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Mastersuck Theatre Presents....!!

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  • Mastersuck Theatre Presents....!!

    I was recently reminded of this suck.
    I have a baby face, and short curly hair that usually has "fun" barrettes and such in it. I also have a silly, cheerful disposition. These things combine to give people the impression that I am much younger than usual. I cannot get into a rated R movie without an ID, despite being 7 years older than the restricted age. Keeping this in mind, we begin our drama:

    Setting- Small Chinese restaurant, Mother's Day. It is very busy and we are grossly understaffed. To make up for my stress, I am being even more chirpy than usual. I get a table of 8, looks like a family: mother, father, grandmother, aunt?, daughter, 2 sons. They don't all show up at once, so I just give them water until everyone has arrived.

    Me: Twinkle's a nice word. So's viridian.
    F: Father at large table.
    D: Younger looking daughter at large table.
    S: The owner, who has a spine made of adamantium.

    Me: Hello, my name is Jam-Puff, I'll be your server. Can I start you off with anything to drink?
    F: Yes, we'd like a bottle of the Yellowtail Shiraz, 8 glasses, please.
    Me: Certainly. May I see the IDs of the younger people?
    I look at the two sons and the daughter. The sons show ID, they are of age.
    D: My ID is in the car.
    Me: Well, I'd have to see it before I gave you a wine glass.
    D: That's fine, I'll drink out of my water glass, ha ha.
    Me: Ma'am, I meant that you could not drink any wine without proof of age. If you were seen drinking it, we'd have to take it away from the table.
    D: That's silly, I'm of age!
    Me: I'm inclined to believe you; I myself am much older than I look. But the law requires proof of age.
    D: No one ever cards me! This is ridiculous!
    Me: We are carding you because we take the legal consequences of serving underaged persons VERY seriously. If you like, I can get some soup for you, so that when you come back from the car with your ID, both the wine and your food will be waiting for you.
    D: I want a manager!
    Sometimes S shows up so quickly, I get spooked. True story.
    S: How can I help you?
    D: This silly girl is demanding I show her ID!
    S: We would be more than happy to wait for you to retrieve the ID.
    D: It's in the caaaaar.
    S: *blink* I'm afraid we must insist.
    D: But thats so stupid! Why are you carding everyone when the waitress isn't even of age??!?!?!
    S + Me:
    Out of my apron, I grab my ID(it's an old one, doesn't show my SS# or current address). I point out my birthdate and inform her I'm 23 and counting. D scowls and goes out to car. Comes back with ID, not even a minute later. She is, of course, BARELY of age(I'm talking days). I serve her and everyone, la dee da.

    Afterwards, S talks to me about the evening. She asks me why I had my ID in my apron. I explain that the table next to them had been chatting to me while I was waiting for everyone to arrive. The subject of my age came up, they didn't believe me, so I grabbed my ID from my wallet. They exclaimed and laughed in surprise about my age... while D is sitting maybe 8 feet away.

    It's not the confusion about the age thing... I'm beyond used to that. But freaking out about a law? Alcohol iz srs biznuz. If you're old enough to drink it, one would only hope that you'd be mature enough to acquire it POLITELY.

    Then of course your hopes would be dashed upon the jagged rocks of the shore of reality.
    "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
    "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
    X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!

  • #2
    Well, now that she's of age, she expects to be treated like she imagines an adult should be treated. Even though she doesn't act like one.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth marasbaras View Post
      Well, now that she's of age, she expects to be treated like she imagines an adult should be treated. Even though she doesn't act like one.
      I recall another thread a while ago about some girl in a store, goofing off, who got really indignant when told to stop. She was 21, and could do what she wanted. Idiot.

