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Release of frustration (long)

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  • Release of frustration (long)

    Ok, some tech talk for background, won't make it too long. Basically when your phone is not working, whether it is your expensive cell or your cheap landline creature, we can send it to our repair center (which is not us, the sales geeks who can observe your phone and laugh at the observated external damage that was cast upon it by the Fates, but another group of folks, we just send stuff to them and receive stuff from them).

    Usually your crap gets back within 2 - 4 weeks. 9 out of 10 times it is repaired under warranty (you know software mistakes etc.) and sometimes it's hell because it is not repaired under warranty, but that's another bunch of tales. We can send your stuff back up to 3 times, after that we either can't do anything for you without insurance. If you do have insurance, you'll get a replacement, which always is the latest phone from that particular series.

    Anyway, this guys dect phone got back from repairs. His phone didn't charge anymore. One might find it useful to know the phone was only 40 euros and that my coworker was a bit anxious to call him since he 'knew' him from before. I made the call, said it was returned and for the 3rd time, unrepaired. He would come and pick it up.

    His wife came in and picked the phone up, I gave it to her, handled all the formalities and my coworker and I were like: cool, easy! ... We all like to dream right? Turned into a nightmare. The guy got back with the phone, already looking pissed etc. You know, standard entitlement whore at defcon 2. The following conversation took place. I'll skip the intro to the sucky part. But keep in mind that the guy was giving us a hard time from the beginning.

    SEW: sucky entitlement whore.
    CW: Paul, my fellow retail warrior.
    Me: Hi!

    Note: I was standing in the corner being silent and just observing the whole spectacle. I tend to stay silent and alert in case someone tries to haul the other over the counter for some serious ass whooping

    SEW: But it hasn't been repaired! I want a new one!
    CW: I'm sorry, the repair guys couldn't find anything for the 3rd time. There's not much else I can do. I'd like to help you in any way I can, but I am running out of possibilities here.
    SEW: I am not pleased with the service you provide me. I demand a new one! I am not going to leave the store until you give me a new one!
    CW: That's alright, you might want to know, we close at 5
    (Yes I was grinning at that moment too, couldn't gelp it)
    SEW: Hmph, then I am going to call the police and tell them that you are not being helpful!
    CW: Yeah, lets do that, so we can tell them you are trying to intimidate us and threaten us.
    SEW: I am not threatening you!
    CW: Either way you are trying to give us a hard time to give you something for free while you're not entitled to it. No matter how you call it, it's not exactly behavior the police will find entertaining.
    SEW: *starts getting all psycho on CW, name calling etc. Not extreme, but enough to make any sane person upset considering the fact he was getting on our nerves for 20 minutes*

    At that point CW disappeared behind the counter to grab something, but at the same time I see his hands shake and his eyes nearly starting to tear because he was so angry. I put my hand on his shoulder, took a step forward and just decided to give it a go. No one upsets the people I like and gets away with it.

    Me: Sir, I hope you realize that none of us wants to make a huge problem over a phone that cost 40 euros (emphasized the price heh) and I like to settle this as civilised as possible.
    SEW: I agree! Too bad your coworker isn't helping.
    Me: Quite the contrary. He perfectly stated company policy and the place the sales person has in it. The repair center has their own policies. We have to just send and receive the stuff they need and we need back. We are the middle man in this one. If you are not satisfied with the repairs, you have to take it up with the repair center.
    SEW: Or your management!
    Me: No.
    SEW: Why not? *pulls his cigarettes out and puts the pack on the counter*
    Me: Because our managers only take care of sales personnel. Which means that we are the problem according to you.
    SEW: I know that, I have had my own business! *nose in the air*
    Me: Great, then I don't have to explain that every business has its own rules and that sales personnel who only deal with the administration can't be blamed for something the repairs did.
    SEW: Yeah... that's true... *Starts to play with the pack of cigarettes, a bit nervously*
    CW: *kind of recovered from the raging bitch that SEW* Yeah, we're glad if we can make people leave the store happy and such, but we also have rules to abide.
    SEW: Yeah I understand.
    Me: *getting a little cocky* If you do, then I believe an apology to my coworker is the least you can do. He has tried to do everything which he was allowed to do and well, sorry to say it, but you said some things he didn't deserve.
    SEW: Yeah, I take it back. I shouldn't have said that. *towards CW* My apologies.
    CW: *smiled* That's alright. We don't have much customers that are willing to do that. For this time, we can be easy with the rules, we have phone in the back for 50 euros. It's nothing fancy, but it works, no one wants to buy it, take it if you want.
    SEW: That'll be ok.

