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Has a customer ever tried to haggle with you in a haggleless environment?

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  • Has a customer ever tried to haggle with you in a haggleless environment?

    Such as a grocery store, gas station, etc?

  • #2
    We have extra shelves for our wardrobe units.
    They come in packs of two.

    Some woman opened the last pack we had, took out only one shelf since that's all she needed, and insisted she get it for 50% off.

    At 9:30.

    We close at 9.

    And she got the damn 50% off.



    • #3
      Quoth rerant View Post
      We have extra shelves for our wardrobe units.
      They come in packs of two.

      Some woman opened the last pack we had, took out only one shelf since that's all she needed, and insisted she get it for 50% off.

      At 9:30.

      We close at 9.

      And she got the damn 50% off.

      And hopefully the manager who approved that got a swift drive in the ass, or at least a verbal warning.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        I would of suggested shoving the other shelf up the manager's ass.


        • #5
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          And hopefully the manager who approved that got a swift drive in the ass, or at least a verbal warning.
          Oh come now. We both know that would never happen.
          And didn't.


          • #6
            Yeah, I get at least one haggler every day I work.

            Them: What kind of a deal can you work for me on this computer?
            Me: I can sell it to you for the price on the tag.
            Them: That's not much of a deal.
            Me: I think it is, considering that this computer is on clearance at $784.99 from its regular price of $979.99, which means there's a discount of $195 already applied.
            Them: I know, but I want YOU to do your job and work out a DEAL for me.
            Me: (sigh as the cycle starts all over again)

            That exchange isn't a daily thing, but I do get people trying to get discounts or free stuff or trying to offer me a price lower than what's on the tag. Normally I can explain to them that I can't do what they want, and they'll understand if I am given a chance to explain what I CAN do instead.

            Much more common is the person who asks if I'm sure I don't have a cheaper model of whatever it is they want.

            Them: I want your cheapest desktop.
            Me: With or without monitor?
            Them: Without.
            Me: $299.
            Them: That's your cheapest?
            Me: Yep.
            Them: Are you sure you don't have any cheaper, like $199?
            Me: Nope.
            Them: And that's the cheapest one, then, right?

            Or they think that by complaining about how expensive it is, I'll suddenly offer them a discount.

            Them: What's the cheapest PCI-E graphic card you've got?
            Me: In stock, the cheapest is $119.
            Them: Whoa! That's about $70 too expensive.
            Me: ...
            Them: I was really hoping I wouldn't have to spend that much.
            Me: ...
            Them: I mean, that's kinda pricey, isn't it?
            Me: That's the cheapest I've got.
            Them: I don't know if I want to spend that much.
            Me: ...

            And so on.

            I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
            - Bill Watterson

            My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
            - IPF


            • #7
              Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
              Them: What's the cheapest PCI-E graphic card you've got?
              Me: In stock, the cheapest is $119.
              Them: Whoa! That's about $70 too expensive.
              Me: ...
              Them: I was really hoping I wouldn't have to spend that much.
              Me: ...
              Them: I mean, that's kinda pricey, isn't it?
              Me: That's the cheapest I've got.
              Them: I don't know if I want to spend that much.
              Me: ...


              "Then maybe you should learn to make one out of bits of string, rubber bands and various other knick knacks you find lying around."


              • #8
                i have had parents, students and school council members try, unsuccessfully, to haggle with me regarding a student's grade


                • #9
                  When I worked in Housewares at a (sadly no longer in existence) up-scale department store, I used to get it all the time.

                  SC: Why is this flatware cheaper than that flatware? It's the same brand. It should be the same price.
                  Me: *pick one* 1. It's a satin finish, that one is not. 2. It's a newer pattern, the discounted one is old/discontinued. 3. That pattern is more intricate than the less expensive pattern. 4. That's stainless steel flatware, this is silverplate.
                  SC: But can't you discount it? It's the same brand.
                  Me: I'm sorry, no.
                  SC: What if I buy 8 place settings?
                  Me: I'm sorry, no.
                  SC: It's the same brand, mark it to match the other one.
                  Me: I'm sorry, I can't.
                  SC: Yes, you can.
                  Me: No, I'm sorry, I can't.
                  SC: The pattern is practically the same.
                  Me: This pattern is not on sale. I cannot mark it down.
                  SC: Oh, come on, don't you want the sale? You can mark it down.
                  Me: No, I'm sorry. It's not on sale. I can't mark it down.
                  Yadda, yadda, yadda, until:
                  SC: I want to see your manager.
                  Happily, my manager never backed down.