      And as for "It's in the car" girl, I have one thing to say, and this is slowly becoming my catchphrase: Deal with it. Seriously. Grow up you tool. I'm surprised (not really) that her family didn't tell her to shut up and go get it.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        When I first turned 21, I was HAPPY to show people my ID! I don't understand why newly turned 21-ers freak out so much when, just the day before, they were ILLEGAL. *rolls eyes*


        • #5
          Oh God....
          Young people who are between 18-25 and want to buy alcohol. I f***ing hate these people. Same thing when I worked at the movie theatre and asked for ID to make sure they were old enough to see a rated R movie.
          Every single 1 of these people scoffed or gave me some sort of attitude about having to show ID. What exactly is it about these young adults around this age that they feel the need to make such a big deal about showing their ID? Anyone else in their late 20s or early 30s (in my experience anyway) Doesn't make such a big deal about it.
          1 day, I was working at the movie theatre in the box office. I had had a very long day of bitchy customers, students who kept forgetting their Student IDs (our policy at the time was no student discount without student ID), and teenagers and young adults giving me attitude about being carded.
          Finally this guy comes up with a group of friends. They all have ID except for 1 of his friends. They want to see a rated R movie. They tried every excuse.
          Me: I'm sorry, guys. I need to see proof of age.
          SC: This is bull!
          Me: I'm just doing as instructed per management.
          SC#2: Don't I look old enough? I'm 19!
          Me: I don't know, sir. But I cannot sell you a ticket for this movie until I see proof of age.
          SC#2: (pulling out a student ID) That's a college ID! That proves I'm over 17! Now let me buy a ticket!
          Me: Can't do it, sir.
          SC#2: Why not?!
          Me: It doesn't show your proof of age, sir.
          His friend comes up to the window.
          SC: Look, What if I buy him a ticket? I'm of age.
          Me: You are of age, he is not. You can't do that.
          SC: (starts yelling) This is f***ing bullshit! You're just being a jerk!
          Me: (very annoyed now) Look, I told you guys the rules, I'm not bending them for you for anyone, and I''m certainly not getting in trouble with my manager for selling him a ticket to this movie! Now get out of here before I call security to escort you off the premises!
          Him and his friends give me a look, then they walk away. I know they are going to try and go to the other box office and purchase tickets, so I call over to them and inform them about the situation. They wound up getting a refund on their tickets and left! Good riddens!


          • #6
            Dear lord. Just show the ID or get the hell out. People are such drama queens. They'd rather argue and waste more time than it would take to show the ID. Morons.
            For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
            Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


            • #7
              Irritates me to no end when people who are barely of age, or buying booze on their 21st birthday give crap about their ID. Thankfully, I've never had many of those.

              I recall one time when a regular customer approached my line, handed me a 12 pack, and said "I just realized I don't have my ID, so I can't get this. Sorry, cause I know you have to put it up."

              Took all my willpower not to scream out "Marry me." Maybe it doesn't translate well in print, but he was so nice about the way he handled it.
              The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


              • #8
                I carry my DL with me, hoping against hope that I'll be carded.

                Hasn't happened for a few weeks.

                I never knew I was vain like that.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  I got my ID out for beer yesterday, and wasn't even carded.


                  • #10
                    The fact that her parents seemingly sat there silently while their daughter berated and behaved like a spoiled brat, speaks VOLUMES as to their upbringing.

                    My kid is nearing 21. After he turns of age, I'd knock his head off if he acted like that about getting carded.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                      I carry my DL with me, hoping against hope that I'll be carded.

                      Hasn't happened for a few weeks.

                      I never knew I was vain like that.
                      For me, it is the thought that I am seriously pushing 30, that I also hope to be carded. I have had a couple bartenders ask for it, but not in the last 6 months.
                      "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


                      • #12
                        Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                        The fact that her parents seemingly sat there silently while their daughter berated and behaved like a spoiled brat, speaks VOLUMES as to their upbringing.

                        My kid is nearing 21. After he turns of age, I'd knock his head off if he acted like that about getting carded.
                        True, but it could have been worse. They could have joined in on the suck.


                        • #13
                          My dad got carded at a casino once. He was 40 at the time, with slightly greying hair. Heck, I think it was his birthday. Made his day, lol.


                          • #14
                            In 10 years, she's going to be BEGGING to be carded. But catbutt face prematurely ages you.


                            • #15
                              Geez, you'd think if she's old enough to get carded, she'd show some decorum about it. Ha ha.

                              Slightly OT, but there's a casino in Rhode Island I frequent that calls for 18+. I've been going for 2 years since I turned old enough to get in, and not once have they asked me for ID.

