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That is NOT a Magic Trick (LONG)

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  • That is NOT a Magic Trick (LONG)

    My friend, let's call him Ninja, told me this story about this particular SC. Ninja is a street magician/breakdancer/musician/free runner, so his SCs arn't SC in the tradtional sense. They're the people who try to knock him down when he's in the middle of a freeze or headspin, or yell at him for dancing in a legal-zone, or try to ruin his magic tricks. The general public are his customers, so I call them SCs

    He was in front of a group of teenage girls, making a coin disappear and reappear, when the SC walks up to him and starts up a conversation.

    SC: J@ck@$$ with way too much free time
    WN: The Watermelon Ninja (don't ask about the nickname)
    TG: Anyone of the many teenage girls who flock around WN.

    SC: Hey, man. I know a magic trick.
    WN: Oh, yeah? Feel like showing us?
    SC: Okay, then, magic-man, pass me the coin.

    So WN passes the SC the coin. SC makes a few hand movements, like he's going to do a trick, then THROWS the coin right at WN's face, from two feet away! WN copped it right in the forehead.

    SC: HA! Sucker
    TG1: Oh my God! Are you okay?
    TG2: Ohmigod, he's bleeding!

    WN has a cut in the middle of the forehead, and it's bleeding quite a lot. SC goes pale.

    SC: Oh $#!T!

    He turns and starts to run. WN starts to chase him, then figures it's not worth leaving his stuff unguarded.

    He got a tissue off one of the girls, waited for the blood to dry, then go on with his act. But seriously, what kinda moron hurls a coin full speed at someones face? If it had got him in the eye, it could have blinded him! Some people's children...
    I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

    At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.

  • #2
    Uh, assault anyone?

    Jeez, I've heard of idiocy like that by children, but never a fully grown adult...
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Yup, assault, definitely. I learnt recently that, around here, if the resulting injuries don't result in a Leave of Absence of at least three days, then it's only a civil matter.
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        This is an evolution of the "you've got something on your shirt" followed by a nose flick guy we all knew back in school, that's what this is.

        But regardless of you telling me not to ask, I have to ask: Watermelon Ninja?


        • #5
          Yes, his full nickname is The Watermelon Ninja. He was always a ninja. The watermelon thing came from the several lime green, watermelon patterned bandanas he wears. That's the short version, anyway.

          Back on topic, I couldn't believe it when he told me, but he had the scar to prove it. People are so stupid
          I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

          At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.


          • #6
            Quoth Samaliel View Post
            Yup, assault, definitely. I learnt recently that, around here, if the resulting injuries don't result in a Leave of Absence of at least three days, then it's only a civil matter.
            Depends on where you are.

            Usually in the U.S., assault is the threat of violence, battery is the physical attack. Depending on the jurisdiction, the fact that there was obvious physical injury and apparent premeditation could add to the severity of the charges.

            Things are not looking good for the SC.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Yeah, I get that. I was just saying that French legislation regarding this kind of things just seem to suck big time.

              But I don't know if leaving enough space for people to sue each other when one happens to step on the other's foot is better than not being able to do anything unless you're temporarily incapacitated... But that's off-topic, I guess.
              Last edited by Samaliel; 06-20-2008, 09:37 AM.
              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


              • #8
                I am wondering if the SC was trying to impress the teenage girls. Here, let me show you how much of a badass I am. Just let me toss this coin in his face.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  I am wondering if the SC was trying to impress the teenage girls.
                  If that was his aim, it backfired. Alot. The girls spent twenty minutes making sure Ninja was okay, not upset or too badly hurt, and generally fawning over him. He has that affect on young women.
                  I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

                  At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.


                  • #10
                    Here's a good idea for a magic trick!
                    First, I'll need an ordinary $20 bill.

                    Okay, got it. Now I'll disappear!

                    Yeah, it didn't work for Calvin either.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      I am wondering if the SC was trying to impress the teenage girls.
                      As the resident CS magician, I can tell you that this happens way too often. I've never had anyone throw anything in my face or anything, but I have had many people trying to show how badass they are by showing up the magician.

                      Of course, since my friend Frank and I absolutely thrive on out smartassing the smartasses, more often than not this just plays into our hands, making us look great, making the smartasses look a bit silly, and most times turning them around to be on our side.

                      But naturally there are a few that can't be converted, that insist on showing how much smarter, better, and badder they are than the magician. Some people are just determined to be jackasses.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."

