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Fine...I get it...

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  • Fine...I get it...

    I'm at home today...really at home on a day that is not Sunday. Something rare during this and next month since it IS the time for taking vacations. So for the past few weeks I've been doing six day work weeks and slowly going mental at the thought of being at work and dealing with some people.

    You see I don't have a route of my own but instead have been opted on a route for the past two years. Senior carriers have been wanting this route and have been bugging me about it for the past three weeks. I'm getting sick of it so before I even go to the road after casing and pulling down the route I'm twitching.

    Now on this route I have multiples of the same last name and multiples of the same number different street. That shouldn't be a problem I hear you all say, but sometimes when you have to get a lot of mail up fast, yes yes it is a problem. The last names don't usually get me but the numbers will at times. I currently have a problem with 9930. I have three of these and sometimes when I go to fast the three will get mis cased. Usually I catch this on the street and can correct it before any mail goes into the box. Sometimes however I'm not so good at it and usually people will just pop it back into their box, put the flag up, and it's done.

    Now last week we had some crappy full route magazines come in with printing on the labels that is...doubled. So we had to look at them closer as they didn't come in route order. On accident I put 9330 into 9930's spot. Normally I would have just face palmed, taken it back and delivered it correctly the next day. But this time after a solid couple months of making sure things were correct and managing to grab the wrong ones I get this back in the box with a note, "Why can't you learn to read?"

    I've gotten that note before from them and it stung, of course that had been about a year and a half ago. But this time was different, I pulled the magazine in, gave a sigh, and tossed it with a growing pile of those I had mis cased. My head was pounding and I was tired after not sleeping well for the past few nights. It was affecting my work I knew that and I was trying my best. But then she came out and started yelling at me, telling me off for getting their address wrong 'ALL the time' and for never delivering their packages right.

    I twitched then at the mention of the packages, I had been getting swamped with packages and today I had close to 30 of them. Finally she let it drop that if they didn't have to do business with the USPS they wouldn't. But they pay taxes and they knew thats how I get my paycheck. Again I can feel my eyes twitching and I'm staring straight ahead. "Your not even listening ar you?! What think this is funny just waltz around and getting here whenever you damn well please? I saw you down at the store today, sitting there for 25 minuets. Don't think I won't hesitate to tell you manager about you slouching off work."

    Now my head is basically dead with thought and I'm, for better thought, blue screened. "Have fun calling them then. Have a good day." Driving to the next box I just left her there yelling at me before she stormed back into her house. So yes your the only person on my route and not one of 683. Your the only person I get mail for, not the average of 1883 letters and 2310 flats. I ONLY get your packages and not the average of 22 that the route gets. And yes when I'm given a piece off another route and told to do that before my own route I will rush to your house to make sure you get your mail at the same time every single fricken day. And about my half hour lunch that you saw me taking and cutting off at 25 minuets to get back to the route...yea I'll make sure to never do that again just for you too.

    So for those who claim that we as the USPS can never get anything right...fine I get it. I get it every fricken day when I have someone come to my truck and claim that I'm five minuets later then yesterday or want to berate me on not getting a package yet. Because yes I just know exactly where that package is and even where our competitors did to your package because I am all knowing.

    SO STOP ALREADY! I get it, I get that your unhappy with me, I get that you think I should be giving your mail on a silver plater. I get that you think I'm scum with no education what so ever.

    What caused this little outburst of mine? A few of the posts on here and the fact that my neighbor wanted to know why she hasn't gotten a package yet. Totally not even taking in the fact that I'm still in my pj's and I'm not at work. Of course then she wanted me to go to the post office and ask instead of her just calling. Overlooking the fact that I don't have a car right now, my Mother has my car and I bike to work. But yea I'll get right on that for you.

    F-ing hell I just got my stomach settled and just got some of the best sleep in three weeks. And I'm trying to not hide in my closet and cry because of this.

  • #2
    Don't hide in the closet and cry.

    Hide under the duvet.

    Hope you start having a better time of it. And just imagine, the next time one of these assmonkeys asks you a dumb question and blows up at you, just imagine what their skull looks like in a cat scan - strangely empty.


    • #3
      That woman needs to take a chill pill.
      This reminds me that the family on the other street with the same number on their address as mine would get my stuff. And I imagine they throw it away instead of putting it back in their mail box with a note. I got their things and put them in my mailbox for the carrier to pick up. There were magazines I wasn't getting.

      Sorry about the morons on your route.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        I'm so sorry. I appreciate when we have a good USPS carrier. We've had some really conscientious ones. Unfortunately, we have one right now that is teh suck. Want to move to my neighborhood?
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          I feel for you, mail carriers especially in rural areas have it rough. With so many same last names in a small area, it's probably a lot of unforked family trees that are causing your headaches.

