Well, technically 2 hours journey from London, but that would have spoiled the title. XD Alright, American CSers... which one of you sent this moron over to England to torment me?
Honestly, as if we didn't have enough SCs in England!
The following exchange is as well as I remember it; understand that the SC is talking in an American accent; where in America, haven't got a clue. However, I am English so therefore, am typing in English. XD
Me = Me
SC = Ms "We do everything better in America"
Italics are my thoughts.
Me: Hi, would you like some help packing?
SC: *looks disapproving* Don't you have paper bags instead of plastic?
Me: Um, no.
SC: Where I come from, we have paper bags as well as plastic. I always use paper bags, they're better for the environment.
Me: Please go back to where you come from as soon as is humanly possible. *Starts scanning stuff thru*
SC: You know, it would be very friendly if you people had greeters in your store. I always like it when people say hello to me when I shop at home.
Me: ... That's nice. That's my idea of hell, more like. When food shopping, I want zero interaction, thanks very much.
*ff to end of transaction*
Me: Do you have a store card?
SC: No. *rolls eyes* I already told you I was on holiday.
Me: Sorry, but I have to ask.
SC then sighs heavily, and hands me her credit card. It has no chip; the SC saying that American cards don't have chips so she'll sign a slip. I swipe the card, the slip comes out, she signs it. I pick up her card to check the signature; there isn't one.
Me: Do you have another signature?
SC: What?
Me: There's no signature on this card. I need to check your signature.
SC: Can't you just read the number next to the space? That's what they do back home.
Me: Sorry, but over here we need to compare signatures.
SC: *big sigh* Fine, I'll sign it then.
Me: I'm sorry, but I can't accept a signature you just made as a comparison. Do you have a driver's licience or credit card slip or anything with your signature on?
SC: *acts like I just told her that her mother wears army boots, starts rummaging thru bag*
Me: *waits patiently*
SC: *slams alternative credit card down venomously* Will this do?
Me: *compares signature to that on slip* Yes, that's fine.
SC: I can't wait to get back, if all Brits are this exacting.
Me: I can't wait either til you get back to America either, you whiny old bat. Thank you, bye!

Me = Me
SC = Ms "We do everything better in America"
Italics are my thoughts.
Me: Hi, would you like some help packing?
SC: *looks disapproving* Don't you have paper bags instead of plastic?
Me: Um, no.
SC: Where I come from, we have paper bags as well as plastic. I always use paper bags, they're better for the environment.
Me: Please go back to where you come from as soon as is humanly possible. *Starts scanning stuff thru*
SC: You know, it would be very friendly if you people had greeters in your store. I always like it when people say hello to me when I shop at home.
Me: ... That's nice. That's my idea of hell, more like. When food shopping, I want zero interaction, thanks very much.
*ff to end of transaction*
Me: Do you have a store card?
SC: No. *rolls eyes* I already told you I was on holiday.
Me: Sorry, but I have to ask.
SC then sighs heavily, and hands me her credit card. It has no chip; the SC saying that American cards don't have chips so she'll sign a slip. I swipe the card, the slip comes out, she signs it. I pick up her card to check the signature; there isn't one.
Me: Do you have another signature?
SC: What?
Me: There's no signature on this card. I need to check your signature.
SC: Can't you just read the number next to the space? That's what they do back home.
Me: Sorry, but over here we need to compare signatures.
SC: *big sigh* Fine, I'll sign it then.
Me: I'm sorry, but I can't accept a signature you just made as a comparison. Do you have a driver's licience or credit card slip or anything with your signature on?
SC: *acts like I just told her that her mother wears army boots, starts rummaging thru bag*
Me: *waits patiently*
SC: *slams alternative credit card down venomously* Will this do?
Me: *compares signature to that on slip* Yes, that's fine.
SC: I can't wait to get back, if all Brits are this exacting.
Me: I can't wait either til you get back to America either, you whiny old bat. Thank you, bye!