This happened just happened Sunday. I had to customers (including the one I was waiting on) in my line and my coworker was doing a woman's lottery order. Instead of getting in line this old guy in a suit came up to the side of the counter.
ME: Alphaboi
OSG: Old suit guy
NC: Normal customer
C2: 2nd customer in line
CW: Coworker
LW: Lottery woman
ME: (ringing up NC's order)
OSG: I want $15 on pump 3.
ME: Sir, the line's over hear (points toward the guy behind NC)
OSG: Oh, shove it up your ass! (flips me off and storms out)
NC: What's his problem?
ME: (as he's walking back to his car I hit the intercom and say in my nicest possible voice) Right back at you sir!
NC, C2, CW, LW, & Me: (start laughing)
ME: Alphaboi
OSG: Old suit guy
NC: Normal customer
C2: 2nd customer in line
CW: Coworker
LW: Lottery woman
ME: (ringing up NC's order)
OSG: I want $15 on pump 3.
ME: Sir, the line's over hear (points toward the guy behind NC)
OSG: Oh, shove it up your ass! (flips me off and storms out)
NC: What's his problem?
ME: (as he's walking back to his car I hit the intercom and say in my nicest possible voice) Right back at you sir!

NC, C2, CW, LW, & Me: (start laughing)