Wow, I write a lot of long stuff, don't I?
Shoot me if I bore you. This happened a while ago, but SC re-reared his head again last night so I was reminded of it. This story will warp your mind and confuse the heck out of you. You are warned.
As you may know, I am a web designer now by trade, since it's a good job to do while staying at home with my daughter. There are a certain kind of websites that I tend to get a LOT of business from (those paid to do surveys, offers, etc sites) because I managed to once design one of the largest ones out newbies come to me for my designs. These are called GPT I'll refer to them as such to save time.
So anyways, one day I get an email from a woman who was well-known on a lot of forums, telling me she was starting up a new GPT site and wanted me to design it for her. Sure -- and since I knew her, I'd even give a discount, right? All she had to do was buy some additional banners, and I'd only charge her $120 for the whole package. If she didn't want the banners, well then it'd be my normal $120 price for the template. (As you can see, I was basically saying, Hey! Free banner ads!)
She agrees to the contract, pays the down deposit, and off we go. Within 2 days, I had completely finished her template to her satisfaction. Or so I thought. Late one night I get an IM from her. She's claiming that "the bottom of the website is six inches below everything else". Huh what? I check said website on my PC, hubby's PC, call up six friends and have THEM check...nobody sees this "six inches". She proceeds to rant and rave, and eventually I wheedle out of her that she doesn't 'really' think that...but someone told her it looked like that so therefore she wanted it changed. Said person was someone I had a history with, and who is well known to try and do whatever they can to cause me trouble.
After explaining this, she admits she knows he doesn't like me, and that he ranted and raved when he found out it was me designing her site...and yet she took his word for it?!
I, however, try to be super nice and make a couple extra changes to the site, just so she's happy and calmer about the whole matter. She thanked me profusely for not charging extra for all the changes, and sends me the $100 for the template...and gives me the go ahead to make the banners. I do so and send her the previews of them and the invoice.
Two months pass without a WORD from her, even though I email and email and email. Then, she reappears and tells me, sorry...she doesn't want the banners anymore. I explain sorry, she still has to pay for them...I made them custom for her and even if she didn't want them, she'd still technically owe me $20 for the template. So, either 3 banners for $20, or nothing for $20. Seems like not a terribly difficult choice, right?
Next day, she tells me she's selling the site...okay not my problem.'s the catch. Whoever buys it, wants to have banners already made for it. Which I happen to have. Would I be so kind to just give them over and either she'll pay after she sells the site...or she'll just have whoever buys the site pay me for them. Sorry, I wasn't born yesterday. I explain again that she needs to pay up the $20 either way...and send her an invoice showing why and giving her a chance to pay up again. Hoo boy. Bad idea, I guess. She IMs me:
SC: Please leave me alone
Seraph: Huh?
SC: I was not going to say anything but you then you sent me a bill
Seraph: hired me to do work. I finished said can't just leave me hanging.
Seraph: That's unfair to me.
SC: You did a s*** job
Seraph: Excuse me?!
Seraph: You asked me to make 3 banners for you, for $20! (Side note: normally I charge $20 for ONE banner)
<SC rants about random problems with the site, all of which are obviously faked)
SC: Your lucky I paid you for the shit job
Seraph: Whatever you say. but, you still owe me for the banner work. That's still standing.
Seraph: 2 more invoices will be sent, as a forewarning to you. After that, I proceed with what I normally do with broken contracts.
As I told her, I waited, and then sent another invoice later. She IMs me soon afterwards again, enraged. She claims I not only am harassing her, but that if I press the matter, she will file a chargeback on PayPal for the original $100 and report my account as a scammer, etc etc. I ignore her rant...and half an hour later she IMs me again, stating now that she has no money whatsoever, and can't pay any bills...this is why she needs to do this to me... yadda yadda.
Four days later, her site goes down. She didn't pay her hosting bills, from what I found out. Guess who she blames? :P Now, she is in a FURY, and starts claiming she will be hiring a lawyer to come after me for all the harassing I'm doing. Sorry, but it's not my fault that you couldn't pay your bills. :P At this point, I ignore's obvious she's not going to pay me...and I don't feel like fighting over $20.
