I work in the administration office of a university library. This hilarious gem just happened.
CS: Clueless Student
CW: Coworker
It's a quiet afternoon. Then a student walks in and asks...
....wait for it.....
CS: Where are the books?
CW: (momentarily stunned) Uh... the... library books?
CS: Yeah, like, the ones you can check out?

Granted, the stacks aren't all that visible on the ground floor where she entered, but she did walk past a gigantic directory to get to the stairs, then passed a gigantic room full of books on her way to our office.
When asked, she didn't know what kind of books she was looking for... just "some books that I can, like, check out, you know?"
CS: Clueless Student
CW: Coworker
It's a quiet afternoon. Then a student walks in and asks...
....wait for it.....
CS: Where are the books?
CW: (momentarily stunned) Uh... the... library books?
CS: Yeah, like, the ones you can check out?

Granted, the stacks aren't all that visible on the ground floor where she entered, but she did walk past a gigantic directory to get to the stairs, then passed a gigantic room full of books on her way to our office.
When asked, she didn't know what kind of books she was looking for... just "some books that I can, like, check out, you know?"
