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No Sir you can't get on this ride... You're wearing a neck brace! (LONG)

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  • No Sir you can't get on this ride... You're wearing a neck brace! (LONG)

    A post by Blas reminded me off AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL the stories I have from working at a theme park a couple of years back.. Seriously people get stupid around rides... like deadly Darwin type stupid!

    Theme park rides are incredibly dangerous. People have been hurt or even killed by rides like Ferris wheels and roller coasters. Now most people don't understand how dangerous these rides and why you should listen to the Ride Attendants! Add that to the fact my park was also licensed for Alcohol and you have yourself a butt load of SCs!

    First up the winner from the thread title!

    I was working on a ride called the Rotor. ( Warning the video could make you sick!) Basically it sticks you to the walls by spinning uber fast and then the floor drops out! Think a GIANT washing machine with people inside!. Anyone with Neck or Back issues SHOULD NOT RIDE IT! EVER!

    Guy walks up to the ride wearing a neck brace... Ignoring the massive amount of signs warning anyone with Neck Problems should not ride it.. Obviously I cannot let him on.

    Me: Sir I'm sorry but I cant let you on this ride.
    Me: You are wearing a neck brace. Anyone with neck problems can't ride! Also the neck brace would choke you!
    SC: Are you kidding me!
    Me: No sir I'm not
    SC: FINE *storms off*
    Me: *Breaths sigh of relief*

    Later he comes back... not wearing the neck brace...

    Me: Sir I'm sorry you cant get on this ride!
    SC: WHY NOT!
    Me: Sir you were wearing a neck brace earlier in the day...
    SC: Well I'm not now!
    Me: Sir do you want to end up paralyzed? Because if you have a cracked vertebrae or something similar that is what will happen if you get on this ride or for that matter any ride in the park!
    SC: I want to get on this ride! *Steps closer and stands over me*

    Note: We carried "Measuring sticks" which where steel poles. They were for checking if children were tall enough to get on the ride! However more than once they were a comforting presence against SC's who got aggressive!

    Me: Sir please leave. I don't want to have to call security! (I said this loud enough that the ride operator heard me and called them himself!)
    Me: Sir I cant. You will get hurt.

    At this point security showed up asked me what was happening and then told him to leave. He decided to take a swing at one of them (who was nearly 7 foot tall) and he grabbed the guy by the shirt and really gently carried him to the edge of the park and told him if he came back he would be arrested for trespassing!

    Second Winner: LET MY SON ON!

    The park was UBER busy that day and I was again on the rotor. The line was massive. I saw a kid who was nearly at the front bail from the line. Didn't say anything to me just walked off. Came back and tried to go to the front of the line!

    Me: Hey, You'll have to go to the back!
    Kid: But I was here before!
    Me: And then you got out of line. Sorry kid those are the rules
    Kid: But I had to go to the bathroom!

    Now if he had of told me that I would of marked his spot cause he was a kid but he didn't! He was about 13 mind you.

    Me: Sorry kid but I can't let you back in. Its against the park rules!
    Kid: FUCK YOU THEN *storms off*
    Me: *shrugs and feels kinda bad but not much I can do*

    Little while later a see a tank of a woman storming towards me kid in tow

    Me: *thinking UH OH*
    Me: No, Your son got out of line and then tried to line jump!
    Me: *thinking "wouldnt be the first time"* Ma'am I'm sorry but its the rules.
    Me: Ma'am I cant do that as its unfair to everyone else waiting!
    TW: *steps closer again* LET HIM ON!
    Me: No! I cant. He will have to wait!
    TW: *Looking like she is about to hit me!* I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER!
    Me: *spots manager behind her* He's right over there *points*
    TW: *storms over to my manager and I cant quite make out what she is saying*
    M: *shrugs*
    TW: *rants more*
    M: *walks over to my ride* Lex what happened?
    Me: *explains*
    M: *Looks at woman* My ride attendant is correct. He got out of line. Had he let her know she could of marked his place and then let him back in however he didn't so he'll have to wait
    TW: *screams in frustration*
    M: *calls security*
    TW: *Gets dragged away by security*

    I went back to work and about 10 mins later a guy gets to the front of the line

    Guy: You OK?
    Me: Yeah I'm find just a little shaken up
    Guy: I was about to jump in, I thought she was going to take a swing
    Me: I wouldn't advise that sir that's why we have security. We dont want guests getting injured
    Guy: Oh don't worry. I'm a cop!

    Third Winner: My kid almost got killed and its YOUR FAULT!

    Remember what I said about Ferris Wheels being dangerous? I learned that first hand! OUr Ferris wheel carriages swung down between 2 board walks. On one side was lines for the customers and 2 attendants to load them in the carriage. One the other side was the ride controls and the exit and 2 attendants (including me) who took them off and made sure they exited.

    I was watching the ride making sure everyone was behaving and not doing anything stupid when I see a 3 year old duck under the rope keeping the guests back and dash past both the attendants and directly into the path off the carriages. These carriages weigh about half a ton each and are moving with a MASSIVE amount of force. Ride operator hits the brakes but it wasn't going to stop fast enough. I didn't think I just reacted! I stepped into the path of the ride, Grabbed the kid with one hand and yanked him out of the way turning so that he was out of the path... But I wasn't. I caught a glancing blow to my left side....

    And promptly went green and nearly passed out. Put the kid down and sat down on the floor head between my knees before I vomited. Kids Mum comes screaming across the boardwalks yelling at me for ... wait for it! Grabbing her kid!