A week passes, and suddenly out of the blue I get an email from her, apologizing and asking for an invoice. I send it...and get another email back from her, back to her ranting ways, claiming that here I am yet again harassing her.
Thankfully though...a few hours later of ignoring her...I get a nice ding from my email letting me know I got a PayPal payment. Oh...maybe this is all over, right? Checking the payment, I noticed it was from a male name that wasn't even close to the name I knew her by. Odd...but I wasn't going to argue. I later realize I definitely should have inquired about this. :P
Months pass in (mostly) peace.
Hm...IM window is flashing...oh dear god its her.
SC: Do you know anything about the messages? (What the gefilte fish?...)
SC: Between parakeets and the forum messages?
Major WTF moment. Parakeets and forums? Is she talking about a pet forum?... I ask that. Incoming...the crazy part.
Seraph: I know my friend used to have one and that's all I can offer on the subject
SC: ok but do you know anything about the messages
(What the heck?)
Seraph: NOt a clue....what forum?
SC: ptctalk
Seraph: Nope - never been there.
SC: please tell me the truth seraph
SC: I want to know HOW much to WORRY [I]
(What in blazes happened?... I'm starting to get weirded out.)[I]
Seraph: Um I just told you... I've never even heard of this forum.
SC: Seraph I feel better now
(Good, maybe she'll leave...oh guess not)
SC: Is there anyway that you can tell the truth? If I help your family will you tell the truth. I want to change.
SC: I want to become a better person
Seraph: What do you mean?... I'm so confused right now.
Its true! I have NEVER been so confused before in my life, LOL!
SC: Did somebody tell you I am a guy?
Seraph: Um, no....
(Hold on there. Never heard that...but that PayPal was in a guys name. Maybe...naah....right?...)
SC: Do you think a person should set their own destiny and god assist them or ppl choose it for them?
(okay fine...time to try total honesty.)
Seraph: ...can I ask where all of this is coming from?...I'm a little asked about parakeets and some forum at first...and then this...and you keep asking me to tell the truth. I'm just a little off-balance and wondering what's going on.
SC: If I support your family completely would you tell the full truth? I want to change and help ppl didn't work.
SC: Do you know anything about Cronus?
Seraph: No.
SC: You must know
Somehow, I can just picture them with this horrified look on their face, stretching the words into a piercing whine.
SC: Do you believe in repent and change?
Seraph: Yes, of course I do. I'm a Christian.
SC: Then why should I not be given the opportunity
Seraph: Um, you should....who said you couldn't have that opportunity?
SC: Cronus who set my path
SC: nevermind. I hope your family lives a long and healthy life
Seraph: Thanks, and the same to you.
SC: Its too late for me
Seraph: It's never too late for anyone....why would you say that? do you need me to call someone for you? Are you okay, dear?
SC proceeds to pour their heart out....supposedly they were on suicide watch at the hospital right then. (WTF how did they get ahold of a PC then?...weren't they being monitored?...) I try to be as nice as possible, while also looking for an out of the's starting to creep me out.
Ironically...the next day I get a PM on a forum that I run from one of the members, asking if I'd heard about the big scandal on a website network. No...not heard anything about it. Then they mention the key words: "Oh, well it involved some guy and Cronus." Well, that got MY attention.
Turns out, SC weirdo was actually a guy. Mid twenties to be exact. He used to hang out on forums, pretending to be a female. He hopped onto one forum, and met this other person, who went by the forum name of Cronus...who happened to be a 17 year old. SC then sends sexually overtoned emails to the kid, claiming to be a college girl who saw his pic and was interested in talking/cybering with him. (Please don't make me explain From there on I'm not sure what happened, just that Cronus somehow found out it WASNT a girl he was talking to...just some older guy. He sets him on ignore...SC flips the fark out. Goes crazy posting on the forums that he's not a bad person, that Cronus is manipulating his destiny and that he truly loves him...blah de blah.
So yep...SC turned out to be a mentally unbalanced pedophile who had a penchant for little boys. :P
I didn't really hear from SC ever again...except for the fact that a couple of days ago he showed up on my forums, posting links to porn websites and babbling crazy stuff. Yes, he said that. I banned him from my forums for that...obviously.
