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another case of no=rude<bonus of not my proudest momment>

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  • another case of no=rude<bonus of not my proudest momment>

    ok I work in customer service for a well known wireless carrier-well for the next three days at least.(due to this we only hve oe manager and he is unable to take escalted calls, but he will call the customer back-ASAP) Our center gave away too many bill/equipment/ETF(early termination fee) credits and to cut costs-they moved our work to another center in a cheaper state-one where the entire staff of over 400 does not have english as a primary language. Which will lead to problems-due to xenophobes and communication issues.

    that being said-onto the call that left me shaking and crying-and leaving work after only 45 minutes.....

    SC-I would like to disconnect the number ending in xxxx.

    ME-well I'm showing that line is under contract until 2009, so there would be an ETF.

    SC-why is it under contract-we have done our two years!!!

    ME-well it looks like you agreed to a contract extension of 1 year to receive extra anytime minutes-which is reflected on the last two invoices.

    SC-We were told the minutes were to keep us from leaving, we were never told about a contract extension.(possibly true willing to work with them until....)

    SC-we were called by customer service on april 17th and offered the bonus minutes, but were supposed to stay out of contract.(cs will not do this and it was done in store-which means there is a paper contract on file)

    ME-Well I'm showing there was a payment made on april 17th through our automated system, and the contract extension was done at the store-and as stores and customer service have different systems there is no way for CS to have entered that extension, you would have to go to the store, as if there was a paper contract signed, I would not have access to it.

    SC- it must have been the store that called us on the 17th then-check our phone records, you'll see a call from the xxx store on that day-we never signed anything.

    ME-(I never said what store it was)Are you sure about that date?

    SC-positive, there was x going on that day, and they interrupted me during y.

    ME-The reason I ask is because the contract extension did take place at the xxx store like you mentioned earlier, but it was done on March 24th. You will have to take this up with the store manager, as they need to know if one of they're employees is extending contracts without the knowledge of the customer, they will be more than happy to fix this for you, as long as there is no paper contract on file.

    SC-I'm not going to the store, I'm not paying the ETF, I never signed a contract on the 24th of March, the store called me on the 23rd, I want to speak with your manager!!!!

    ME-unfortunately we do not have one available at the momment but I can tae your callback information and one will get back to you before 3 pm today.


    ME-I will be happy to take your callback information, and give it to my manager, or cal the store and have their manager call you-the account will be noted with the information you have given me-including the fact that you've changed your story three times during this call.

    SC-I NEVER CHANGED MY STORY!!!!!eleventy1111

    ME-actually first you claimed CD called on the 17th, then when I told you it was done in a store, it was the store that called n the 17th, then after I informed you of the date of the extension your story changed a third time, plus you cursed at me-this is all noted in the account, now may I have your contact information?

    SC-You're f'ing rude-I'll have you fired for this......<click>

    <now entering-not my proudest momment)

    ME-Actually I'll save you some time, my job is being outsourced in three days, so honestly I don't care anymore-

    said to a dead line but still.........I feel kinda bad for that.

    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

  • #2
    I'm really sorry you're losing your job. That's no fun for anyone, no matter how sucky it was at the end...
    I no longer fear HELL.
    I work in RETAIL.


    • #3
      I don't see why you would feel bad about that, because the customer otally asked for it and, given the circumstances, I wouldn't have given a damn either...
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        Ugh. The nerve of some people. I couldn't have been able to contain myself and probably would have said "I see it takes one to know one" when accused of being a liar. :|
        This message brought to you by a hopeless pop-culture-obsessed social reject.


        • #5
          My job got outsourced this month too. It really is hard to keep caring to the end. I'm sorry you have to go through that, and I don't blame you at all for venting a little.
          You know that feeling you get when you lean too far back in a chair and you find yourself falling, but catch yourself just in time? I feel like that all the time.


          • #6
            Quoth Samaliel View Post
            I don't see why you would feel bad about that, because the customer otally asked for it and, given the circumstances, I wouldn't have given a damn either...
            And how.
            Knowing me I would have cut the SC off mid-sentence just to make sure I got that line in.


            • #7
              If I knew my job was outsourced and my days were numbered, I would be so happy with calls like that because it wouldn't matter what I said...I'm not going to be there anymore anyway.
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                Any bet that the call center gave too much away due to spineless managers?

                Hope you get a new job very soon.
                "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                • #9
                  Quoth marasbaras View Post
                  Any bet that the call center gave too much away due to spineless managers?
                  yup I heard a lot of "oh you were told that $600 phone would be free, here let me just credit that for you, I'm sorry for any misunderstanding" And this was usually after the rep had come to me and I had gone over what they were charged and why-and how to explain it. Heck I had one manager attempt to issue credit for a phone the customer purchased two years prior. Because it stopped working. I also had a manager try to issue credit for a phone the customer bought on E-Bay-that surprisingly didn't work

                  I warned them the more they gave away the less likely we'd still have a job in a year-they laughed and said "company can afford it" I have a husband with a decent job so we'll be ok for a while while I'm looking-the managers-not so much, most live alone in very expensive apartments/condos, and brand-new cars.

                  Quoth kiokushitaka View Post
                  I couldn't have been able to contain myself and probably would have said "I see it takes one to know one" when accused of being a liar. :|
                  this actually didn't upset me, she had lied to me already, so calling me a liar was just another lie. I got upset at being called rude for saying no-I am never rude, firm and unwaivering, yes, but if you're nice I'll do my damnedest to work with you. Yesterday I cut someone's bill in half from $400 to $200 with valid/justifiable credits-because she was nice and actually didn't ask for anything, I genuinely wanted to help her out. Yes I will give you credits(I have $150.00 limit per line-floor agents only have $50 per account-technically I am a supervisor-taking calls due to last weeks of work), but never for someone that yells at me, insults me, or uses profanity.
                  Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 05-28-2008, 02:35 AM.
                  Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

