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Tonight has driven me insane........ SEMI-LONG

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  • Tonight has driven me insane........ SEMI-LONG

    Might want to grab something to drink or eat, this is a doozie.

    Today was a very interesting day at work. I had to work at the party venue for Chris Brown (Modern day hip-hop singer or something) and I cannot recall a time where I wanted to shoot myself. Most of the show goers was teens and there were going to be drop-offs and pick-ups. The beginning wasn't that bad at all, aside from a few idiots things were calm. It was when everybody was leaving when it became a big pain in the ass. I had to do two jobs, watch the limos, (My stupid deparment head's idea even though the limo guys know what they're doing.) and direct traffic. As soon as the limos taken care of, I go to my spot which became a nightmare. I almost got ran over by an idiot not paying attention to the goddamn pedestrains or me at all. Then there was the guy who went up to me and told me that I should be doing a better job. I lost it at that moment, I said to him "Okay, if you think I'm incompetent to do my job and think that you can do better go ahead. Take my traffic vest and my flashlight." Guy tells me to go to hell. Not one of my better moments but it was crazy. This woman asks me where to go, I point to the exit. Realizes it's a dirt road, tells me she isn't going through. I tell her that the gates to the other side are closed. She just drives off flipping me off in the process. Add that up with the people who aren't going where I'm pointing them and you get the idea. I'm sorry that this is so long but I need to vent. That was one of the worst shows I've ever worked. There is one good aspect of this story though. I talked to some of the limo drivers when there was downtime, they were very funny and had good stories.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    In my 15 years in the parking business, it was pretty much standard day to day in the various parking garages I worked at over that time, so I was never really in the situation where I had to direct traffic in or out of a lot, at a major event.

    But, I can definitely sympathize with you, knowing how difficult it can be dealing with dickheads wrapped in 2,000 lbs of steel.



    • #3
      I worked at an arena for a few years from the ages of 15 - 19. I started in the parking department. OH JOY!!! It's sad but true, among the worse events I worked were hip-hop shows and family events. (the things parents would scream in front of their children all because there was too much traffic-???)
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

