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In which I introduce myself to the forums and share the wonders of my night

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  • #16
    Working a college bookstore...
    I don't know if college kids are better or worse than regular SCs.

    When I went to college, it was to a pretty big, decent school. I thought that most people I'd meet there would be smarter (at least a little) than the average moron.
    I have never, in my entire life, been so wrong about anything.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #17
      Quoth Apathy View Post

      When I went to college, it was to a pretty big, decent school. I thought that most people I'd meet there would be smarter (at least a little) than the average moron.
      I have never, in my entire life, been so wrong about anything.
      Yeah, a lot of them aren't. Just got decent enough grades in classes like Underwater Basket Weaving 101 and Music Appreciation or some such thing.

      I had a classmate ask me to proofread some of his biology assignments because he hadn't been getting good grades on them. You were supposed to answer the teacher's questions with complete, correctly-constructed answers. He handed me a sheet full of misspelled words, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, misused or missing punctuation, and just generally short, general, incomplete answers.

      It hurt my brain so much, I swear it tried to crawl out my nose and escape. Being the general good-writing nazi that I am, I couldn't help but think "You're in college and this is how you write?"
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #18
        Quoth Wicked_Lexi View Post

        I swear anyone in customer service needs to be issues a Men In Black style "Flashy thing"
        put me down for 2

        Quoth karath
        For us or the customers?
        both, we've all seen things we don't want to remember, as well as doing things we'd like everyone else to forget
        Last edited by AKWalMartCartGuy; 06-12-2008, 05:20 AM.


        • #19
          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post

          Mental floss? Anything!?!
          you know as far as my geeky brain remembers mentle floss actually causes you to remember events and facts better. (it removes brain crust)
          do you really want to remember better??????


          • #20
            Yay for another fellow college worker! Yeah, sounds like a night worth forgetting quickly. It's sad to say, but I've run into more idiots at the college than I did at anywhere else. Hope your week improves!
            "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


            • #21
              Ew, peed-on books and homeless guy showing his bits. *hands the mental floss* Poor thing.
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #22
                Hmm, are college students better or worse SCs?? Some days, they're understanding, and wonderful people. But the other 363 days of the year it's "OMGDIEDIEDIE!" all around.

                Although I think the WORST customers I've EVER dealt with are law school students. (No offense to any that may be here.) Rather than read the signs or even their receipts, they try to return books and then throw a flaming hissy fit, flailing like an octopus on ice skates, because it's past the refund date, and they swear we have to take the books back because we didn't give proper notification on the last day.

                It's printed on the receipt.

                It's printed on the doors.

                It's printed on every register.

                And it's printed on EVERY AISLE IN THE BOOK SECTION.

                What more do you want from us? Why do you fling big phrases like "false advertisement" "failure to comply" "habeaus corpus" "burden of proof" and "required by law"? Is that supposed to impress me? Am I supposed to bow down by your vast legal knowledge, you who can't be bothered to read the fine print on your receipt, which answers every question you're asking me, then demanding to see a manager so he can tell you the same thing?


                I have many many many many more stories to tell, all of which I've noted in my rant book. I just have to dig up the book.


                • #23
                  In my experience, MBA students are the biggest EW pain-in-the-asses one can ever come across. This fact has been confirmed by my sister, who has an accounting degree.

                  Seriously, "My job is paying for my college degree, I'm working for a Fortune 500 company AND going to school, I deserve special attention and covered parking for my Lexus!!! Tests? I don't have time for these things!!"

                  Asshats. You work and go to school at the same time? Wow, so do....MOST people going to college these days. Allow me to throw you a party.

                  Again, no offense to potential MBA-ers on the boards (some are nice, after all). Also, I don't deal with the Law School - so they may be worse.
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #24
                    Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                    Why do you fling big phrases like "false advertisement" "failure to comply" "habeaus corpus" "burden of proof" and "required by law"?
                    Wow. Sounds like a Jack Thompson in the making. (If you want me to expand on that subject, I'll happily register and do so on Fratching.)
                    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                    • #25
                      Quoth Samaliel View Post
                      Wow. Sounds like a Jack Thompson in the making. (If you want me to expand on that subject, I'll happily register and do so on Fratching.)
                      2 questions:

                      What's a Jack Thompson?

