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The case of the missing eyelids

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  • The case of the missing eyelids

    My co-worker and I are California Notaries Public, and we work in a retail store that offers notary services. For anyone who doesn’t know, there are very specific laws about what / how a document can be notarized, especially in California. Every state has different notary laws. In California, we are only allowed to place our seal beside a very specific paragraph. If the wording is incorrect, we cannot notarize the document; either it will be rejected by the recording office, or we may be liable for any legal repercussions resulting from an incorrectly done notary. Which is an undesirable circumstance for us. In simple equation form:

    Good paragraph = good notary seal = everyone happy.
    Incorrect/outdated/illegible wording = no seal = pissy customer

    The following isn’t word for word but it’s close. Enter: Know-It-All- Old –Bag, whom for my purposes here I shall call KOB.

    KOB: “I need this notarized and faxed, please.” **hands document to co-worker**
    Co-worker: **looks over document** “Alright, I can notarize this, but I’ll have to attach a California acknowledgement sheet because the wording here is incorrect. “
    KOB: **in a condescending tone** “Just put your seal here on this page please, where it says ‘seal.’”
    Co-worker: “I’m sorry ma’am, but by law I am only allowed to affix my seal beside this specific wording here.” **shows KOB an acknowledgement sheet and aforementioned required wording**
    KOB: “That doesn’t help me much because this document is what needs to be notarized.”
    Co-worker: “I understand that. When I attach this sheet it’s legally the same as putting my seal on this page.”
    KOB: “No.”
    Co-worker: …
    KOB: “Now if you could just put your seal here I’m kind of in a hurry.”
    Co-worker: “I’m sorry but I can’t do that, ma’am.” **explains the law again**
    KOB: “THIS page needs to be notarized.”

    **repeat this exchange 2 more times**

    KOB: “I can see I’m not getting anywhere with you. Look, I was a notary for 15 years. You are obviously too young and inexperienced to know how to do this.” She then looks over at me (I’ve been watching this exchange with interest, pretty much knowing where it was headed) and says, “Maybe you know what you’re doing.”
    Me: **explains notary laws again to no avail** I then offer to call the NNA (National Notary Association. They offer support to Notaries with questions and I figure if she hears it from someone else she might agree to do it right or just go away) to ensure that we are in fact correct.
    KOB: “This is such a waste of time. I can’t believe this. Fine, go ahead but I’m in a hurry.”

    She’s got one hell of a stare. Her eyes bore holes into my face. I wait on hold with the NNA while she glares at me, without blinking once, for like 5 mins. I try not to look at her but she’s kinda hard to ignore. Imagine a fat version of Old Mother Goose with a pair of buggy fish eyeballs. I begin to wonder if she has no eyelids.

    When I speak with the NNA I am of course informed I cannot notarize the document without attaching the acknowledgement sheet. The NNA lady also informs me that if I do not know the answer to that question I shouldn’t be a Notary. Sigh.

    Me: (for the 99985497534th time) “Yes. I’m sorry ma’am, the NNA has confirmed that we will not be able to notarize this without the correct wording, we can attach a separate form, and blah blah blah.”
    KOB: **gets upset** “Fine! Just do whatever then! If this gets done wrong I’m going to sue!”
    Me: “In that case I think it best we don’t notarize this for you. And I think you should know it’s a federal crime to threaten or coerce a Notary. Have a nice day.”
    KOB: **looks at me like I’m the foulest, slimiest, stupidest abomination in existence** “Unbelievable.”
    **storms out**

    Exit KOB. An hour later we get a call from her lawyer telling us we should have notarized it and that the wording is correct and she knows what she’s talking about cuz she’s a Notary and blah blah blah. My co-worker informs her that if she (the lawyer) is a Notary and she’s sure its correct she can notarize it herself. To which my co-worker is promptly hung up on.

    The mystery of the missing eyelids may never be solved.

  • #2
    buggy fish eye lady?! that must be my co-irker, you can keep her.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #3
      Wow. Stupidity on so many levels.


      • #4
        Ah yes the oh so common "I was one too... and I know the job better than you!" response.

