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Fiesty in my old age

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  • Fiesty in my old age

    When questioned by SCs about why service is taking so long when they just KNOW that they called over 2 HOURS ago however I could plainly see in black and white the time we received the call - I used to just apologize and reiterate the arrival time.

    Not lately. If they pull that "I called 2 HOURS ago" or some other time that is clearly errouneous to the time that is stamped electronically in the call...I call them on it. Nicely, of course.

    ME: Yes, ma'am your service will be there between now and 12pm. (the now time at the time was 11:15am)
    SC: What happened? Why did this become such a mess? I called over two hours ago and he's just now coming? When I first called, they said I needed to get the receipt to clear the vehicle. I did that and called RIGHT back. They said it would be within the hour.

    ME: Ma'am, I see this call came through @ 11:08. It is now 11:15 and I am telling you they will be there between now and 12pm. That is within the hour.
    SC: I didn't call at no 11:08. I called TWO HOURS ago.

    I look at the first call where they told her she needed to get the receipt before service could be sent out and THAT call was two hours ago - so I explained that to her.

    ME: Yes, the first time you called was at 9am but when you called to say you had the receipt - that was 11:08.
    SC: NO IT WAS NOT! I called RIGHT back after I got the receipt. Now, what is taking so long.
    ME: I apologize, but the call I am looking at that dispatched the service came in at 11:08, they will be there by noon, that is within the hour you were quoted, which I also see in the call.
    SC: Well, THANKS. BYE!

    Yup - pwned by electronic time stamps be-otch!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    almost like the people who complain about being on hold for over 10 minutes... sorry, our phones display the hold time (the idea being that if hold times start getting long we can cut corners to get our call time donw)... the average hold time is 2 minutes with an average queue of 3... so no, you couldn't have been on hold for over 10 minutes, it is mathmatically impossible.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      SC's cannot conceive of this thing called the normal passing of time. They are in their own little Q-like space/time continuum in which closed stores are still open for hours, and call times lag on for eons because they are forced to adjust to the (going to use the power word here) ridiculous! reality that sales people reside in.

      What a pain in the patoot.
      "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

      "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


      • #4
        I dont envy you. although I have to talk with them much longer than you do.
        My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....

