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Why do SCs ask for supervisors over the dumbest crap?

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  • Why do SCs ask for supervisors over the dumbest crap?

    A SC made a payment online and called our call center wanting to know why his service has not been turned on. I told him that the payment has to be posted onto the account which will take 24 hours to post. he then bitches and moans about why it doesn't say that on the website. I told him I do not know, I DIDN'T MAKE THE WEBSITE! ( Why do customers INSIST on asking questions that WE DO NOT know cause we are not the ones responsible for it!) and then asks for a stinking supervisor. I could not get a hold of a supervisor so i told him that he could cancel his online payment and make a payment with me to restore services. He bitches some more and didn't even BOTHER to listen to me. he asks for a supervisor again. I transferred his stupid ass.

    About a few minutes later, I look at his account for an update and get this, he made the payment with my supervisor. So frankly, he didn't need a supervisor because I could taken that payment.

    This fool made me look like an idiot.

    Why do customers like to ask for supervisors for shit that isn't that BIG A DEAL.

  • #2
    Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post

    Why do customers like to ask for supervisors for shit that isn't that BIG A DEAL.
    I think it gives them a power trip. After all, they were able to summon the almighty supervisor who will proceed to do/tell them the same thing you just did/told them.
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


    • #3
      I get that shit all the time. I can't wait until I'm a manager and get to say things like "oh, I AM the manager!" Make them eat their socks and so on. >:3
      This message brought to you by a hopeless pop-culture-obsessed social reject.


      • #4
        When I worked at Prudential, life insurance, there were always a ton of people who just couldn't beleive that _I_ knew what i was talking about. Granted, sometimes I didn't, and admitted it, but most of the time it was simple information I was giving them...but Nooooo...that can't be right.

        So, since our "supervisors" were just people like us who had more access to things, we'd hand them off...and explain to the person we were handing to that so and so doesn't beleive us. I loved the CW's who would just chuckle and say "It's ok, I'll just tell them what you told them". The worst this is the client was usually swearing at me....

        but you get a "supervisor" on the line and they're all sweet as pie.
        I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. ~George Carlin.


        • #5
          but you get a "supervisor" on the line and they're all sweet as pie.
          Sometimes it's someone besides a super that they are sweet with. Like they will say, "I want to talk to someone else!" And you get a co-worker to speak to them and they act all sweet, and say in a Snow White (Disney) voice, "But I don't know why the other person was so mean to me?"
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            Quoth kiokushitaka View Post
            I can't wait until I'm a manager and get to say things like "oh, I AM the manager!" Make them eat their socks and so on. >:3
            Believe me most them will follow up with, "Oh, well I want to talk to someone else then."

            Because you won't give them what they want.


            • #7
              Oh, I used to love that. </sarcasm> When I was a lowly workstudy, I and my fellow WSs would get people who didnt give a crap what we said, they wanted our super. Super told them the exact same thing we did, sometimes word for word, and they accepted it and went on their merry way. It infuriated us to no end. Now I'm the supervisor Some will listen to me over the workstudies, some will go to my boss. It never ends!
              "Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop."
              - Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter


              • #8
                I do love the supervisors that are either 1. to the point 2. repedative or 3. smartass

                case 1. had a sup call, sup picked up the call and said "yeah what my agent said, same goes, no change bye!"

                2. No sir, no sir, no sir, no sir, ok. bye!

                3. 'No i really am not able to do that, no one here can do that, and i can also bet if you call back and ask the same question they will send you to me, and i can repeat it again.... if you like?
                Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
                pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


                • #9
                  What drove me nuts was this guy didn't like, I don't remember, let's say his fine. The lowly Circ. person said it was x amount, and he wanted to talk to her super. The super said the same thing and he wanted to talk to another super. The Manager of the day (a librarian, who has nothing to do with fines but she was a high-ranking manager) said the same thing, and he wanted to talk to someone else. Finally they got a hold of a male manager and he said the same thing and the SC was finally ok with the fine.
                  Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                  Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                  I wish porn had subtitles.


                  • #10
                    Worst I have had was one day one SC shows up and wants to order some stuff for a party. SC goes to the deli to order some platter. Now we have pre-made forms for the most common items. All have the standard, clerk name, custoemr name/phone, an pickup information. Next is the size, it will list all the sizes of platters, cakes, whatever that particular form is for. It goes on for all the possible options depending on the item the form is for.

                    Now, most of our managers know the basics oh how each department runs. Some may know more depending on past work, i/e. used to manager one of the depts. and was promoted. On this day the MOD we had only had the basic working knowledge of the departments, they did not know exactly prices of the items or what each kind of mead to cheese tasted like, etc.

                    So they do to the deli (this was relayed to me by a coworker):

                    SC: Sukey Customer
                    DC: Deli Clerk (one of the longest working in the dept)
                    DL: Deli Lead on at the time
                    MOD: Our "new" to the company, not the industry manager

                    SC: Inned to order a platter (holding a pamphlet about our platters)
                    DC: Ok, what kind
                    SC: So you don't know you product well?
                    DC: I do I just need to know if you want a....
                    SC: Is their a manger working? Tgis is ridicilous.
                    DC: One minute. *goes to get DL*
                    DL: Can I help you?
                    SC: Yes, I tried to order a platter but <DC name> dosen;t know wha tthey are doing.
                    DL: I will look into that. How many people were you plannign on serving?
                    SC: Ten to 12
                    DL: I would recommend....
                    SC: So you don't know what i should get? Is theri any one higher than you?
                    DL: one minute. *Gets MOD*

                    The MOD comes down and talks to the SC. The SC finally orders from the MOD but not without asking question at every option "is this cheese better than that one" etc. Now the MOD is not 100% sure on the exact taste of all our cheeses and asks the DC, who the SC refused to deal with, the questions the SC asked them. Right in front of the SC. Making a two minute order take five. The SC would not listen to what the DC said, only if the DC told MOD and MOD told SC. The she came to my dept and we did the same thing for a cake, except I was the only one on so we went to the MOD the second I pulled out the order book.


                    • #11
                      Wow. Sounds like the classic "I'm not talking to you any more" in every teenage movie / series.

                      A : "Tell C that I don't want to deal with him anymore"
                      B to C : "A says he doesn't want to deal with you anymore."
                      C : "Yeah ? Know what ? You can tell him that's fine with me !"

                      ad. lib. until A and C are a few feet apart with B between them and B can't place a single word.

                      Silliest thing ever. Who does that in real life ?

                      Apart from that SC, obviously...
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

