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Really? No.

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  • Really? No.

    So this call took place before I became a Supervisor in my department, around 2 months ago.

    Me: Thank you for calling Guest Relations, this is dekydrose speaking. How may I help you?

    Sucky Platinum Member (hereafter known as SPM): Yes. I would like to complain about my stay at the Express in Cedar City?

    Me: (Sidenote: My husband and I had just returned from the Holiday Inn Express in Cedar City and had an awesome time). I'm sorry to hear that! What happened?

    SPM: Well, it was just horrible. The hotel staff was rude to me, my room did not have a heater in it and neither did any of the 4 rooms they moved me to, the fire alarm went off at 3 AM, the pool was freezing, the hot tub's water level was below the required level and it was too cold, and to top it all off, someone had entered into my room and moved everything to the opposite side of the room! When I spoke to the hotel about the items being moved, they told me that housekeeping hadn't even gotten to my room yet so they didn't know who did it! It was the worst hotel stay ever and I demand a full refund for the two nights I spent there. Plus, it's in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing to do.

    Me: I'm so sorry about the incidents that occured! Now, I just want to clarify. This is Cedar City, Utah...correct?

    SPM: Yes.

    Me: Ok, and when did you stay at the hotel?

    SPM: This past Friday and Saturday the (confirms dates)

    Me: Now that, sir, is interesting. I..

    SPM: Oh ya! And they were undergoing renovation too!

    Me: The hotel in Cedar?

    SPM: Yes!

    Me: Really? Where?

    SPM: The entrance to the hotel. The carpet was being torn out and replaced, I could smell the glue in my room and it made me sick. It was hard to enjoy the breakfast when everytime I opened my mouth, I tasted the fumes.

    Me: Hmm. And this is the H.I. Express in Cedar City, UT?

    SPM: Yes. I have never experienced such a hotel before.

    Me: Sir, I was at the hotel the same dates you were. There was no rennovation going on. The pool was around 78 degrees, the hot tub was filled to the same level every other hot tub I have seen was, and the rooms have heater units on the wall that you can use to control the furnace...

    SPM: *click*

    OWNED! And of course I noted his attempt to scam us in his files. Which are permanent. Which are pulled up everytime a member complains.

  • #2
    Wow, what're the chances? And other cliched phrases.

    Bet that caught him off guard.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3

      Oh yes that is just awesome....He jkust kept adding more and more and making the BS meter so full he got it all back on him...


      • #4
        That has got to be the best Pwnge of a SC I have every read of. You rock!
        "Honestly officer, he asked for a shot and I gave him one. Why do you need the handcuffs?" - MannersMakethMan


        • #5
          Reminds me of a similar incident at the pizza place:

          Guy calls up complaining about an order he came in and picked up. Everything about the order was wrong. The pizza was burnt the toppings had slid off, the rolls were hard and too greasy, the soda was flat. It was as he said inedible.

          I check through the order sheets and sure enough no sign of his order. I ask him if he sure it was this location as there is one more (albeit separately owned)

          SC: Yes I'm sure it was that location. Right there on 9th. I ought to know where I went.

          Sorry but I just had to play with this guy.

          ME: So when you came in to pick up your food. You didn't notice anything strange?
          SC: Damn right I noticed something strange, you gave me a substandard product. I want something done about it!
          ME: Such as?
          SC: I want a free pizza!

          (I've never understood this, if our product is so bad why would you want one comped to you? Oh that's right, you're a scammer!)

          ME: Well, I'd really love to help you there sir, and I know how much work and effort you must have put in to get your story right. Maybe you're just going through the yellow pages and picking pizza places at random and I know how disappointing it can be when such a good effort doesn't yield the results you wanted.
          SC: Are you calling me a liar?!!
          ME: Wouldn't dream of it sir. However had you gone to our location on 9th you would have not found our pizza place. We haven't been in that location for the past five months.
          SC: Look, I can't remember where it was, I just know I got it from you!
          ME: Don't you think it's a bit late to backpedal now? I'm sorry you were hoping I would buy your story but I've worked here a good many years now and I know every trick in the book. But right now I have some REAL customers up front and I'm afraid I'm going to have to end this conversation. Better luck next time dude.
          SC: Wait...don't....

          And off he went.

          did he learn his lesson....?
          did he call the next pizza place on the list.....?
          did he ever get his comped pizza.....?

          Who cares?
          I don't like your attitude!
          Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!


          • #6

            Don'tcha love it when they get caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar?
            Know why it's called the American "Dream"? 'Cause you have to be asleep to believe it! --George Carlin


            • #7
              I love SC pwnage.

              Maybe he'll think twice about trying that one again.

