So, today, I was the only employee working besides my manager and while I normally don't mind Sundays because they're slow and I have very few dealings with the general public, today really SUCKED!
Yes, there was a plethora of suck in the mere 5 hours that I worked today, but two stand out, so I shall detail those.
Suck #1: The Idiot Wannabe Scammer
Sundays are generally days when I clean stuff, dust stuff, and generally straighten what needs to be done while there's minimal amount of traffic. I was cleaning the drink coolers and noticed that the Coke cooler's door had popped off the track, and was leaving the door partly open. I told my manager (M) and he joked about the horrors of all our drinks going flat. In reality we agreed it should be looked at, to ensure the small amount of space wouldn't overheat the motor that keeps the cooler going. While we were talking a guy walks in, wanders around, and apparently listens to our conversation. I go back to my register and said Wannabe Scammer comes over to talk to me. The following conversation ensues:
WS: Wannabe Scammer
M: Manager who usually takes no s**t from anyone.
WS: Hey, if I buy a drink now, can I have it in the store?
Me: Yes, sir, but I have to ask you to keep your receipt, and make sure the drink remains closed if you decide to go into our textbook area.
WS: Ok, sure.
(He buys a drink, I ring him up, all is well. Until he returns about 2 minutes later
with an empty bottle and in a huff)
WS: (Slams empty bottle on my counter) I demand a refund!
Me: (Looking at empty bottle) Sir, you've opened it and finished the drink, I can't give you a refund on an empty bottle.
WS: But the drink was flat! Something's screwy with your machines and I want a refund! Or at least another drink for free.
Me: (Takes the bottle to look it over, then spends the next few seconds resisting the urge to beat the asshat with the empty bottle because....wait for it!!.............
Me: ...
WS: ...
Me: DO realize Powerades aren't carbonated to begin with...
WS: (Splutters, then backtracks) Right! But it was still warm because you're drink machine is defective! I want...blah blah blah.
Me: (Looks at my counter, where there is a ring of condensation from the bottle he purchased not two minutes before, and wonders if the asshat recognizes basic scientific principles) Sir, I'm sorry. I can call a manager up here for you, but that's all I can offer.
WS: Yeah! I want to speak to your manager.
M: (Is paged, comes out, hears the story, and basically tells the guy where he can stick the bottle)
WS: (Storms off angrily)
Suck #2: In which I am physically harmed!
so, I'm cleaning once again, and see a customer coming up to purchase a textbook. I go to my register to ring her through. Now, realize, this is a brand new book package that rings up to $180. I tell her her total, and it all goes downhill from there...
VC: Violent customer
M: Manager to the rescue!
Me: All right, ma'am, you're total is $180
VC: Can I have it for the other price instead?
Other price...?
VC: Yes, on the tag back there it says one $180, and $130. I want the $130 price.
Me: Um. Actually, that's a price difference between new and used books, ma'am.
VC: (Starting to get huffy) Well, how can I tell the difference!?
Me: Well, ma'am, under the $180 price is the word new, and under the $ 130 price is the word used. And generally, used books have a sticker on the spine. Since this is still a wrapped package, I have to charge you the new price.
VC: (Answers with a stream of expletives telling me what I do with myself, my mother, my register and the book...) You're getting way to rude to deal with! I Want to see your manager!!!
Me: (Pages M)
M: (Comes up and asks what the problem is)
VC: This <expletive> <expletive> is being <expletive> rude, and won't sell me the book for the price I want. <Few more expletives thrown in for emphasis> (She then demands the book to have a discount because of what I've put her through)
M (Basically tells her she needs to calm down and buy the book or leave, he can't give her a discount, and he doesn't appreciate the way she's acting in his store.
VC: Fine! See if I shop here again! Take your <expletive> book!
(VC proceeds to turn to me and THROWS the book at me! I manage to dodge and avoid being hit in the face with a hardcover book package but still get clipped in the shoulder/collarbone area)
M: Out of my store! Now! Never come back and expect the police to be knocking on your door for assault!
VC: (Storms out)
Me: (Sits on the floor behind the cash register and wonders if that really just happened.)
M called the cops, who came, took a statement and asked if I had anything other than a description. I asked M if he'd canceled out the transaction yet and he said no, so I went in to check on the number. See, the kicker is the idiot woman is part of our membership card program. I pull up customer query, and type in her number, and boom. Name, address, phone, and email. I give it to the cops and they're going after her.
Although I'm told, that unless she has priors, she's probably looking at a fine, anger management classes, and community service, or something of the like.
And now I'm home from work, I have to write a paper for my class that's due tomorrow and i dun waaaaaaannnnnaaaaaaa!!!
Yes, there was a plethora of suck in the mere 5 hours that I worked today, but two stand out, so I shall detail those.
Suck #1: The Idiot Wannabe Scammer
Sundays are generally days when I clean stuff, dust stuff, and generally straighten what needs to be done while there's minimal amount of traffic. I was cleaning the drink coolers and noticed that the Coke cooler's door had popped off the track, and was leaving the door partly open. I told my manager (M) and he joked about the horrors of all our drinks going flat. In reality we agreed it should be looked at, to ensure the small amount of space wouldn't overheat the motor that keeps the cooler going. While we were talking a guy walks in, wanders around, and apparently listens to our conversation. I go back to my register and said Wannabe Scammer comes over to talk to me. The following conversation ensues:

WS: Wannabe Scammer
M: Manager who usually takes no s**t from anyone.
WS: Hey, if I buy a drink now, can I have it in the store?
Me: Yes, sir, but I have to ask you to keep your receipt, and make sure the drink remains closed if you decide to go into our textbook area.
WS: Ok, sure.
(He buys a drink, I ring him up, all is well. Until he returns about 2 minutes later
with an empty bottle and in a huff)
WS: (Slams empty bottle on my counter) I demand a refund!
Me: (Looking at empty bottle) Sir, you've opened it and finished the drink, I can't give you a refund on an empty bottle.
WS: But the drink was flat! Something's screwy with your machines and I want a refund! Or at least another drink for free.
Me: (Takes the bottle to look it over, then spends the next few seconds resisting the urge to beat the asshat with the empty bottle because....wait for it!!.............
Me: ...
WS: ...
Me: DO realize Powerades aren't carbonated to begin with...
WS: (Splutters, then backtracks) Right! But it was still warm because you're drink machine is defective! I want...blah blah blah.
Me: (Looks at my counter, where there is a ring of condensation from the bottle he purchased not two minutes before, and wonders if the asshat recognizes basic scientific principles) Sir, I'm sorry. I can call a manager up here for you, but that's all I can offer.
WS: Yeah! I want to speak to your manager.
M: (Is paged, comes out, hears the story, and basically tells the guy where he can stick the bottle)
WS: (Storms off angrily)
Suck #2: In which I am physically harmed!
so, I'm cleaning once again, and see a customer coming up to purchase a textbook. I go to my register to ring her through. Now, realize, this is a brand new book package that rings up to $180. I tell her her total, and it all goes downhill from there...

VC: Violent customer
M: Manager to the rescue!
Me: All right, ma'am, you're total is $180
VC: Can I have it for the other price instead?

VC: Yes, on the tag back there it says one $180, and $130. I want the $130 price.
Me: Um. Actually, that's a price difference between new and used books, ma'am.
VC: (Starting to get huffy) Well, how can I tell the difference!?
Me: Well, ma'am, under the $180 price is the word new, and under the $ 130 price is the word used. And generally, used books have a sticker on the spine. Since this is still a wrapped package, I have to charge you the new price.
VC: (Answers with a stream of expletives telling me what I do with myself, my mother, my register and the book...) You're getting way to rude to deal with! I Want to see your manager!!!
Me: (Pages M)
M: (Comes up and asks what the problem is)
VC: This <expletive> <expletive> is being <expletive> rude, and won't sell me the book for the price I want. <Few more expletives thrown in for emphasis> (She then demands the book to have a discount because of what I've put her through)
M (Basically tells her she needs to calm down and buy the book or leave, he can't give her a discount, and he doesn't appreciate the way she's acting in his store.
VC: Fine! See if I shop here again! Take your <expletive> book!
(VC proceeds to turn to me and THROWS the book at me! I manage to dodge and avoid being hit in the face with a hardcover book package but still get clipped in the shoulder/collarbone area)
M: Out of my store! Now! Never come back and expect the police to be knocking on your door for assault!
VC: (Storms out)
Me: (Sits on the floor behind the cash register and wonders if that really just happened.)
M called the cops, who came, took a statement and asked if I had anything other than a description. I asked M if he'd canceled out the transaction yet and he said no, so I went in to check on the number. See, the kicker is the idiot woman is part of our membership card program. I pull up customer query, and type in her number, and boom. Name, address, phone, and email. I give it to the cops and they're going after her.
Although I'm told, that unless she has priors, she's probably looking at a fine, anger management classes, and community service, or something of the like.