So there ends my story of the crazed, pervy, whacked out SC. Sad thing is...I didn't even mention the parts where he claimed that his love of young boys was caused by a problem he had with his sweat glands. Or the time when he decided that he would go and get a few passports and "sneak past the FBI and out of the country". Sorry this was so long...but maaaan it feels a lot better to have talked about Le Crazy Dude. I swear this site is so therapeutic.

As you may know, I am a web designer now by trade, since it's a good job to do while staying at home with my daughter. There are a certain kind of websites that I tend to get a LOT of business from (those paid to do surveys, offers, etc sites) because I managed to once design one of the largest ones out newbies come to me for my designs. These are called GPT I'll refer to them as such to save time.
So anyways, one day I get an email from a woman who was well-known on a lot of forums, telling me she was starting up a new GPT site and wanted me to design it for her. Sure -- and since I knew her, I'd even give a discount, right? All she had to do was buy some additional banners, and I'd only charge her $120 for the whole package. If she didn't want the banners, well then it'd be my normal $120 price for the template. (As you can see, I was basically saying, Hey! Free banner ads!)
She agrees to the contract, pays the down deposit, and off we go. Within 2 days, I had completely finished her template to her satisfaction. Or so I thought. Late one night I get an IM from her. She's claiming that "the bottom of the website is six inches below everything else". Huh what? I check said website on my PC, hubby's PC, call up six friends and have THEM check...nobody sees this "six inches". She proceeds to rant and rave, and eventually I wheedle out of her that she doesn't 'really' think that...but someone told her it looked like that so therefore she wanted it changed. Said person was someone I had a history with, and who is well known to try and do whatever they can to cause me trouble.
After explaining this, she admits she knows he doesn't like me, and that he ranted and raved when he found out it was me designing her site...and yet she took his word for it?!

I, however, try to be super nice and make a couple extra changes to the site, just so she's happy and calmer about the whole matter. She thanked me profusely for not charging extra for all the changes, and sends me the $100 for the template...and gives me the go ahead to make the banners. I do so and send her the previews of them and the invoice.
Two months pass without a WORD from her, even though I email and email and email. Then, she reappears and tells me, sorry...she doesn't want the banners anymore. I explain sorry, she still has to pay for them...I made them custom for her and even if she didn't want them, she'd still technically owe me $20 for the template. So, either 3 banners for $20, or nothing for $20. Seems like not a terribly difficult choice, right?
Next day, she tells me she's selling the site...okay not my problem.'s the catch. Whoever buys it, wants to have banners already made for it. Which I happen to have. Would I be so kind to just give them over and either she'll pay after she sells the site...or she'll just have whoever buys the site pay me for them. Sorry, I wasn't born yesterday. I explain again that she needs to pay up the $20 either way...and send her an invoice showing why and giving her a chance to pay up again. Hoo boy. Bad idea, I guess. She IMs me:
SC: Please leave me alone
Seraph: Huh?
SC: I was not going to say anything but you then you sent me a bill
Seraph: hired me to do work. I finished said can't just leave me hanging.
Seraph: That's unfair to me.
SC: You did a s*** job
Seraph: Excuse me?!
Seraph: You asked me to make 3 banners for you, for $20! (Side note: normally I charge $20 for ONE banner)
<SC rants about random problems with the site, all of which are obviously faked)
SC: Your lucky I paid you for the shit job
Seraph: Whatever you say. but, you still owe me for the banner work. That's still standing.
Seraph: 2 more invoices will be sent, as a forewarning to you. After that, I proceed with what I normally do with broken contracts.
As I told her, I waited, and then sent another invoice later. She IMs me soon afterwards again, enraged. She claims I not only am harassing her, but that if I press the matter, she will file a chargeback on PayPal for the original $100 and report my account as a scammer, etc etc. I ignore her rant...and half an hour later she IMs me again, stating now that she has no money whatsoever, and can't pay any bills...this is why she needs to do this to me... yadda yadda.
Four days later, her site goes down. She didn't pay her hosting bills, from what I found out. Guess who she blames? :P Now, she is in a FURY, and starts claiming she will be hiring a lawyer to come after me for all the harassing I'm doing. Sorry, but it's not my fault that you couldn't pay your bills. :P At this point, I ignore's obvious she's not going to pay me...and I don't feel like fighting over $20.