          Where I am at, we have two post offices within 5 miles of each other, two "towns" with literally one digit difference in ZIP code, and the same box numbering scheme. If I got upset about misdirected mail I'd have had an aneurysm along with half the postal staff years ago.

          Let the good times shine bright, and the bad ones fade. Don't take it personally, they hate the USPS, not Aethian. Eventually, if you keep at it, you'll come to remember 'Pork Rind Monthly is 3390 with the rusty car in the yard, GQ is 3390 with the trimmed bushes'


          • #6
            My old neighborhood had a Mockingbird Lane AND a Mockingbird St in it. Try to imagine how much mail got mixed up there?
            "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


            • #7
              Are you allowed to take headsets on your route? After all if your listening to music you can't hear the insulting idiots. Unless they yank it off your head, then you can file assault charges.

              PS: Nice puppy in the icon.
              "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


              • #8
                Isnt there a law against what she did?

                I know a mail carrier in my town was having a problem with a guy on her route. She got fed up with it and let her higher ups know and they had him arrested for harassment/verbal abuse.


                • #9
                  Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                  My old neighborhood had a Mockingbird Lane AND a Mockingbird St in it. Try to imagine how much mail got mixed up there?
                  Try having 1-18th St and Ave.....

                  I did take the postal exam and also passed, so I feel for you guys (and gals) that have to suffer getting the mail through... My condolences, and we arn't all idiots like that


                  • #10
                    Our mail gets mixed up a lot. The address I'm at has two buildings, the street numbers jump around, a family just down the way has the same last name, and I'm pretty sure we haven't had the same mail carrier for more than six months since we moved here. Y'know what I do when I get the wrong mail? If it's for the other building, or the family next door, I put it in their box, other wise I put it back in ours with a note. That woman needs a solid boot to the head, and to grow the fuck up.
                    The High Priest is an Illusion!


                    • #11
                      *Pats and offers pie*

                      I like my post carriers, they're pretty good at delivering my stuff to me. Never see them, though. However, I DO seem to have my favourite Brown driver back on route. He always waves to me when I pass him.
                      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                      • #12
                        Well, as with a lot of things, people remember the things that get their attention. 90% of the year, the mail could arrive perfectly, but they'll only remember the 5% it didn't.

                        For myself, when something odd happens with my mail, I just assume it's someone who's covering the route. If I routinely get mail for someone else, I just put a note in the box, indicating that they don't live here, and leave it at that.

                        What she did is, as everyone else has mentioned, sucky. And so are the folks who complain to you just because they know you're a postal worker.
                        The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                        • #13
                          Aethian, I'm sorry you have to deal with that lady. She sucks.

                          Want to bring me my mail? I leave cookies and brownies for my postal carrier in the mailbox near Christmas and his birthday (I know his birthday because he's my friend's cousin - it's a small world apparently.)

                          *Sending you digital cookies and brownies* Hope you feel better!
                          "...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?!" ~ Kalga

                          "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


                          • #14
                            I have a great deal of empathy for anyone working in one of those "nobody ever gets it right" professions. You know the ones- they deal with nine million items of information a day, so when the 1% are done wrong, 90,000 people are screaming at them. Ninety thousand mistakes look like a lot to the layperson, so they rip into the system, the staff, the managers, and anyone else they think they can about how incompetent they all are, ignoring the eight million, nine hundred and ten thousand items that were done perfectly.

                            My own postal nightmare? A previous street I lived on in a small rural town had the same name as a street in the large urban city nearby. Sometimes the post carriers got it wrong, but mostly it was people addressing it wrong and including the city name. We were a good 6 miles out of the city limits. We are NOT part of City. Do NOT include 'City' on my mail. Especially when I have gone to great pains to write it correctly for you on the form I filled out, and ESPECIALLY when I have had to phone in every two months for the last year to change it because some (gritted teeth time) "helpful" person in your company keeps "correcting" my own danged address to the wrong thing every couple of months!!!


                            At least a polite card (including lotto ticket) to the folks at my-number my-street in City generated a slew of redirected mails for a while. I think they moved out and someone else moved in.

                            Sorry. Normal service will resume shortly.


                            • #15
                              Quoth One-Fang View Post
                              I have a great deal of empathy for anyone working in one of those "nobody ever gets it right" professions. You know the ones- they deal with nine million items of information a day, so when the 1% are done wrong, 90,000 people are screaming at them.
                              Yeah, like the people who documented the Stella Liebeck vs McDonald's case and found 700 severe burn caused by McD's coffee in 10 years. Which is about 1 accident in 24 million cups of coffee...

                              Also, I'd like to offer my sincerest sympathy to the OP and every postal employee of any country. This is not an easy job you have and I begin to understand why some USPS officers would go bonkers from time to time. I just hope we never get to this point around here, although we're not headed in the right direction...
                              Last edited by Samaliel; 06-19-2008, 10:27 AM.
                              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

