Hey all.
This didn't happen to me, thankfully, but a close friend of mine. This guy was so disgusting.
We work in Financial Aid at a college. Friend was working the front counter. Student (SC to the max) asks what he needs to bring in for his file. Friend tells him. SC doesn't like answer, storms out in a huff. All fine and dandy, right?
Of course not! Friend later takes a potty break. Lo and behold, SC is in the bathroom, relieving himself. He sees friend and pees on his leg!
I mean, was this guy raised by wild animals? If you don't agree with someone, you DO NOT PEE ON THEM! WTF?! Is this acceptable somewhere that I am unaware of?
Friend had no idea what to do, and was too afraid for his job to yell at the guy (?!), so just went home to change.
This didn't happen to me, thankfully, but a close friend of mine. This guy was so disgusting.
We work in Financial Aid at a college. Friend was working the front counter. Student (SC to the max) asks what he needs to bring in for his file. Friend tells him. SC doesn't like answer, storms out in a huff. All fine and dandy, right?
Of course not! Friend later takes a potty break. Lo and behold, SC is in the bathroom, relieving himself. He sees friend and pees on his leg!

I mean, was this guy raised by wild animals? If you don't agree with someone, you DO NOT PEE ON THEM! WTF?! Is this acceptable somewhere that I am unaware of?
Friend had no idea what to do, and was too afraid for his job to yell at the guy (?!), so just went home to change.