This little gem of a story happened a few years ago while I was still a tow truck driver. I had dropped off a vehicle at a repair shop close to home, and dispatch had no other calls for me, I decided to run over to my house and pick up my Crown Vic and tow it over to another shop because my starter had fragged on me. I was driving a thirty foot long flatbed truck, and had backed in as much as I could into the driveway, but about half of the truck was sitting in the street. As per custom, I turned on both my flashers and beacons, and got to work on tilting the bed and hooking up the chains. I got no further than pulling out the winch cable when I hear honking from the street. I look over and here is this douchebag in a Jeep motioning towards my truck.
DB; “What the hell are you doing??”
Me; Building a time machine out of a blender, what’s it look like? “I’m loading up this car.”
DB; “You’re blocking the road!!!”
Now this was not entirely true….the neighbors’ across the street had parked one of their vehicles on the street, so between the nose of my truck and that vehicle, the road was blocked. But the street layout was a basic grid pattern….so the guy could have turned left or right at the intersection and easily gone past where I was. And the road was flat so he could see the big yellow truck with the pretty lights four blocks away.
Me; *points at beacons* “As long as I have those lights on, I can block a road for fifteen minutes.”
DB; “I don’t care, move your damn truck!!”
Do I even have to point out at this time that it would have taken ten times longer to pack up the bed and move the truck than it would have taken this guy to turn around? I start ignoring the idiot, and continue to load up my car. After about a minute of him sitting there idling he got the hint and started to back up.
DB; “I’m calling the cops! They are going to come and arrest you!!!!!” He bravely proclaimed as he sped off.
Well I finished loading the Crown Vic, and no police arrived. I doubt he called anyone, just probably went home and ranted to his house plant.
What he did not know was that my wife had heard the moron yelling and was waiting by the front door with the 12-gauge loaded with sabot rounds in case he tried anything stupid.

DB; “What the hell are you doing??”
Me; Building a time machine out of a blender, what’s it look like? “I’m loading up this car.”
DB; “You’re blocking the road!!!”
Now this was not entirely true….the neighbors’ across the street had parked one of their vehicles on the street, so between the nose of my truck and that vehicle, the road was blocked. But the street layout was a basic grid pattern….so the guy could have turned left or right at the intersection and easily gone past where I was. And the road was flat so he could see the big yellow truck with the pretty lights four blocks away.
Me; *points at beacons* “As long as I have those lights on, I can block a road for fifteen minutes.”
DB; “I don’t care, move your damn truck!!”
Do I even have to point out at this time that it would have taken ten times longer to pack up the bed and move the truck than it would have taken this guy to turn around? I start ignoring the idiot, and continue to load up my car. After about a minute of him sitting there idling he got the hint and started to back up.
DB; “I’m calling the cops! They are going to come and arrest you!!!!!” He bravely proclaimed as he sped off.
Well I finished loading the Crown Vic, and no police arrived. I doubt he called anyone, just probably went home and ranted to his house plant.
