(don't know if this technically belongs here...please move if necessary)
I'm visiting my parents for the week while my dad is out of town. I'm doing work for them and get a call from my older brother in reguards to a bill that he needs me to tell the company AGAIN that he is authorized to make any changes on my account.
BB (Big brother)
CCS (comcast customer service)
BB: hey Sarlon, these guys needs to confirm your social security number so that I can make some changes.
Me: ok...its xxxxxxxxx...
CCS: I'm sorry ma'am thats not the number on the account.
...it should be...my name is still on the account...the service is still at (address of my brother)....
CCS: Yes, Ma'am thats not the correct information.
Me: last time my brother called and you called me to verify my social it was correct.
CCS: Ma'am I'm sorry but your brother is not on the account either.
(ok...this would of been the 12th time I told the company that my brother and my dad are authorized on the account to make any changes or disconnects since I no longer live in that house nore use that service. I live almost an hour away.)
ME: you mean to tell me that someone other then myself, got into my account and changed the social security number on the account?
BB: (chiming in for the first time) Dad's already left for mexico...but do you think that he put his on there?
CCS: Is there anyway to contact him?
Me: No, he'll be out of town for a week...
BB: alright then...well the bill's paid and as soon as I can, I'll get this put fully into my name so we don't have this problem.
me: (yeah what you should of done 4 years ago when I moved out)
Comcast has been a massive thorn in my side since they took over the smaller local cable company here in town...course in the town where I live...the only 3 choices are comcrap, charter, and embarq. ><
personally I could do without any of them, but sadly I need my fix of internet...so I must keep paying them!
I'm visiting my parents for the week while my dad is out of town. I'm doing work for them and get a call from my older brother in reguards to a bill that he needs me to tell the company AGAIN that he is authorized to make any changes on my account.
BB (Big brother)
CCS (comcast customer service)
BB: hey Sarlon, these guys needs to confirm your social security number so that I can make some changes.
Me: ok...its xxxxxxxxx...
CCS: I'm sorry ma'am thats not the number on the account.

CCS: Yes, Ma'am thats not the correct information.
Me: last time my brother called and you called me to verify my social it was correct.
CCS: Ma'am I'm sorry but your brother is not on the account either.
(ok...this would of been the 12th time I told the company that my brother and my dad are authorized on the account to make any changes or disconnects since I no longer live in that house nore use that service. I live almost an hour away.)
ME: you mean to tell me that someone other then myself, got into my account and changed the social security number on the account?
BB: (chiming in for the first time) Dad's already left for mexico...but do you think that he put his on there?
CCS: Is there anyway to contact him?
Me: No, he'll be out of town for a week...
BB: alright then...well the bill's paid and as soon as I can, I'll get this put fully into my name so we don't have this problem.
me: (yeah what you should of done 4 years ago when I moved out)
Comcast has been a massive thorn in my side since they took over the smaller local cable company here in town...course in the town where I live...the only 3 choices are comcrap, charter, and embarq. ><
personally I could do without any of them, but sadly I need my fix of internet...so I must keep paying them!