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Graveyard Tales Again...(long, pain)

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  • Graveyard Tales Again...(long, pain)

    Sitting at my desk here at work, thought I'd sift through more of my old shift reports and share some more entries of my pain with you.

    These are from new years to spring...


    One caller, after being told the item would be shipped to her, asked me "Will it be sent by mail?". I was momentarily tempted to say no, it would be tied to a pidgeon and pushed out our office window, but luckily professionalism prevailed.

    International Diplomacy Again...

    Caller claimed to be a member of "Canadian Intelligence" and requested to speak to president Bush. Advised caller Mr Bush was not available and certainly was not in Canada at this time. Caller requested that I advise Mr Bush that Germany was going to make Rome attack Canada.

    So, just a heads up, the Italians are coming.

    Property Management

    Tenant called to report that his neighbour in suite 11 had locked himself his underwear.

    Sometime later, the police called in to inform me that they too had become involved in the case of the underwear bandit.

    So let us take a moment to remember poor Ryan, from suite 11, who not only locked himself out of his home, in his underwear, but also managed to get himself hauled in by the police for questioning.

    I don't think I can top that kind of morning. Underwear bandit, I salute you.

    Orderlines ( 2:30am...on my birthday )

    One astoundingly confused caller who had trouble even coming up with a name and phone number was completely perplexed when asked for a postal code. Despite consulting with 2 other people in the house she could not find the mystical information required. So instead she settled for propositioning me.

    The powers that be obviously know it's my birthday. They also obviously have a sense of humour.

    Property Management Still...

    Caller complained we should not refer to ourselves as a 24 hour emergency line if we are not in fact 24 hours. I explained, repeatedly, that I can indeed dispatch someone to address an emergency 24 hours a day. However, what he wanted was for me to contact our on call just so he could schedule an appointment with the on call for later on the next day.

    No about of reasonable explaination would penetrate his misguided complaints. If he complains to the client, may I suggest explaining what occured to the client using helpful terms such as "Wanker".

    and again...

    3.24am: Concierge for the the building locks his keys in his own office and is subsequently dissappointed when I reveal I don't have the keys to his office.

    and AGAIN

    A woman ( Who shall be from here on be referred to as "crazy bat lady" ) called tonight rather late in the evening not with any sort of problem or concern but just to thank me for cementing the sidewalk. As in thank me personally.

    She said someone had written in it and vandalised it, but she smoothed it out so all was well again. While all this gushing gratitude is pleasent and inflates my ego, it does seem a bit odd and misguided at this time of night.

    Sometime later, Crazy Bat Lady calls again. This time she's complaining about a neighbour who has their water running...but she assures me that it's not a problem and she'll tell the resident manager in the morning. She's just worried that the guy will flood the laundry room but it's not flooded so it's ok and I'm doing a wonderful job because I pick up the phone at 3am and I cement things. I am a cement god.

    A while later....she calls again. She reassures me that the laundry room isn't flooded so there's no problem whatsoever. She just called to let me know that. Oh, and to let me know I'm still doing an amazing job because I can answer a phone call.

    Definative proof that I am, apparently, uber.

    and yet again....

    Caller called to report a waterleak in basement. I contacted the building manager who turned out to be, you guessed it, the original caller who had neglected to mention he was also the building manager ( So why does he need MY help? He's the one on call! ). Still, he insists it's my responsibility to do something about the problem despite it being in his job description.

    So I contact his boss to try and clear this up, his boss tells me, of course, that its the building managers job to take care of a water leak. ( Argh.. ) I patiently wait for the building manager to call back so I may inform him of this ( Without gloating ), but he never does.

    So I can only assume he either remembered what his job title was or he has inadvertantly tied his shoelaces together and is now struggling to pull himself to a nearby 7/11 for help.

    Tech Support

    A caller this morning threw what I can only describe as a "hissyfit" because the machine she was using was out of paper. So it was unable to print a receipt for her. Everything else was fine and bill was processed, it just didn't print a receipt. I assured her we could arrange for her to get one without much difficulty.

