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Sourpuss and friends.

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  • Sourpuss and friends.

    Just a couple to share tonight.


    So I'm working on one of the registers, as usual, and have a fair line of customers. A whole string of them paid in a row with credit/debit cards (no cashback), which means my till stayed shut tight (since we lowly cashiers don't have authority to open the tills on our own). Finally, one customer pays with cash and the till pops open. I notice that I'm running low on two slots of change and singles. So I grab out the appropriate amount of money in larger bills and shut the till, ready to use the handy register-PDA system Wal-Mart now has for requesting CSM assistance. There's only one more customer in line (though it wasn't likely to stay that way for long).

    I look the customer (a late middle-aged woman) in the eyes and say, "I'll be with you in just a moment," before I start keying the change request into the register.

    She immediately looks like I just told her to take a long walk of a short pier at that point. She puffs up her chest like a fighting hen and levels me the Death Glare. "Oh no, you don't," she huffs. "You don't need any change for me; I'm paying with credit." This is said in that you-must-do-as-I-say SC tone.

    "I'm sorry, Ma'am," I respond, "but some of my change is running low. I need to send the request while I still have the money in my hand." Which is true, because otherwise I'll forget about the $60-$80 in my register bag, and might also later run out of change before one of our overworked CSMs brings me the much-needed coin.

    "I don't believe this," she growls to her husband (who didn't seem to be partaking in any emotion this day). "I'm the last customer in line here, and I've been waiting a long time already." As if she expects me to throw policy out the window.

    I simply apologized at that point, finished my change request (within 1 minute, tops, I might add), and rang her out as fast (and as quietly) as I could manage. Her attitude literally had me about ready to lose my cool or, worse, cry in public (I hate public crying).

    Mr. Impatient

    I had another line of customers about four deep, and just got to a male customer (I refuse to call him "gentleman"). I don't recall the exact holdup in the haze of the workday, but it was either another change request, or the need to put away leaky/cold merchandise. Either way, I told him it'd be just a moment (as with Sourpuss).

    His response? "I don't have time for this. I've been waiting half an hour already."

    My problem with this complaint? He'd only been waiting five minutes, tops (I was keeping track, since I was also watching the clock for my next break). Look, sir, I know you're tired of shopping for your whole three items, but that's no reason to gripe and whine at me when you're just full of it.

    Also had a guy who appeared to be under 27 (the age cutoff for IDing people for cigarettes) come through my line while I was on the cig lane and request a pack of cigarettes. And then tell me he had no ID on him when I asked. If you're young-enough-looking to be IDed, make sure to have said ID on you when you go shopping for your restricted merchandise. Ain't no way I'm selling you cigarettes without ID, bub.

    Heard two stories second-hand from my coworkers today, too.

    Door-Greeter Lorraine related an anecdote to me about a customer who had just come through the self-checkout lanes when he was in the store about a year ago. Apparently he's one of those winners who hocked and spat right on the floor on his way out. She saw and called him on it (I believe her recounted words were, "Excuse me, sir, don't do that in the store."), and apparently he's never done it since, though he didn't clean it up on the day in question, either.

    Cashier Margaret told me about a customer who went through her line today who claimed to have handed her a $20 instead of a $10 to pay. Margaret, of course, is wise in these matters and promptly called for a manager to count the till. I'm still surprised the customer actually was willing to stand there and wait for the till to be counted. The till was spot-on; good for Margaret and bad for the customer. No scam for you!
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    Quoth Kogarashi View Post
    Just a couple to share tonight.

    His response? "I don't have time for this. I've been waiting half an hour already."
    It really bugs me when people do this. The last time it happened to me, the guy said he'd been waiting an hour for a taxi that had been called for him by another staff member. Only, the taxi had been called only 5 minutes after I came in. Which was about 5 minutes before he came in to ask us if we could.
    3 Basic rules for ordering food.
    - Order from the menu.
    - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
    - Don't talk about Fight Club.


    • #3
      Oh that drives me nuts too. I get that a lot on corporate tech support accounts. The caller will call back 5-10 minutes later and complain they haven't recieved a call back and claim its been 15-45 minutes. I always, without fail, inform them *exactly* what time they called and *exactly* what time it is now. Then I just go silent and let them absorb that moment. ;p

      They almost always lose all their bluster and agree to wait a little longer.


