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...that's my MOM!

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  • ...that's my MOM!

    So I hit a customer today... of course, not one of MY customers, it was my mom's customer.

    She works at a local restaurant, and there were a couple guys in who were DRUNK OFF THEIR ASS!

    I stopped in to pick her up from work (my car is in the shop so I'm borrowing hers), I walk in and end up standing next to the bar, she's ordering herself and me dinner before she leaves.

    When I hear:

    *Note: My mom is 54, I'm 23... these guys were 25 at best*
    DG1 = Drunk Guy #1
    DG2 = Drunk Guy #2
    Me =

    DG1: "Heeeeeyyyy... what you doing tonight?"
    DG2: *Chuckles* "Yeaaah..."
    DG1: "Wanna have some fun?"
    Me: *Throws an elbow into DG1* "Dude, that's my mom..."
    DG2: "Your mom is ho..."
    Me: *Interrupt* "Back the **** off."

    They both shut up.

    Now, I have nothing against some guy hitting on my mom... but don't be a drunken jackass about it
    <Insert clever signature here>

  • #2
    You sound like my buddy Jon... his mom works at a bar, but if I remember correctly, the DG's were much more crude and grabby and Jon knocked him on his ass.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      Ah, don't be so quick to cut them off. Give you mom an opportunity to tear them to shreds with just a few words.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth marasbaras View Post
        Ah, don't be so quick to cut them off. Give you mom an opportunity to tear them to shreds with just a few words.

        Nah, she won't do that... especially at work

        She thought the whole thing was funny.
        <Insert clever signature here>


        • #5
          LG, that was awesome of you to stick up for your mom like that, now I wish I had an excuse to cheap-shot some drunken buffoon since I do run into allot of them with my hobbies (drinking and open mike)
          "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


          • #6
            I must say you are kinda like me... there so far has only been one person stupid enough to insult my mother in front of me... and he got thrown into a wall (criticism I can take, because I criticize her too, but you call her a b*tch and you're now my b*tch).
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Well put, smiley. Same principle applies to me; I can be the nicest guy in existence and am quite capable of taking criticism, but insult the fam and things go downhill.
              Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


              • #8
                Those guys were behaving inappropriately, for sure, but how did they insult LG's mom? They were about to say she was "hot", right?

                That's probably not something we ever want to hear about our moms, but its not an insult.

                I can understand why they made both LG and his mom uncomfortable, though.

                If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                • #9
                  I had my kids young, so a couple of my sons friends have been stupid enough to made inappropriate remarks of the MILF variety to my sons.

                  Needless to say, they only said it once.

                  My oldest son almost knocked the guy on his ass for saying it. The funny part is that I heard about it from my son's GF, not from him. When I mentioned it to my son, and was kinda chuckling about it, he was STILL mad, and it was WEEKS later.
                  "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boozy View Post
                    Those guys were behaving inappropriately, for sure, but how did they insult LG's mom? They were about to say she was "hot", right?

                    That's probably not something we ever want to hear about our moms, but its not an insult.

                    I can understand why they made both LG and his mom uncomfortable, though.
                    Oh, she wasn't insulted...

                    They were just being stupid.
                    <Insert clever signature here>

