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  • Mumblers

    There are several kinds of callers that I can't stand, and mumblers are high on that list of caller types. However, what is worse, are Pay Mumblers, these are people that call in, are very clear and understandable. Then when it's time to give you the credit card information, suddenly they begin to mumble the numbers. The only reason I can think of, is that they think we're going to enter an incorrect number, and their card won't get charged.

    It really amazes how much of a jerk a person can be when they finally have to pay for something that is affordable. I've had people argue over $10.00 charges, which was discounted down from $30.00, and they still felt that the $10.00 was to much to pay for said item.

    Me: -Opening Dialog-
    SC: I'd like to make a payment on my account please.
    Me: I can help you with that, your total on your account is $xx.xx, would you like to put that amount on a credit card today?
    SC: Yes I would, let me get my card. Okay the numbers are 123mumblemumblemumblemumblemumble890
    Me: Could you repeat that number for me please, I didn't get a few of those numbers.
    SC: Okay, 1mumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumble90
    Me: I'm going to need you to speak up please while saying the numbers, because I can't understand what you saying.
    SC: OKAY FINE 1234567890, DID YOU GET IT THAT TIME!?!?
    Me: Thank you and the expiration date would be?
    SC: 12/12
    Me: Thank you, have a great day.

  • #2
    I think a lot of people mumble the number so that the people around them can't hear it. They do the same with their socials. Its annoying but understandable.


    • #3
      Oooh, I hate mumblers. The worst is when people are telling you something and feel the need to turn around and point to whatever it is they're talking about. Fair enough, but DON'T KEEP TALKING WHILE YOUR BACK IS TURNED TO ME. I am not hearing impaired, but it's simple physics. Sound that's pointed away from me is harder to hear.

      Some customers are unbelievable assholes when I politely ask them to repeat what I missed because they were talking with their backs to me.
      "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

      Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.