      • #4
        Quoth Kogarashi View Post
        If you're young-enough-looking to be IDed, make sure to have said ID on you when you go shopping for your restricted merchandise. Ain't no way I'm selling you cigarettes without ID, bub.
        I'm 27 years old, but I'm short and I look young. It has always been common sense to me to bring my ID when I plan on getting a drink because at least 9 times out of ten I will get carded. It would seem that this would be the case with others in my situation, but there are some people who were not in line when common sense was being handed out. This site is full of stories about them.
        Last edited by BunnyJas; 09-17-2006, 07:04 PM.


        • #5
          Quoth BunnyJas View Post
          I'm 27 years old, but I'm short and I look young. It has always been common sense to me to bring my ID when I plan on getting a drink because at least 9 times out of ten I will get carded. It would seem that this would be the case with others in my situation, but there are some people who were not in line when common sense was being handed out. This site is full of them.
          If I'm buying liquor, I always have my two IDs out (in my province, you need one photo ID and one other document, like a health care card or credit card). I'm 26, but on good days, I look younger. Usually, they don't ask anymore, though. I guess I'm beginning to look my age
          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


          • #6
            i usually have my id on me anyways, even if i plan to pay cash (just in case i go over what i expected and end up using a debit instead). it's been awhile since they've asked me, so i guess i'm starting to look it...
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              I'm 25, but I am short and definitely look young. I used to get ID'd everywhere...until I grew a goatee.

              I look about 30 with the facial hair and now rarely get carded.

              I have no patience for customers who bitch to me about having to wait. It's the nature of shopping dumbass!


              • #8
                Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
                I'm 25, but I am short and definitely look young. I used to get ID'd everywhere...until I grew a goatee.

                I look about 30 with the facial hair and now rarely get carded.

                Very clever!
                I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


                • #9
                  Quoth BunnyJas View Post
                  ... there are some people who were not in line when common sense was being handed out. This site is full of them.

                  Maybe you meant this site is "full of stories about them"?


                  • #10
                    What I don't understand is guys that don't have their IDs with them.

                    I'm a guy. If I have my pants on, I have my wallet. If I have my wallet, I have my ID. If I'm going out, hopefully I have pants on.

                    It's a simple system.
                    If today is an indication of the rest of the week, I'm going to need to start drinking. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                    • #11
                      Yesterday, a customer asked for cigarettes and I asked him for ID. He couldn't understand what I was talking about so I had to explain it to him. My coworker at the service desk backed me up on the ID thing. The customer left without the cigarettes.
                      My Fanfic Page
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                      • #12
                        Quoth BunnyJas View Post
                        I'm 27 years old, but I'm short and I look young. It has always been common sense to me to bring my ID when I plan on getting a drink because at least 9 times out of ten I will get carded. It would seem that this would be the case with others in my situation, but there are some people who were not in line when common sense was being handed out. This site is full of them.
                        I am 36. (Or as I like to say, 21 for the 16th time.) I have a goatee. Even with that, I look younger. (Without it, fugheddaboutit!) Even the girl I met the other day (fingers crossed) thought I was only 28-30. On my recent vacation I got carded often enough for me to have my ID. But, see, I go almost nowhere without my keys, my cell phone, and my wallet. And in my wallet, I keep my cash, my credit card, and my ID, at all times. Hell, some people seem to forget that it is ILLEGAL to drive without your license on you! I know, I know, I bitch constantly about people trying to buy booze without ID, but come on, kids, it is just common sense. Sadly, as we all know by now, SC's have about as much commons sense as a rabid cave-dwelling door hinge.

                        My apologies to any rabid cave-dwelling door hinges that the SC comparison may have offended.

                        Quoth Crawley View Post
                        What I don't understand is guys that don't have their IDs with them.

                        I'm a guy. If I have my pants on, I have my wallet. If I have my wallet, I have my ID. If I'm going out, hopefully I have pants on.

                        It's a simple system.
                        You didn't read my posts about the clothing optional establishments, did you?

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Crawley View Post
                          I'm a guy. If I have my pants on, I have my wallet. If I have my wallet, I have my ID. If I'm going out, hopefully I have pants on.
                          So.......that means I should have my pants on when I go out?

                          That explains all the pointing and laughing directed my way!



                          • #14
                            Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                            That explains all the pointing and laughing directed my way!
                            Damn it, stop stealing all my lines!

                            Seriously, I have for years been saying "Yeah, I make women laugh. Of course, usually it's just pointing and giggling, but hey...whatever works, right?" Or some variation on that.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Quoth One-Fang View Post

                              Maybe you meant this site is "full of stories about them"?
                              Whoops! Yes that's what I meant! Sorry about that everyone- I'll be more careful about proof reading my posts in the future.

