cover someone in the printing department and I take a message for Z or N or whoever, the customer almost always asks WHEN Z or N will call them back.
        You mean that you don't directly control the actions of your co-workers and aren't personally repsonsible for every task they do? I find that impossible to believe.


        • #5
          Quoth Dips View Post
          Now I have to start all over tracking down those brain cells. Damn.
          Wait, I think I found one here!

          Oh wait, it was just a cornnut, never mind . . .

          This area is left blank for a reason.


          • #6
            You mean that you don't directly control the actions of your co-workers..[snip]..?
            Actually, I can make R (the intelligent closing stocker) behave by throwing silica gel packets at him, or even just a single silica pellet. He will go "oh GAWD!", pretend to eat said packet or pellet, and then he will stop bitching about whatever he was bitching about at the moment and remove himself from my path.

            Yeah.... I'm still waiting for that USB port neuroinstallation.... Then I will be able to install mind control software into my brain.