              "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


              • #8
                Just tonight I was at the local Giant Eagle (grocery store), which is a newer store that moved in after Tops closed and the customers behind me AND in front of me were whining about the discount membership cards (customer in front didn't have hers... er, her MOM's, actually; customer behind me was mad that the cashier didn't let hers be scanned instead). The idiot behind me was going on and on about how "other" Giant Eagles let customers switch cards "all the time" and how they use a courtesy card if you don't have yours, which, of course DOESN'T HAPPEN because it's a form of FRAUD. The cashier alerted her that things like that weren't tolerated by the company and how none of their stores do that, and that she was probably thinking of the old Tops' policy for *their* discount cards, since they did that kind of thing. Idiot customer got even surlier and shot back with "I've been shopping here for 10 YEARS and I never had trouble like this!! OTHER STORES let me do it-YOU'RE just not letting me do it!" and glared at the cashier (who kicked ass, by the way). He looked at her like she was insane, and said "10 years? We've been here LESS THAN TWO" which, unfortunately went unheard because idiot customer was mumbling at herself about injustice or some crap...


                • #9
                  This, sadly, is not new. Our owners/managers have gotten tougher about people who try to scam. Now people pay unless they have a logical/fair complaint.

                  Thank You for staying at that hotel for those nights!
                  When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


                  • #10
                    Quoth Listerfiend View Post
                    He looked at her like she was insane, and said "10 years? We've been here LESS THAN TWO" which, unfortunately went unheard because idiot customer was mumbling at herself about injustice or some crap...
                    I had a guy try to return a very ancient (10+) year old mini-food processor. We couldn't find it in his account, so we couldn't do it.

                    SC: But I JUST bought it here! (The thing had COBWEBS in the bottom, BULL)
                    Me: Well, there's nothing in here from back to a year...
                    SC: Go back further, look back 10 years. (Hahaha, now he's admitting it)
                    Me: Still nothing.
                    SC: Look, I BOUGHT THIS FROM HERE. I remember distinctly when I bought it! I bought this in 1998 at THIS STORE!
                    Me: You're positive it was here.
                    SC: Yes.
                    Me: Here at this store.
                    SC: YES!
                    Me: We opened in 2001.
                    SC: (stares at me, picks up the rusty old thing, and walks out)

                    scammy scammy scam scam
                    Last edited by Nakajo; 05-28-2008, 11:04 AM.
                    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


                    • #11
                      wow, I just can't believe people. Those stories all reek of suckitude.
                      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                      • #12
                        Man, I love this site. You all rock!


                        • #13
                          Quoth thehippie777 View Post
                          This, sadly, is not new. Our owners/managers have gotten tougher about people who try to scam. Now people pay unless they have a logical/fair complaint.

                          Thank You for staying at that hotel for those nights!
                          I wish our pizza place did that, but unfortuneately THEY JUST LOVE TO GIVE AWAY FREE STUFF (then have the balls to complain aboiut food cost and labor). the powers that be have even gone soooo far as to "MAKE" us BELIEVE the customer. we used to be L.A.S.T (listen aplogize satisfy and thank) now it is BLAST (B = believe no matter what)

                          like last night a guy ordered extra cheese on a combination pizza. I took the order and delivered it. the JERK called up and complained NOT ENOUGH CHEESE and got a free pie.
                          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                            I wish our pizza place did that, but unfortuneately THEY JUST LOVE TO GIVE AWAY FREE STUFF (then have the balls to complain aboiut food cost and labor). the powers that be have even gone soooo far as to "MAKE" us BELIEVE the customer. we used to be L.A.S.T (listen aplogize satisfy and thank) now it is BLAST (B = believe no matter what)

                            like last night a guy ordered extra cheese on a combination pizza. I took the order and delivered it. the JERK called up and complained NOT ENOUGH CHEESE and got a free pie.
                            I know who you work for. I work for that company also as a driver. Sadly, we get that last bit also. Let me ask, does your management act like the company is going broke when we have stores all over the WORLD and profits EVERY year?
                            I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


                            • #15
                              Quoth donruss View Post
                              I know who you work for. I work for that company also as a driver. Sadly, we get that last bit also. Let me ask, does your management act like the company is going broke when we have stores all over the WORLD and profits EVERY year?
                              we are a state wide franchize owned not corp.

                              but they (RMG district and regional manager and the pukes at corp) and still like to beat us up for EVERYTHING but act so schizoid.

                              1. beat us up on labor cost so less hours are scheduled (insiders and drivers) so our DST dips about 15 - 20% and inside service satisfaction goes down. 2. bitch about DST and service so labor costs go up. 3 go to step one

                              1. tell us to GIVE the customers free stuff. 2. bitch about food cost going sky high. 3 scammers no longer get free stuff 4. scammers complain to corp 5 scammers get FREE shit from franchize corp 5. go to step 1

                              then they all bitch and complain when raise time comes around or when by law minimum wage goes up (thank GODS for that).

                              (whoops can't buy that ivory backscratcher this month. where is that reference from (give specifics) ?????? LOL)

                              repeat ad nausium a viscious cycle that drives us peons and managers up the wall.

                              like chicken little "thye sky is falling the sky is falling and on and on..........."
                              Last edited by Racket_Man; 06-08-2008, 12:40 AM.
                              I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                              -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                              "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