        Amazing how many different careers some people have held... maybe they keep switching cause they're incompetent at all of them!
        *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
        *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*


        • #5
          You have quite a bit of info there.. Police involvement time?


          • #6
            Quoth elysia View Post
            When I speak with the NNA I am of course informed I cannot notarize the document without attaching the acknowledgement sheet. The NNA lady also informs me that if I do not know the answer to that question I shouldn’t be a Notary. Sigh.
            this is why when I have a question like that I need to ask I preface it by "i'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but the customer is insisting I double check" so it is clear that I do in fact know what I'm doing and I'm just dealing with a douchenozzel customer.

            That said, why do people always think that just because they know how things used to be done means they know how they are done now?
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              The NNA persons sounds kinda rude. Why couldn't she tell the customer that it wasn't allowed?


              • #8
                Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                this is why when I have a question like that I need to ask I preface it by "i'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but the customer is insisting I double check" so it is clear that I do in fact know what I'm doing and I'm just dealing with a douchenozzel customer.

                That said, why do people always think that just because they know how things used to be done means they know how they are done now?
                The one time I had to make a call over the (in-store) phone to get a confirmation, I got the manager and said "I have a customer here that seems to know company policy better than we do, perhaps he could explain it to you?" and I handed the phone to the customer. It was no longer my problem, I wasn't treated like an idiot since the customer argued with the manager too, and everybody that happened to be me was happy.


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  this is why when I have a question like that I need to ask I preface it by "i'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but the customer is insisting I double check" so it is clear that I do in fact know what I'm doing and I'm just dealing with a douchenozzel customer.

                  That said, why do people always think that just because they know how things used to be done means they know how they are done now?

                  From doing my job, I have determined several things.

                  EVERYBODY is either a lawyer, in customer service, or they own a hotel. Oh...that and they have some personal connection to the media so they can expose our bad, illegal business practices ::sighs::

                  Furthermore, I really really hate when people say "I'm in customer service myself so I know you can do something, you just don't want to"
                  I mean...that's fine and dandy and all that you work dealing with S.C's much like yourself every day...but frankly I don't CARE how your company handles people like you...I'm telling you how MY company handles things. So just...go away.

                  I don't know WHAT is up the past couple of weeks...but the crazies have come out of the woodwork.
                  Last edited by dekydrose; 06-15-2008, 01:15 PM.


                  • #10
                    Quoth elysia View Post
                    When I speak with the NNA I am of course informed I cannot notarize the document without attaching the acknowledgement sheet. The NNA lady also informs me that if I do not know the answer to that question I shouldn’t be a Notary. Sigh.

                    That sucks. Suckiness all the way around.
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      Quoth dekydrose View Post

                      I don't know WHAT is up the past couple of weeks...but the crazies have come out of the woodwork.
                      don't you guys have access to the verint system... if you do you should start listening to calls... the crazies aren't just calling you... I already posted about the guy upset that I didn't know when his power was coming back on (come to think of it, I should have connected him with GR so they could politely tell him he's an idiot)... and I wish he was the only crazy, nope he's just the one that is amusing enough to post here.
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #12
                        Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                        You have quite a bit of info there.. Police involvement time?
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Ree View Post
                          Quoth elysia View Post
                          And I think you should know it’s a federal crime to threaten or coerce a Notary.
                          You shouldn't have to come into work and deal with pressure from people to BREAK THE LAW. A quick "knock it the F off" phone call from the police might just shut these idiots up.


                          • #14
                            Meh. The woman was a complete bitch, but she did eventually take "No" as the final answer and left. I wouldn't be inclined to make my life more difficult by getting the police involved.

                            Is anyone else thinking that the person who called claiming to be a "lawyer" was almost certainly not? A real lawyer should have known better.

                            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                            • #15
                              I was a notary for a while here in California, right after they started using the new acknowledgement sheets. That was a real pain. I only did notarizing within my company, but having to explain to people about using the forms, especially when notarizing copies of items going out of state, was a complete pain.

                              But that change started about fifteen years ago. Anybody who claims to be a notary in California and doesn't know about it is a complete liar.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

