While I do love the job at the car parts, I still attract the mean ones...
Story one: Right, I could guess how?
Me: Ta-daaaaaah
SC: Just that.
On the phone
Me: "Blahblah parts, hello?"
SC: "Yes, I need a fuel filter for a blah blah 94"
Me: tikatikatik! "Yes sir, I got one on hand."
SC: "It's in a special place in the gastank..."
Me: "Can you describe it to me sir?"
SC: "I don't know."
Me: *goes to fetch filter* "Is it rectangular with a tube on top and on the bottom?"
SC: "I don't know."
Me: *asks co-worker if there is a kind of filter that goes in the gas tank. Co-worker said no.* "Well sir, All I can say is that we have a fuel filter for that vehicle on hand."
SC: "Fine, I'll come pick it up."
SC arrives at store, looks at filter "It's not that!"
WELL WELL! aaaaaaaaand how was I supposed to know what you wanted, pray tell? Let's look at the video replay, shall we? 2 I dunnos from YOUR end of the phone! Here's me trying to get information out of you and failing miserably!
For the record, what he needed was a kind of catalyzer and we had none on hand. SC leaves dissatisfied. Because I didn't understand his secret Idunno language.
Story 2: You never have what I need!
Me: La Li Lu Le Lo
MGS: Moron Goon Stupid
Me: Can I help you sir?
MGS: Yes I need 3 of these! 6 of these! As many as you got of these!
Me: *checks inventory* Let's see... We have only 1 of these, 3 of these and.... the other ones we don't have on hand. I can order them and we'll get them Monday.
MGS: I can't believe this! All the times I've been shopping here, you never EVER EVER have what I need! Never! I need 3 of these, 6 of these and as much as you got of these!
Repeat the above complaint 10 times while picturing me calmly fetching what we do have in stock. Repeat 3 more while I prepare his bill, and one last time fading away as he goes to the front cash to pay.
Customer next to him "I know him, he's such an asshole! I mean f*ckin' rude! Me when I come here I'm respectful to you guys!" And he was.

Story 3: Kiss my ass!
Me: What just happened?
SC: Easily offended
SC: Excuse me, do you have this? *shows 15 Amp fuse*
Me: *finally recognizes fuses on sight and goes to fetch 2 out of the fuse drawer*
SC: *bends over the counter as I prepare his bill. Tries to look at my screen.*
Me: *stops, feels very uncomfortable with him looking at the screen. Customers aren't supposed to look at our screens for confidential information reasons*
SC: What??
Me: Well, um sir, usually customers don't lean over the counter so far... (thinks:and you're way within the range of my personal space so back off)
SC: *grabs his fuses* Well then, I guess I'll have to be served by someone else! *walks off the other counter* And you can just kiss my ass!

So... what the hell? Was I too polite or what? We ARE allowed/expected to joke around with some customers and with the really cheery ones we can pretend to refuse service as a joke, but that was....uncalled for.
Story one: Right, I could guess how?
Me: Ta-daaaaaah
SC: Just that.
On the phone
Me: "Blahblah parts, hello?"
SC: "Yes, I need a fuel filter for a blah blah 94"
Me: tikatikatik! "Yes sir, I got one on hand."
SC: "It's in a special place in the gastank..."
Me: "Can you describe it to me sir?"
SC: "I don't know."
Me: *goes to fetch filter* "Is it rectangular with a tube on top and on the bottom?"
SC: "I don't know."
Me: *asks co-worker if there is a kind of filter that goes in the gas tank. Co-worker said no.* "Well sir, All I can say is that we have a fuel filter for that vehicle on hand."
SC: "Fine, I'll come pick it up."
SC arrives at store, looks at filter "It's not that!"
WELL WELL! aaaaaaaaand how was I supposed to know what you wanted, pray tell? Let's look at the video replay, shall we? 2 I dunnos from YOUR end of the phone! Here's me trying to get information out of you and failing miserably!
For the record, what he needed was a kind of catalyzer and we had none on hand. SC leaves dissatisfied. Because I didn't understand his secret Idunno language.
Story 2: You never have what I need!
Me: La Li Lu Le Lo
MGS: Moron Goon Stupid
Me: Can I help you sir?
MGS: Yes I need 3 of these! 6 of these! As many as you got of these!
Me: *checks inventory* Let's see... We have only 1 of these, 3 of these and.... the other ones we don't have on hand. I can order them and we'll get them Monday.
MGS: I can't believe this! All the times I've been shopping here, you never EVER EVER have what I need! Never! I need 3 of these, 6 of these and as much as you got of these!
Repeat the above complaint 10 times while picturing me calmly fetching what we do have in stock. Repeat 3 more while I prepare his bill, and one last time fading away as he goes to the front cash to pay.
Customer next to him "I know him, he's such an asshole! I mean f*ckin' rude! Me when I come here I'm respectful to you guys!" And he was.

Story 3: Kiss my ass!
Me: What just happened?
SC: Easily offended
SC: Excuse me, do you have this? *shows 15 Amp fuse*
Me: *finally recognizes fuses on sight and goes to fetch 2 out of the fuse drawer*
SC: *bends over the counter as I prepare his bill. Tries to look at my screen.*
Me: *stops, feels very uncomfortable with him looking at the screen. Customers aren't supposed to look at our screens for confidential information reasons*
SC: What??
Me: Well, um sir, usually customers don't lean over the counter so far... (thinks:and you're way within the range of my personal space so back off)
SC: *grabs his fuses* Well then, I guess I'll have to be served by someone else! *walks off the other counter* And you can just kiss my ass!

So... what the hell? Was I too polite or what? We ARE allowed/expected to joke around with some customers and with the really cheery ones we can pretend to refuse service as a joke, but that was....uncalled for.