                  SC: Why is this china more expensive than that one? It's exactly the same pattern.
                  Me: The less expensive china is only one color, blue. The other one is multiple colors, and each color requires a separate firing, which makes it more expensive.
                  SC: But it's the same pattern.
                  Me: It is the same pattern, but the multiple colors are more expensive to make.
                  SC: It's the same pattern, you should sell it for the same price.
                  Me: The multiple color is more expensive.
                  SC: It should be the same price. You should sell it to me for that.
                  Me: No, it can't be the same price. It is more expensive to make, it must sell for more money.
                  SC: It's the same pattern.
                  Me: Then buy the blue one.
                  SC: I want your manager.
                  Me: No problem.

                  Frustrating and annoying. I really wanted to
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    I just saw another stupid article on the news about how you need to haggle. Bring in the print outs and ask 'what kind of a deal can you make for me'. While I think it's great to bring in printed ad's for reputable business and asking ONCE if they can price match, if the answer is no then buy it or move on!

                    At the home improvement store we got a lot of
                    sc: 'That air conditioner is really cheap can I get this one for the same price?

                    emp: Um, no.

                    sc: But they're the same thing!?!?

                    emp: That one there, (some idiot approved the return, even though air conditioners were supposed to be non returnable, but that's is another thread in and of itself.) Is dented to all heck and looks like crap but still runs great. So you want to save 40-60% buy the ugly one.
                    It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


                    • #11
                      SC: Hey! Can I get a reduction on this product/ get a free shaker with it?
                      Me: Do you have a Gold Card? The only deals we can give are the ones we offer Gold Card holders.
                      SC: Yeah, I've got one.
                      Me: Then you have a permanent 20% discount anyway. Good, isn't it!
                      SC: But I don't want to PAY that much! It's cheaper online!
                      Me: then buy it online if it's a better deal.

                      God I love that I'm leaving in two weeks.
                      Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                      • #12
                        The worst case of haggling in the wrong place I ever saw was in a charity shop. The customer was wanting a good quality shirt, worth at least 10 pounds new, but priced at 1,50. However, it was in perfect condition. Her first sentence?

                        "Will you sell this to me for one pound?"

                        My thoughts? "FFS, this is a CHARITY SHOP!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth BarbieGirl View Post
                          sc: But they're the same thing!?!?
                          Why, if they're "the same thing", do they NEVER just buy the cheaper one then?

                          "Oh really? You'd PREFER the more expensive one? Yeah, that's kinda why we CHARGE MORE FOR IT."



                          • #14
                            I get that at the call center all the time

                            Can't you give me a better rate?
                            Would you rather the room sit empty?
                            I stay there all the time, can't you do a frequent traveller discount?

                            1st one, nope, I don't set the rate, revenue manager does, and no you can't talk to them.
                            2nd, yes, if it will cost us more to have it occupied than what you will pay for it, or other variation, yes, but it won't sit empty with how busy it is.
                            3rd, sure thing, talk with a sales manager about a negotiated rate... until then you pay rack like everyone else.

                            ETA- I have no problem with people asking "is that the best rate/price/deal/etc" as long as if the answer is yes they will accept it. IMHO you are an idiot if you don't ask that question, you are an idiot to think we are going to offer you the lowest rate first... why, because we all like having our paychecks delivered on time and that is more likely to happen if you pay more money.
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                              IMHO you are an idiot if you don't ask that question
                              yay! I'm an idiot-actually I just don't want to bother the front desk person(don't have triple A, or anything else that would give me a discount and I know that), and usually just want to get to my room and sleep. Though my willingness to pay full price and not haggle has usually gotten discounts anyway, I think due to "desk agent shock"
                              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

