I was walking to my work yesterday morning when I saw my least favorite sight in the world. Someone sitting in their car waiting for me to open. Sure enough as soon as I unlock the door the guy gets out of his car and starts walking towards me.
I immediately lock the door and start with my opening duties as the guy shakes the door and then paces back and forth. He leaves about five minutes later. 7 am rolls around and I open the store and start my day. The guy comes back about 2 pm and learns that the newspaper he wanted is sold out.
SC: I was here before 7 am and you locked the door in my face
Me: I'm sorry sir but we don't open until 7.
SC: I know that and I was here before 7 and you locked the door in my face.
Me: We are not allowed to open the doors until 7.
SC: I know that, you came sauntering in here at 7 and you locked the door in my face.
Me: No, I came in at 6:30 am and I did open the store at 7.
SC: I wanted my paper and you just sauntered in here and locked the door in my face. And now I don't get a paper
Me: I'm sorry but I am forbidden by my boss to open the store before 7 am
At that the point the SC stormed off. What part of we don't open until 7 is so hard to comprehend? Yes I locked the door on him but that is what the owner told me to do. I love how he was the one who was too impatient to wait a few minutes but then blames me when he saunters in at 2pm and find the papers are gone.
Luckily for me we have cameras in the store that will tell the boss exactly what time I came in. So if the SC tries to get me in trouble I have proof.
I immediately lock the door and start with my opening duties as the guy shakes the door and then paces back and forth. He leaves about five minutes later. 7 am rolls around and I open the store and start my day. The guy comes back about 2 pm and learns that the newspaper he wanted is sold out.
SC: I was here before 7 am and you locked the door in my face
Me: I'm sorry sir but we don't open until 7.
SC: I know that and I was here before 7 and you locked the door in my face.
Me: We are not allowed to open the doors until 7.
SC: I know that, you came sauntering in here at 7 and you locked the door in my face.
Me: No, I came in at 6:30 am and I did open the store at 7.
SC: I wanted my paper and you just sauntered in here and locked the door in my face. And now I don't get a paper
Me: I'm sorry but I am forbidden by my boss to open the store before 7 am
At that the point the SC stormed off. What part of we don't open until 7 is so hard to comprehend? Yes I locked the door on him but that is what the owner told me to do. I love how he was the one who was too impatient to wait a few minutes but then blames me when he saunters in at 2pm and find the papers are gone.
Luckily for me we have cameras in the store that will tell the boss exactly what time I came in. So if the SC tries to get me in trouble I have proof.