My friend, let's call him Ninja, told me this story about this particular SC. Ninja is a street magician/breakdancer/musician/free runner, so his SCs arn't SC in the tradtional sense. They're the people who try to knock him down when he's in the middle of a freeze or headspin, or yell at him for dancing in a legal-zone, or try to ruin his magic tricks. The general public are his customers, so I call them SCs 
He was in front of a group of teenage girls, making a coin disappear and reappear, when the SC walks up to him and starts up a conversation.
SC: J@ck@$$ with way too much free time
WN: The Watermelon Ninja (don't ask about the nickname)
TG: Anyone of the many teenage girls who flock around WN.
SC: Hey, man. I know a magic trick.
WN: Oh, yeah? Feel like showing us?
SC: Okay, then, magic-man, pass me the coin.
So WN passes the SC the coin. SC makes a few hand movements, like he's going to do a trick, then THROWS the coin right at WN's face, from two feet away! WN copped it right in the forehead.
SC: HA! Sucker
TG1: Oh my God! Are you okay?
TG2: Ohmigod, he's bleeding!
WN has a cut in the middle of the forehead, and it's bleeding quite a lot. SC goes pale.
SC: Oh $#!T!
He turns and starts to run. WN starts to chase him, then figures it's not worth leaving his stuff unguarded.
He got a tissue off one of the girls, waited for the blood to dry, then go on with his act. But seriously, what kinda moron hurls a coin full speed at someones face? If it had got him in the eye, it could have blinded him! Some people's children...

He was in front of a group of teenage girls, making a coin disappear and reappear, when the SC walks up to him and starts up a conversation.
SC: J@ck@$$ with way too much free time
WN: The Watermelon Ninja (don't ask about the nickname)
TG: Anyone of the many teenage girls who flock around WN.
SC: Hey, man. I know a magic trick.
WN: Oh, yeah? Feel like showing us?
SC: Okay, then, magic-man, pass me the coin.
So WN passes the SC the coin. SC makes a few hand movements, like he's going to do a trick, then THROWS the coin right at WN's face, from two feet away! WN copped it right in the forehead.
SC: HA! Sucker
TG1: Oh my God! Are you okay?
TG2: Ohmigod, he's bleeding!
WN has a cut in the middle of the forehead, and it's bleeding quite a lot. SC goes pale.
SC: Oh $#!T!
He turns and starts to run. WN starts to chase him, then figures it's not worth leaving his stuff unguarded.
He got a tissue off one of the girls, waited for the blood to dry, then go on with his act. But seriously, what kinda moron hurls a coin full speed at someones face? If it had got him in the eye, it could have blinded him! Some people's children...