    But this was futile as she apparently wanted the receipt to materalize in the air in front of her right this moment on the wings of tiny receipt fairies. ( Which, on a side note, I can launch from a nearby military base using an keyboard hotkey. You can too. It's in the manual. ). While I assured her repeatedly this wasn't a huge problem she seemed to think her phone company would arrive on her doorstep with bats demanding printed proof of payment. She eventually hung up on me.

    Property Management, yet again

    A rather intoxicated caller called to make a noise complaint. I advised him to call the police. He advised me that he would call "991" and report it. I wished him well.

    International Diplomacy once again

    Tonight's problem was mafia grow ops and neo nazi's poisoning white people and keeping them in cells which apparently is where tonight's caller was calling from. A mafia neo-nazi grow op cell. Where they gave him poison. To poison people with.

    They also apparently let him use the phone from there. But he can't call the RCMP because they're part of the mafia too. Only the United States can save him. I informed him we wouldn't be able to help him until regular business hours, so he would have to call back then.


    When contacting the police tonight, Op #2 accidently hung up on 911. Now, if you're familiar with how a 911 call centre works, if you hang up on them they immediately trace your call and dispatch police to your location.

    I left Op #2 to have fun explaining himself to the two fine officers who arrived in the lobby. They searched our office for "bodies" as they cheerfully explained before departing.

    Property Management ( It never ends.... )

    Much to my…delight….a tenant who was escaping the girlfriend he had just broken up with ( and who was allegedly some sort of raging heroin addict ) decided he would bridge me into a three way call between him and her because her suite needed to be secured. Joy!

    After listening to this raging crapstorm of a conversation for a few minutes I'm impressed the guy even told her he was breaking up with her. I would changed my name and fled to Mexico in the dead of night.

    International Diplomacy again....

    Had a fun one tonight… a caller by the name of "(omitted)" called…he originally got Op #2. He claimed he was a "police informent" and was injured and currently being held hostage somewhere by his room mate who was of course beating him and threatening his life. He also revealed that he called the police already but they refused to help him ( I wonder why…) so now he was calling us for some reason.

    Now, Op #2 actually passed his message to the On Call, which is far more generous then I would have been. But Op #2 is new to this shift and has not yet lost his doe-eyed innocence. The On Call, of course, wasn't exactly interested in the message since the guy's story sounds like the kind we get from the looplicky crackweasels that call our emergency lines all the time at this time of night.

    Fast forward, he calls back again and this time goes off on Op #2 since the On Call of course has not called him back. He demands to be put through to the On Call directly or given the On Call's number. Op #2 refuses and baits him off by telling him the On Call isn't answering his cell. Caller incidates that perhaps he should call "someone who cares". I concur.

    Fast forward, he calls back and unfortunately for him, this time he gets me. He once again demands the On Call's immediate attention. I decline and tell him his message has already been passed, which is all we can do for him. This sparks a lovely rant where in he alternates between demanding and threatening to try and bully me into calling the On Call for him. Highlights include the "Do you know who I am?" routine, along with several threats to have me fired, and, the kicker, a vow that by next week I would be unemployed and writing him a public apology in the Province newspaper.

    He also, apparently, has a copy of our service contract with our clients ( My, that’s a rather convient thing for him to have with him locked in that room… ) and that I was violating "Paragraph 4, subsection 3" or some such by refusing to contact the On Call for him a second time. He turned out to be quite an expert on what our service contract supposedly said and how I was violating it. This cycle of him threatening and me politely refusing continued for a while until he hung up in a snit.

    Order Lines yet again

    Despite 3 minutes of intense 1 on 1 coaching, one caller could not locate the fabled product ID number of the item she was staring directly at in the catalouge. For reference this number is located directly beside the picture of the item in giant bold font. I weep for society.