    CW did the transaction. We did a happy dance and lived happily ever after. I know I might have been a bit rude towards the guy, but honestly, there was no need for SEW to blow up in CW's face either. Us retail folk have feelings too you know. The guy was in his 40s, claiming to have run a business. I think he should have known better instead to have a 19 year old girl trying to verbally strangle him.

  • #2
    While I don't doubt that, to your knowledge, there was nothing found wrong with the phone, I have to say that I can feel for the SC on this one (to an extent).

    I will say he handled this horribly, but I find it it incredibly frustrating when I KNOW there's something wrong with something I have under warranty, take it in to be fixed, and have the people there essentially tell me that there's nothing wrong with the thing I brought in.

    I had this happen to me at Best Buy. I bought my laptop there and it stopped working on me and instead of fixing it, they told me nothing was wrong with it. TWICE.

    Took it to a DIFFERENT BBY, and wouldn't you know, they found SEVERAL hardware problems with it and ended up essentially gutting my laptop and replacing a lot of the hardware.

    However, instead of taking it out on the somewhat brainless Geek Squad guys their who knew nothing about my equipment, I first had them take notes on what I wanted to techs to look at as far as hardware, then took it to another store.
    6/16/2008: Best. Day. Ever.

    Things I've Learned: Birth is not a miracle, it's a science, and science is damned disgusting. It's also really, really, cool.


    • #3
      My Ultimate Kudos to you!!! I could fall in love with a girl like you anyday.
      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


      • #4
        I can't believe that actually worked! good job! but i can also feel for him, I had an older model ipod. it would stop running right, flip what the buttons did, etc etc etc, and i sent it to HP (they made it) and they told me there was nothing wrong with it. Eventually my friend just looked up how to fix it (unplug the hardrive for a min, plug back in, it would work for a month or so). yay internets!
        Last edited by Kirachan; 06-15-2008, 03:22 PM. Reason: cuz im stupid


        • #5
          To Pixagi and Kirachan: You know it wouldn't surprise me if he took the phone to some other place, they just glanced at it and knew what the problem was. I should ask the contraworkers (colleagues from the competitor, we get along fairly well, except for the diehard retailers who think the others are the scum of the earth for working at the competitor) if they saw the guy. Don't think so, with his new phone and all, but it would make a sweet happy end


          • #6
            Quoth LoneWolf View Post
            . I put my hand on his shoulder, took a step forward and just decided to give it a go. .
            Even though it turned out okay - I think you took a big chance putting your hand on him. Even though it wasn't a bad jesture or meant in a threatening manner - it could be terribly misconstrued. I know in some states - ANY unwanted contact could be considered assault. As mad as you stated he was - you are lucky he didn't not react badly to being touched.
            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


            • #7
              Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
              Even though it turned out okay - I think you took a big chance putting your hand on him. Even though it wasn't a bad jesture or meant in a threatening manner - it could be terribly misconstrued. I know in some states - ANY unwanted contact could be considered assault. As mad as you stated he was - you are lucky he didn't not react badly to being touched.
              I know, that's why I didn't put my hand on that guys shoulder, but on my coworker's shoulder, since he looked about ready to rip him apart. I think ripping your customer apart can be seen as unwanted contact though, from the customers point of view.

              And if you meant my coworker, well, we're good friends, I don't think he would start to act like that when I do something nice and supportive ^^


              • #8
                Oh, my bad! I misread that - I thought you meant that you put your hand on the SCs shoulder....okay, nevermind.
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