                      And what's a Fratching, and why does it require registration? (Still technically 2 questions, cuz that one's a compounder.)

                      Forgive my newbie ignorance. Also, I spent yesterday working on seven months worth of paperwork, and was asked if I could finish it all before the end of my shift (In four and a half hours) I laughed at my manager. A lot. And made a valid attempt, and failed. My eyeballs still hurt at the thought...


                      • #26
                        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                        What more do you want from us? Why do you fling big phrases like "false advertisement" "failure to comply" "habeaus corpus" "burden of proof" and "required by law"?
                        You know, evil me (the one without the goatee) suggests that you look them in the eye, with no expression, and say, "innocent until proven guilty."
                        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                        Hoc spatio locantur.


                        • #27
                          1. Have I got tequila? Is that a trick question? Patron good for you, or are you a Cabo Wabo gal?

                          2. You know, all that time I worked in Kinko's, I never learned the answer to the most burning question of all: Why on earth so many panhandlers, bums, and iceheads need to make so many copies. What the hell are they copying? Their manifestos?

                          3. If you can keep presence of mind about you while being flashed, simply point at the offending man-bit, laugh derisively, and say "Holy crap, you call THAT a penis?"


                          • #28
                            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                            2 questions:

                            What's a Jack Thompson?

                            And what's a Fratching, and why does it require registration? (Still technically 2 questions, cuz that one's a compounder.)
                            Fratching is a separate forum run by Rapscallion for any political or controversial issues.

                            If you're interested in checking it out, follow the link in my signature.

                            I have no idea who Jack Thompson is, but from the sounds of it, Samaliel has some controversial things to say about him.

                            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                            • #29
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              1. Have I got tequila? Is that a trick question? Patron good for you, or are you a Cabo Wabo gal?

                              2. You know, all that time I worked in Kinko's, I never learned the answer to the most burning question of all: Why on earth so many panhandlers, bums, and iceheads need to make so many copies. What the hell are they copying? Their manifestos?

                              3. If you can keep presence of mind about you while being flashed, simply point at the offending man-bit, laugh derisively, and say "Holy crap, you call THAT a penis?"
                              1. *holds out a glass with some salt around the rim and gives a silly grin* For lupo's welcome party!

                              2. WHOA. I never thought about that! Good question! Huh.. um... free junior whopper coupons so they can go be SCs at Burger King?

                              3. I read a great book once that contained a story from a woman who was a professional dog trainer and was running with a large, rambunctious puppy one morning behind a man with flesh-colored spandex jogging pants. He was jogging slowly and she passed him, and suddenly noticed those weren't peach jogging shorts, those were NO SHORTS!

                              He waggled his bits expecting a scream, and she did, in her words, "What any red-blooded American woman raised with five brothers would do: I laughed long and hard. Notably, my laugh was the only long and hard thing present."

                              Then she took her pup's leash off and let him have a bit of a playful chase as the flasher high-tailed it, confused at being ridiculed.
                              My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                              Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                              • #30
                                Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                                1. Have I got tequila? Is that a trick question? Patron good for you, or are you a Cabo Wabo gal?

                                2. You know, all that time I worked in Kinko's, I never learned the answer to the most burning question of all: Why on earth so many panhandlers, bums, and iceheads need to make so many copies. What the hell are they copying? Their manifestos?

                                3. If you can keep presence of mind about you while being flashed, simply point at the offending man-bit, laugh derisively, and say "Holy crap, you call THAT a penis?"

                                1. Patron? Silver? That works for me, but having tried Cabo Wabo before... *lusty sigh* heaven on earth I tell ya. But yes, Patron is happiness. I have some silver in my cabinet, saving it for the 4th.

                                2. Hell if I know what was being copied, it was so illegible, it's not even funny.

                                3. "man bit" is a bit of a stretch, though the emphasis is on BIT. Baby carrot. mebbe a slip of linquine or something.

                                "Some men are growers, some men are showers and some men are just...sad..."

                                This guy was sad.