    Tech Support and Humiliation

    Did you know the <client's name>'s website talks? I didn't. Now I know ( as does the caller I was on the line with at the time )….and knowing is half the battle. Well, it's half of something anyway.

    To make matters worse, after hearing it in the background my caller gave me the ever degrading "Are you new?". No, I'm not new, but the Internet is mocking me.

    Tech Support and Raging Idiocy

    Caller called to inquire about her account status and why her cell phone had been shut off for payment lapse after she paid her bill at our kiosk. After checking the account I info the caller that she seems to have mistakenly purchased Internet time credit.

    She then asks: "Well how'd I do that?!"

    Believe me, if I knew how the heck you managed to accomplish that I'd be a millionaire after I designed software that could resist your particular…...mental capabilities.

    Lottery Contests....

    Caller explained that he had been purchasing tickets every year for the last 15 years and all he ever won was a golfclub (and he doesn't golf.). Apparently, the thought of giving up never crossed his mind.

    If I had shelled out for tickets for 15 years and only ever won a golf club, I think I'd take that as a sign and stop buying tickets. Or take up golfing.


  • #2
    (Was too big for one post!)

    Wrong Numbers...

    "I need an emergency line to…uh…where I'm at."

    After a brief explaination that he has the wrong number, he calls back a minute later and asks this question: "Hey, what's the number to the drunken line ride?"

    I thought they were called "Taxi's"


    Caller asked for item in the colour "Grape hit".

    Closer inspection revealed the colour in question was in fact "Graphite"

    I like Grape Hit better. I'd buy something in Grape Hit.

    and again....

    A caller called to check the availability on a "camo skirt". This I had to see for myself and indeed, according to client's online catalogue, they have what appears to be a camo miniskirt. I don't think there's any one article of clothing in exsistence that could declare how much of a redneck you are better then a camo miniskirt.


    Customer complained about the 3 business days required to process his payment. Or rather, customer's friend complained, as the customer was busy being a raging idiot in the background. The Friend™ eventually told the guy come over here ( "Git over here, Edward!" ) and gave the phone to him.

    Now I listened to this guy complain for a goodly while and the basis of his argument was this: Because he didn't know it would take 3 days and because there was a service fee ( $3 ) to process the payment, this was somehow unfair therefore I should be obligated to put his payment through immediately.

    Basically his argument was "I'm an ignorant fool, therefore you have to do what I want."

    Further discussion with the Friend™ revealed that the reason the guy needed to pay his cellphone bill was because he was out on parole. Thus he needed to have a cell on him at all times for his parole officer to reach him.

    This upgrades his argument to "I'm an ignorant fool, therefore you have to do what I want or else my stupidity will lead to my arrest…..again."

    Of course, he didn't exactly say it that way. But I reserve the right to summarize incidents that occur on my shift.

    Jackass of the Year Contender

    Tenant calls in to complain about the fire panel beeping after a power outage last night. Now, someone already called this in about an hour or two previous. So I advised him we were aware of the problem and the manager was working on it. This wasn't good enough, he wanted it turned off *now* and a call back *now*. I maintain we're already aware of the issue and doing what we can to get someone out there to fix it. Not good enough.

    I advise him I can't page the building manager for him for the fire panel, so unless there were any other issues I could help him with he was basically out of luck. So he made up a few. First he said the name on his door panel was wrong, I told him that didn't constitute an emergency. Then he told me the sprinklers were coming in his windows….I politely pointed out he should close his windows. After more fuming I got him off the line.

    Fast forward, he calls back about the fire panel again. I give him the same explaination as before. This time he threatens to pull the fire alarm in order to get some attention. I warn him he'll be held responsible if he does that.

    Fast forward, he calls back and this time says that the fire dept is on their way for a "heat trace". I advise him I'll notify the on call. He demands a call back. So I call the on call directly to let him know we have a problem caller who had threatened to pull the fire alarm and now he was calling to say the fire dept was on their way. Not exactly rocket science to connect the dots there and find the culprit.

