Not so much sucky, as you will see.
An incredibly tanned, bleach blonde woman pulled up in a mercedes convertible. She came in and proceeded to browse.
She asked swordsman some questions about the rock tumblers. Including this gem, "Can the same rocks be used in the different tumblers?" I guess that's not so bad, but seriously, they're all rocks.
She picked out a tumbler and some grit packs and proceeded to do more shopping. She asked me if I knew anything about history. I told her I knew a bit and she asked me, "What was a war involving the thirteen colonies? Like, I see you have soem civil war stuff here..."
I was all
..."Um, we have stuff for the revolutionary the time the civil war rolled around the colonies were ratified by the union and turned into states. But the only other war I can think of off the top of my head that involved the colonies is the french and indian wars which happened shortly before the revolutionary war."
Her response? "Wow, you're smart!"
An incredibly tanned, bleach blonde woman pulled up in a mercedes convertible. She came in and proceeded to browse.
She asked swordsman some questions about the rock tumblers. Including this gem, "Can the same rocks be used in the different tumblers?" I guess that's not so bad, but seriously, they're all rocks.
She picked out a tumbler and some grit packs and proceeded to do more shopping. She asked me if I knew anything about history. I told her I knew a bit and she asked me, "What was a war involving the thirteen colonies? Like, I see you have soem civil war stuff here..."
I was all

Her response? "Wow, you're smart!"