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Where Crazylegs Snapped

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  • Where Crazylegs Snapped

    This story is years old, maybe 4-5 years ago, here's the scene.

    Christmas is less then a week away, I'm in chage of a department that is taking about 20k a day. When I say 'in charge' that means there is me working there.

    Thats is, just me busting a gut flogging this junk while having to restock it as well, it wasn't a physically large section perhaps 20 modules if my memory serves me correctly. People were getting desperate for presents, they were buying footspas (they look huge under the tree) and at the other end of the scale I couldn't keep up with the sales of the £200 electric shavers.

    I'd over ordered massivly certain key lines so I *knew* I had enough to keep me going and I wasn't running out of what was selling, each morning before it got busy (ie I got into the store long before it opened to make the section look amazing).

    Just before lunchtime I get a phonecall, bear in mind I hadn't had a break since around 07:30, I'd spent my time selling electric toothbrushes, razors and other electfronic gadgetry, my brain had melted, I was hungry, I hadn't had a loo break since the small hours of the morning. Hey, you guys know what Christmas is like right!?

    So the phonecall.

    "Crazylegs, can you pop upstairs, we've got a dispute over the price of a toothbrush"
    "Uh, I'm kinda busy right now, what does it say when it goes through the till?
    "£50, but the customer is arguing, she says the price label says otherwise"
    "Right, I'm coming on up"

    So, I positivley run up two storys of worth of stairs and see this scene before me.

    Floor supervisor
    Sales Assistant
    Customer pointing at a display which is quite clearly NOT electric toohbrushes, I can see her mouth move to the tune of "but thats where it was, so thats the right price".

    I arrive.

    Me; Right, whats the problem?
    SC; These people are trying to tell me that the price is £50 when the price label clearly states it £20 <points to display of cuddly toys>
    Me; Ok, I personally put out all the stock of this model this morning and I know that the price of this item is £50, I nor the company is responsible for any stock that is moved by any customer, in addition each price label clearly states what it relates to and this diplay is quite obviously for cuddly toys and not electric toothbrushes. If you want me to I will take you downstairs and show you the price label however the price that the till states is correct. Anything else I can help with?
    SC; Uh, no, thank you.
    Me; You're welcome (to collegues) anything else?
    CW; [Grinning] No, cheers.
    Me; Right, I'm off to lunch!
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

  • #2
    Ooh, right for the jugular. Excellent
    "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

    Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


    • #3
      Tis a shame you colleagues needed you to bring some backbone to the conversation.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #4
        If they can't tell an electric toothbrush from a Furby, I wonder how they can tell their head from their butt.
        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


        • #5
          Heh, always love that. It was there, so it costs X. Wish I could tell most of em "Ok, since you're standing by that price tag, here's $20, you belong to me now."


          • #6
            Quoth Samaliel View Post
            If they can't tell an electric toothbrush from a Furby, I wonder how they can tell their head from their butt.
   there's an image.

            Customer: This is the worst toothbrush ever! It's too big to fit my mouth, doesn't hold the toothpaste well, and keeps making "Veedo-boo-too" noises when I brush! Oh, and it pinches my ear!
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth cinema guy View Post
              Tis a shame you colleagues needed you to bring some backbone to the conversation.
              Probably not so much backbone as it sounds like she wasn't listening to them. I had a guy the other day asked me three different ways if he could make copies (which is in their rental contract that we don't provide these services), so I called up the gal that does the rental contracts and got the answer straight from her. Sometimes they just need to hear it from someone the perceive as "being in charge".
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                I'm rather surprised that the SC took it like that, instead of continuing to argue.
                Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                • #9
                  Quoth Apathy View Post
                  I'm rather surprised that the SC took it like that, instead of continuing to argue.
                  If my memory serves me correctly she wasn't vertically privileged, I had (by that point) reached my full height and was not in the best of moods, I may go so far as to say I was slightly peeved.
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