A week passes, and suddenly out of the blue I get an email from her, apologizing and asking for an invoice. I send it...and get another email back from her, back to her ranting ways, claiming that here I am yet again harassing her.

Months pass in (mostly) peace.
Hm...IM window is flashing...oh dear god its her.
SC: Do you know anything about the messages? (What the gefilte fish?...)
SC: Between parakeets and the forum messages?
Major WTF moment. Parakeets and forums? Is she talking about a pet forum?... I ask that. Incoming...the crazy part.
Seraph: I know my friend used to have one and that's all I can offer on the subject
SC: ok but do you know anything about the messages
(What the heck?)
Seraph: NOt a clue....what forum?
SC: ptctalk
Seraph: Nope - never been there.
SC: please tell me the truth seraph
SC: I want to know HOW much to WORRY [I]
(What in blazes happened?... I'm starting to get weirded out.)[I]
Seraph: Um I just told you... I've never even heard of this forum.
SC: Seraph I feel better now

(Good, maybe she'll leave...oh guess not)
SC: Is there anyway that you can tell the truth? If I help your family will you tell the truth. I want to change.
SC: I want to become a better person
Seraph: What do you mean?... I'm so confused right now.
Its true! I have NEVER been so confused before in my life, LOL!
SC: Did somebody tell you I am a guy?
Seraph: Um, no....
(Hold on there. Never heard that...but that PayPal was in a guys name. Maybe...naah....right?...)
SC: Do you think a person should set their own destiny and god assist them or ppl choose it for them?
(okay fine...time to try total honesty.)
Seraph: ...can I ask where all of this is coming from?...I'm a little asked about parakeets and some forum at first...and then this...and you keep asking me to tell the truth. I'm just a little off-balance and wondering what's going on.
SC: If I support your family completely would you tell the full truth? I want to change and help ppl didn't work.
SC: Do you know anything about Cronus?
Seraph: No.
SC: You must know
Somehow, I can just picture them with this horrified look on their face, stretching the words into a piercing whine.
SC: Do you believe in repent and change?
Seraph: Yes, of course I do. I'm a Christian.
SC: Then why should I not be given the opportunity
Seraph: Um, you should....who said you couldn't have that opportunity?
SC: Cronus who set my path
SC: nevermind. I hope your family lives a long and healthy life
Seraph: Thanks, and the same to you.
SC: Its too late for me
Seraph: It's never too late for anyone....why would you say that? do you need me to call someone for you? Are you okay, dear?
SC proceeds to pour their heart out....supposedly they were on suicide watch at the hospital right then. (WTF how did they get ahold of a PC then?...weren't they being monitored?...) I try to be as nice as possible, while also looking for an out of the's starting to creep me out.
Ironically...the next day I get a PM on a forum that I run from one of the members, asking if I'd heard about the big scandal on a website network. No...not heard anything about it. Then they mention the key words: "Oh, well it involved some guy and Cronus." Well, that got MY attention.
Turns out, SC weirdo was actually a guy. Mid twenties to be exact. He used to hang out on forums, pretending to be a female. He hopped onto one forum, and met this other person, who went by the forum name of Cronus...who happened to be a 17 year old. SC then sends sexually overtoned emails to the kid, claiming to be a college girl who saw his pic and was interested in talking/cybering with him. (Please don't make me explain From there on I'm not sure what happened, just that Cronus somehow found out it WASNT a girl he was talking to...just some older guy. He sets him on ignore...SC flips the fark out. Goes crazy posting on the forums that he's not a bad person, that Cronus is manipulating his destiny and that he truly loves him...blah de blah.
So yep...SC turned out to be a mentally unbalanced pedophile who had a penchant for little boys. :P
I didn't really hear from SC ever again...except for the fact that a couple of days ago he showed up on my forums, posting links to porn websites and babbling crazy stuff. Yes, he said that. I banned him from my forums for that...obviously.
So there ends my story of the crazed, pervy, whacked out SC. Sad thing is...I didn't even mention the parts where he claimed that his love of young boys was caused by a problem he had with his sweat glands. Or the time when he decided that he would go and get a few passports and "sneak past the FBI and out of the country". Sorry this was so long...but maaaan it feels a lot better to have talked about Le Crazy Dude. I swear this site is so therapeutic.