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Passive aggressive much?

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  • Passive aggressive much?

    Had a lady the other night who wanted to complain about the detail police officer. It seems he was "rude" to her because he wouldn't let her park in the (full) lot. ('s full. Use the auxiliary lot, please.) She went on for several minutes, filled with righteous indignation, and wound up by asking me what I was going to do about it.

    What I thought: "Hell, make a fricking citizen's arrest? He's a COP, lady."

    What I said: "Ma'am, I have no control over what the police do. I'm not their boss just because they detail here. They're the police. I can give you the station number if you want to speak to the sergeant about his officer."

    SC: "WHAT? You expect ME to call them myself? This is ridiculous! Why should I have to?"

    Me: "I certainly can if you like, but bear in mind I wasn't there when this happened. You're the one that knows the full story."

    SC: "Ugh, fine. Give me the number."

    Come on, lady. You go to town bitching out a random person who can't do ANYTHING about your complaint, but when afforded with the opportunity to actually speak to the person who can, it's, like... beneath you somehow?

    "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

    Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.

  • #2
    Even if you did call, they would probably ask to speak with her anyway. Yeah, she is a EW if I ever heard of one.
    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


    • #3
      I think the biggest problem that l;eads to SC's is that employees are expected to be nice to them, even when they're not nice to the employee.

      That should change and in a good business that cares about its employees, it isn't allowed to continue. Go Southwest Airlines!
      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


      • #4
        Someone needs to beat into these people that "What can you do for me?" is for when things have gone wrong ... this isn't one of those cases.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Quoth spookysonata View Post
          SC: "WHAT? You expect ME to call them myself? This is ridiculous! Why should I have to?"
          Because you're the dumbf**k that's making a fuss, you moron. Here's a better idea than bitching: DEAL WITH IT. (Yes. It's my catch phrase now.)
          Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


          • #6
            Quoth trench2k View Post
            I think the biggest problem that l;eads to SC's is that employees are expected to be nice to them, even when they're not nice to the employee.

            That should change and in a good business that cares about its employees, it isn't allowed to continue. Go Southwest Airlines!

            ITA!!! And you know what, I call various airlines for customers several times a day. Of all the carriers that I call, Southwest phone agents are without fail the NICEST and most polite/personable agents around.

            Looks like there's proof out there that companies who put their employees above SC's have happier emps, and therefore happier customers.
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

