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My poor hubby....

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  • My poor hubby....

    Hubby works for a 3rd party call center for a phone/tv/internet company.....he also has the patience of a saint. So, for him to share this with me it must have really bothered him. He did mention wanting to stab their eyeballs out....

    DH:Sexiest Man alive
    SC: Sucky you know what

    DH: Hi. Thank you for calling, this is Mr. Amina516 how can I help you?

    SC: Hello. I’m having blah blah issues with my service and I need help.

    DH: I see sir, Im going to give you the number to the ….

    SC: Youre not going to help me?!! Why won’t you help me. Why can’t you transfer me?

    DH: As I was saying, I was going to give you the direct number in case we get disconnected, but yes I will transfer you.

    SC: I don’t need your numbers. I have FIVE numbers!! Ooo...5 WHOLE numbers...good for you

    DH: Well, let me transfer you please hol…..

    SC: I need someone that’s going to help me! Get someone that can help me…

    DH: Hold please.

    So, he calls the other dept. and find out that they cant help SC b/c its fiber optic and not just regular high speed he’s having issues with.

    DH: Ok, sir, do you have fiber optic?

    SC: Did you just call me SIR? I’m NOT my husband! (SC’s had switched…how the hell was he supposed to know!!)

    DH: I apologize ma’am, as I was saying, I need to find the right dept to connect you to for help with your fiber optic service.

    SC: OMG! I need help. Why aren’t you getting someone to help me. Blah blah blah.... (Wouldnt let him get a word in edgewise.)

    DH: Please hold.

    She then hangs up but WTH…Why keep cutting him off and demanding help!! He’s

    I hate people sometimes….

  • #2
    I would've just transferred them through without saying another word. I have no patience for people like those SC's.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      SC: Did you just call me SIR? I’m NOT my husband! (SC’s had switched…how the hell was he supposed to know!!)
      Then there are those who are the same person but try diff. personas.

      Anyway, that sucks that the person didn't let hubby talk. I hate that.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        Its far more annoying when the person your speaking to is just the middle man and you can hear them repeating everything you say to someone else.

        On the why not just transfer them, because it does them no good. No matter how annoying they are being, transferring them to the wrong department just to get rid of them ultimately does not get rid of them as they will have to call back again and start over. And whether you deal with them again or not, it still causes the customer unnecessary aggravation.


        • #5
          Any aggravation caused to those people wouldn't be unnecessary.


          • #6
            Quoth Amina516 View Post
            Ooo...5 WHOLE numbers...good for you
            I just have to say that I love that you added this bit.
            It's a common thing for me when someone tells me how long they've waited or how much of something to add, "Oh wow, you waited a WHOLE 10 minutes!?"


            • #7
              I wonder if I could make an automated message for people to be transferred to. I could have the message say something like,

              "Please hold while we find out what's wrong with your service." and then after 5 minutes, it says something like, "Thank you for holding. I'm afraid that our on site attitudeometer has found your location lacking in the proper amount of cooperation. Unfortunately, until you've decided to calm down, be patient, think rationally and help the kind customer service reps help you, then you'll very likely find yourself right back here in hold hell. If you think this was a transfer made in error, you are sorely mistaken. You are here because you're exhibiting signs of antisocial behaviour and wanton disregard for currently accepted politeness. Please call back in a half an hour, 30 minutes or maybe tomorrow morning if you don't know what those times truly are (we suggest that you use a clock). In that time, you can reflect on why you wound up here. Ciao!"

              Of course, this all has to be said exactly in the same way as the computer from Hitchhiker's Guide tells you that there are 2 nuclear missiles headed towards you, and he's just super excited to let you know!
              Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


              • #8
                Quoth Kilamon View Post
                I wonder if I could make an automated message for people to be transferred to. I could have the message say something like,

                "Please hold while we find out what's wrong with your service." and then after 5 minutes, it says something like, "Thank you for holding. I'm afraid that our on site attitudeometer has found your location lacking in the proper amount of cooperation. Unfortunately, until you've decided to calm down, be patient, think rationally and help the kind customer service reps help you, then you'll very likely find yourself right back here in hold hell. If you think this was a transfer made in error, you are sorely mistaken. You are here because you're exhibiting signs of antisocial behaviour and wanton disregard for currently accepted politeness. Please call back in a half an hour, 30 minutes or maybe tomorrow morning if you don't know what those times truly are (we suggest that you use a clock). In that time, you can reflect on why you wound up here. Ciao!"

                Of course, this all has to be said exactly in the same way as the computer from Hitchhiker's Guide tells you that there are 2 nuclear missiles headed towards you, and he's just super excited to let you know!
                first I so would like to say that to one of my customers... or have a machine to transfer them to that which would say that... when I start my own call center (hey, Hawaiian Shirts, do you have a phone that can handle 200 calls at once ) I'll have that recording.
                second, I love Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy *puts DVD in laptop* thank for giving me the idea to watch it
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                  Any aggravation caused to those people wouldn't be unnecessary.
                  But the aggravation caused to the person you transferred the twit to would be unnecessary, I do like the Hitchhikers message idea though

                  ps: Amina, is that your back? It looks really sweet!
                  Last edited by ta2ooed1; 06-24-2008, 09:02 PM. Reason: I'm nosy
                  I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


                  • #10
                    Quoth ta2ooed1 View Post
                    ps: Amina, is that your back? It looks really sweet!

                    That it is. I love it... The middle part Ive had for years...the wings are new...and Thanks.


                    • #11
                      I don't remember that computers voice . . . .
                      But Warwick Davis . . . as the depressed Robot . . .that would be fun in my opinion.


                      • #12
                        Alan Rickman was Marvin's voice though.
                        "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                        • #13
                          Yup, W. Davis was in the costume, but Mr. Rickman gave his voice to the character.
                          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                          • #14
                            I wondered about that a while back and another person whom uses this site pointed out that it was Warwick . . . IMDB gave Warwick credit for the part so that is why I wrote what I wrote. (however if you go back to double check and expand the list of cast . . .lower down it does say that Alan Rickman was the voice.)
                            Sorry for the mis information - my mistake


                            • #15
                              Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                              I would've just transferred them through without saying another word. I have no patience for people like those SC's.
                              I've done that before. I just had to. Just told them, "Let me transfer you to *wherever*, thank you" and they were still ranting when I clicked the transfer button.
                              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