    The ride operator nearly decked her. We had the ambulance guys there in 2 seconds flat (they were always on site.. remember that dangerous bit)

    In the middle of the park they cut part of my shirt off and I was already bruised.. Mum was still screaming until she saw my side then she shut up quick smart. I ended up with 4 cracked ribs and severe bruising and the ambulance guys said i got off really light!

    One of the ambulance guys turned to her and said "Ma'am if that carriage had his your kid you wouldn't need me you would need a funeral director! Your lucky she grabbed him!"

    Ill post more when I have the time (Stupid work) Also this post is getting UBER long!

  • #2
    I must know what happened next!
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      That last lady is un-fu*%ing-believable! "How dare you risk your life to save my child, who I wasn't watching!?" Hope she felt like s&%t after getting yelled at.
      wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
      Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


      • #4
        Third Winner: My kid almost got killed and its YOUR FAULT!
        Some parents have no sense of balance. If a stranger grabs ahold of your kid to push him into an unmarked van with tinted windows and no liscence plate, yell at him. If a teacher, librarian, park attendant, zoo employee, stranger on the street pulls your kid from out of danger don't yell at them. But no, someone touched your kid, you have to "protect" the kid, even though there's a shelf falling/kid is about to jump into the lion's santuary/bus ran the red light.

        Hope your work paid the medical bills or at least give you leave with pay.
        Last edited by depechemodefan; 06-20-2008, 02:29 AM.
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          We used to have the Rotor at Hersheypark. People would make the mistake of eating before getting on and many times they'd throw up. So you'd see splotches of vomit on the ground near the ride. So if it was a hot day then the smell would nearly knock you
          Too many people think safety rules for rides are there to inconveniance them. There's this thinking that amusement park rides are harmless. There are tons of stories around about people being seriously hurt by not following ride guidelines. The most harmless looking ride can be the most lethal.
          Hersheypark used to have a virtual roller coaster where you stood in front of a large screen & in front of that was a guide rail to hold onto. Pretty harmless from first glance, right? BUT so many people got sick from it that it was deemed a hazard & was removed!
          There are more safety restraint systems in a typical ride than you'll ever see in a typical car. BUT you still have your typical dumb ass who just won't listen to


          • #6
            I posted about this before, but after the power outage at the fair and being stuck in the Zipper for what seemed like forever, I'm never going on anything that goes up in the air again.

            I love being an inspiration, Lexi Blasphemy87, here to serve!
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth Evil Queen View Post
              I must know what happened next!
              I have sooooo many stories from that park including parents who tried to put their 2 year old down a 40 foot slide and the kid whose parents threatened to sue when the kid threw up etc etc


              • #8
                All I can say is that kid is lucky Darwin happened to be taking a piss at the time.

                I wonder what it is about amusement rides that causes people to tempt Darwin. Ever since I rode the Gravitron (aka The Whirl N' Puke) at the local Kiwanis Club carnival years ago, I've had no interest in those kinds of rides.

                Even roller coasters and such. They leave me with headaches, if not a decent case of nausea to go along. I must be more prone to motion sickness than other people I guess.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                  We used to have the Rotor at Hersheypark. People would make the mistake of eating before getting on and many times they'd throw up. So you'd see splotches of vomit on the ground near the ride. So if it was a hot day then the smell would nearly knock you
                  Too many people think safety rules for rides are there to inconveniance them. There's this thinking that amusement park rides are harmless. There are tons of stories around about people being seriously hurt by not following ride guidelines. The most harmless looking ride can be the most lethal.
                  Hersheypark used to have a virtual roller coaster where you stood in front of a large screen & in front of that was a guide rail to hold onto. Pretty harmless from first glance, right? BUT so many people got sick from it that it was deemed a hazard & was removed!
                  There are more safety restraint systems in a typical ride than you'll ever see in a typical car. BUT you still have your typical dumb ass who just won't listen to
                  The amount of people who threw up on the ride was insane. We had to shut it down at least once a day for cleaning. No other ride was as bad.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Wicked_Lexi View Post
                    The amount of people who threw up on the ride was insane. We had to shut it down at least once a day for cleaning. No other ride was as bad.
                    Been there, done that.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post
                      I posted about this before, but after the power outage at the fair and being stuck in the Zipper for what seemed like forever, I'm never going on anything that goes up in the air again.

                      I love being an inspiration, Lexi Blasphemy87, here to serve!
                      Our roller coaster used to get stuck alot and only one guy was authorized to track walk. If anyone else did they got fired and this guy wasn't in everyday! If someone got stuck we had to call him... Sucked alot


                      • #12
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        All I can say is that kid is lucky Darwin happened to be taking a piss at the time.

                        I wonder what it is about amusement rides that causes people to tempt Darwin. Ever since I rode the Gravitron (aka The Whirl N' Puke) at the local Kiwanis Club carnival years ago, I've had no interest in those kinds of rides.

                        Even roller coasters and such. They leave me with headaches, if not a decent case of nausea to go along. I must be more prone to motion sickness than other people I guess.
                        Indeed he was... that and there happened to be a ride attendant dumb enough to step into the way of half a tonne of metal moving at however many miles per hour!


                        • #13
                          Congrats on saving a life!


                          • #14
                            I want to know what sort of damage you could do to the kid that obviously a 10 tonne Ferris Wheel carriage can not?

                            See stupidity of people amazes me.....then I come here and think
                            I love your stories!!
                            every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people


                            • #15
                              Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                              Congrats on saving a life!
                              Thanks My co-workers all called me a 10000 kind of idiot! Mainly because i could of been killed!

