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Can I get an estimate?

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  • Can I get an estimate?

    The store I work at deals in used games in addition to new releases.

    Exactly like gamestop or ebgames, someone can bring in a game and get either Store credit or cash, depending on the value of the game.

    Some customers like to call ahead to see if their game is worth spending gas to go up to the store and trade. Now, we as employees aren't allowed to give estimates over the phone, So those conversations usually go something like this:

    Me: {insert store title and greeting here}
    SC: Can I get an estimate for a few games?
    Me: I'm sorry, I can't give estimates over the phone
    SC: Well could you give me a rough figure?
    Me: . . .That would be giving an estimate, which I'm not allowed to do
    SC: {Generic angry speech usually ending in asking to speak with the manager who doesn't work the same days I do, followed by an angry hang-up}

    The kicker is when the same person tries to call back a few hours later to try again

  • #2
    First off,

    Sorry you have to deal with people repeatedly calling in futility. At my job, at least three times a night some persons call to learn when we close. Every night, throughout the year. I'm sure you know of phone aggravation.
    "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

    Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


    • #3
      I feel your pain. At the shop where I help my mum out we do trade ins on 2nd hand lawn bowls. Now without proper care these bowls can get very scratched which affect their value and their age is also important as you are not allowed to bowl in competitions with lawn bowls over 10 years old.

      So we quite regularly get people calling in for quotes in which we tell them sight unseen that we can not give an estimate as it may be off. I have gotten to the stage if they push I will quote $25 to $450 and that their bowls could possibly fall into that if we decide to take them. But if they are really rude I say that their estimate is $25 and if they want to come in we will happily give them that much.

      Also never ceases to amaze me when they do come in and their bowls are old and scratched, like they have been playing on gravel and not grass, and they expect top dollar for them. The really annoying ones then say so and so will give me that much for them and I smile and tell them they are more than welcome to trade them in with them but we're not taking them.
      Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


      • #4
        ... and you just know that if they saw those same bowls on your shelves with a price sticker saying the figure they want you to give them for it, they'd scream blue murder about you ripping people off and point out how crappy and scratched up they are.

