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wherein I deal with comcrap...

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  • wherein I deal with comcrap...

    (don't know if this technically belongs here...please move if necessary)

    I'm visiting my parents for the week while my dad is out of town. I'm doing work for them and get a call from my older brother in reguards to a bill that he needs me to tell the company AGAIN that he is authorized to make any changes on my account.

    BB (Big brother)
    CCS (comcast customer service)

    BB: hey Sarlon, these guys needs to confirm your social security number so that I can make some changes.

    Me: ok...its xxxxxxxxx...

    CCS: I'm sorry ma'am thats not the number on the account.

    Me: should name is still on the account...the service is still at (address of my brother)....

    CCS: Yes, Ma'am thats not the correct information.

    Me: last time my brother called and you called me to verify my social it was correct.

    CCS: Ma'am I'm sorry but your brother is not on the account either.

    (ok...this would of been the 12th time I told the company that my brother and my dad are authorized on the account to make any changes or disconnects since I no longer live in that house nore use that service. I live almost an hour away.)

    ME: you mean to tell me that someone other then myself, got into my account and changed the social security number on the account?

    BB: (chiming in for the first time) Dad's already left for mexico...but do you think that he put his on there?

    CCS: Is there anyway to contact him?

    Me: No, he'll be out of town for a week...

    BB: alright then...well the bill's paid and as soon as I can, I'll get this put fully into my name so we don't have this problem.

    me: (yeah what you should of done 4 years ago when I moved out)

    Comcast has been a massive thorn in my side since they took over the smaller local cable company here in town...course in the town where I live...the only 3 choices are comcrap, charter, and embarq. ><

    personally I could do without any of them, but sadly I need my fix of I must keep paying them!
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  • #2
    I had to deal with an entire day of an outage from them because some bozo messed up the wires somewhere to connect a new neighbor's new service. They're the only choice in my area for cable TV w/ a DVR and 8 MB/second internet. Like their slogan says it's Comcrap-tastic.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      first off tropics...I LOVE the fact that you used one of my oneliners as a quote!!!

      another horror story is this...from comcrap...

      I had JUST had 4 teeth cut out and was dopped up on painkillers, my friend was staying in my apartment with me to make sure I was still breathing, and eating when I got up every 4 hours. (yes I did nothing but sleep for almost a week, I was in that much pain and that drugged up).

      The week before the GENIOUSES at the landlord's office decieded to make the crappy buildings look they hired comcrap to come out and rewire all the apartments so the cables were inside the buildings, rather then running along the outside of the walls.

      The rewire happened on a tuesday. No one came inside to make sure the cable was correct. I get home from a long day at work, and see no internet connection.

      I call comcrap and am told its obviously a problem on my end since their servers show no problems. I politely inform them of the rewiring done on my apartment and tell them that I will be gone for 2 days while I have the dental surgery.

      They say they will send someone out there while I'm gone.

      fast forward a few days...I come home after recovering at my mom's to drugged out to care or notice that my internet is working or not. My friend whom is staying with me at the time is sitting at my computer, helps me get into bed and leaves me in peace.

      Apperently they never came out to fix the problem and 3 days later, when I'm supposed to still be in bed, am forced to drag myself out of bed to their office 20 minutes away because they kept hanging up on me when I called customer service.

      I get to their office and pull one of the most shameful blantent act of SCing I've EVER done...probably even worse then some noted on this forum....I blame the drugs >.>

      REALLY REALLY long story short....turns out when they rewired my apartment, they didn't have enough cable to connect it fully so they couldn't be bothered to come back out and fix the problem...2 weeks of no service and the problem is fixed. Credit was put to my account 3 months later after I mentioned it SEVERAL times >< Ancients I know i pulled some serious SC moments during those months but can anyone honestly blame me? They even had said that it was noted in my account that I had called about the problem.
      It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


      • #4
        Quoth Sarlon View Post
        first off tropics...I LOVE the fact that you used one of my oneliners as a quote!!!
        It was sig worthy and I just HAD to have it. Yoink!
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          I've had the exact same sort of experiences, Sarlon.

          Mine, though, was even more fun. See, we had two separate accounts at my house. There was residential cable tv, and business cable internet. We wanted them separate for a reason.

          My name was on the business, my wife's name was on the residential.

          Comcast merged the two accounts into my wife's name, and wouldn't let me talk to anybody about issues on the internet. It took several tries and them digging through multiple systems to say "Oh, yeah, we can talk to you." Ten minutes of "Sorry, we can't talk to you." "But I signed the contract, so you find my account and start talking to me." is never a good way to start a support call.