    But wait, there's *more*. He calls in again, this time to give a feeble explaination that he "Thinks 3 guys in the alley" set off the fire alarm by "burning something.". Mhmm, right. He says they "Might still be there" if we're fast enough to come and try and catch them.

    …….he calls back yet again, this time he's threatening to destroy the fire panel with a hammer. I warn him he'll be held responsible for any damage we find. He says he'll "skip town" to avoid being caught.

    …and again he calls, this time to warn me that "bad things" will go down if he doesn't get a call back or someone down there to fix the fire panel soon. I again warn him he'll be held legally responsible for any damage. He warns me, somewhat pyschotically, that he's basically going a little crazy here. I never would have guessed.

    Now the building manager calls in to speak with me and gives me an update. He spoke with El Nutjob who of course was infinately polite to him, and El Nutjob is basically on the road to madness because of the fire panel beep near his suite. I can understand that. It's the whole fire alarm, hammers, skipping town, mysterious men in the alley setting fires part that was slightly inappropriate. After a pleasant chat with the buildign manager he advises me to just tune the guy out and not pass any messages from him or anyone else at that location. Just let them know someone is on their way to service the system.

    Thus ends the Ballad of El Nutjob.

    It never ends in this industry, I swear.


    • #3
      Hey PJ! your crazies are getting loose and are jumping the border!
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Aw crap, your crazies & my crazies = TONS of North American morons running about using the phone! I thought I told Rapscallion that he was supposed to come over here & tear the phones away from all of the morons who have them. He's totally slacking on his job. LOL There must just be too many idiots in the UK for him to have time to worry about ours...
        The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


        • #5
          The Province? Noooooo! These looneys are closer than I suspected.

          *makes a fort out of couch cushions and hides*
          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


          • #6
            Quoth BusBus View Post
            The Province? Noooooo! These looneys are closer than I suspected.

            *makes a fort out of couch cushions and hides*
            What, you don't have them in your pocket/purse?


            • #7
              Gravekeeper, your posts are frickin' hilarious! I am going to be late to work because of you, damn it! (Not that that is a bad thing, mind you....)

              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Caller asked for item in the colour "Grape hit".

              Closer inspection revealed the colour in question was in fact "Graphite"

              I like Grape Hit better. I'd buy something in Grape Hit.

              I saw "Grape Hit", and what instantly went through my mind, I kid you not, was a mean-looking grape in a trench coat and fedora, with a Tommy gun, hunting down the weasel grape that had crossed the vine and had dropped a seed on the Chardfather. And yes, I can see all that in my mind.

              Is it any wonder there are people scared to talk to me in person?

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth BusBus View Post
                The Province? Noooooo! These looneys are closer than I suspected.

                *makes a fort out of couch cushions and hides*

                Yes, Vancouver is the epicenter of my suffering


                • #9
                  With the idiots you're dealing with now, I bet you just can't wait until 2010


                  • #10
                    I can feel the pain of the guy with the fire alarm panel. I had similar happen to me years ago with a burgular (sp?) alarm panel at a place I worked at. Every minute or so it'd let out this low beep that at first didn't bug me. OVer time I found myself assaulting the thing with a screwdriver and a voltimeter trying to sort out the problem.

                    Turned out a 9v battery had died. Easy fix. Though I did have to explain to ADT why the system went offline rather suddenly.
                    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                      One caller, after being told the item would be shipped to her, asked me "Will it be sent by mail?". I was momentarily tempted to say no, it would be tied to a pidgeon and pushed out our office window, but luckily professionalism prevailed.
                      I cannot tell you how many times I had this convo with my customers:

                      Idiot Customer: How will that be shipped?
                      Me: It will be shipped through the mail.
                      IC: The US Mail?
                      Me: No, the Mexican mail. They gave us a better deal.

                      OK, so maybe the last sentence was only ever said in my head, but I said it so much that by the end I felt like I had actually uttered the words.

