i usually have fun at work, but there's just some things that people do consistantly that piss me off. so i figured i would share them all with you. oh and hi btw! 
1. if i'm behind a computer, that means i can help you.
this i absolutely positively hate. i don't understand why people walk past me when i'm standing right behind a computer, they walk their happy little asses by me to the next one and stare at me until i move. why would you go to an empty computer? why? i'm there. obviously not talking to anyone or helping anyone and there's nothing on my desk. i mean, i even have a nifty little badge thing that says "may i help you?". just come to the computer. i can check your books out. i promise.
which brings me to....
2. choosing to come to my computer when someone is at the other one doing nothing and i have a whole shitload of books in front of me.
this pisses me off too. obviously i'm busy checking in 50 million books. maybe i'm withdrawing. who knows? but if there is another capable body behind a different computer with nothing, why come to me? just walk the extra 2 steps.
3. men's bathrooms.
maybe a man can explain this to me. why is it so hard to flush a urinal? you are standing there...facing it. why can't you just move your arm in front of you...no...a little higher...there ya go. ok. now...push down on that nifty silver thing...come on...i promise...it's not heavy. and oh my god. look at that. now i don't have to look at your pee when i make sure that there's no psycho lying in wait for me when we close. i don't know. is it because someone before you has peed and touched his penis and now you don't want his penis germs on your hands? well ya know what? neither do i.
4. crazy children.
parents. we make you sign a child safety form for a reason. we are not your personal free babysitters. keep an eye on the little buggers. if you know you have to take care of your 3 year old for the afternoon, it's probably not the best time to take them to the library so you can check your myspace page for a couple hours and hopefully find a new baby daddy or whatever. trust me. i have better things to do with my time then to entertain your little darling. don't get me wrong. i love kids. but it's not my favorite thing in the world to have a child hit me with the tail of an iguana puppet (which unfortunately has happened). then i have to parent them...which is not in my job description. also...if your child has taken out every puzzle we own, help them put the puzzles back together so i don't have to waste 10 minutes trying to do it. i don't like this, especially when it's time to leave. and if you look at a bunch of books, that's fine, just let us know, so we can reshelve them before we're ready to clock out. i don't live here, therefore i don't want to spend all night here either.
5. speaking of piles of books...
if you don't want a book that's fine. but please don't hide them, leave them on the floor, shove every junie b. jones book we own under the shelf, or make up your own "i'm an idiot" dewey decimal system. just tell me. hand them to me. make me aware of your lack of interest in the reading material. i don't care. just don't send me on a scavenger hunt. i don't look at it as "oh boy. books on the floor! well...it's my lucky day! i found the buried treasure." no. it just pisses me off.

1. if i'm behind a computer, that means i can help you.
this i absolutely positively hate. i don't understand why people walk past me when i'm standing right behind a computer, they walk their happy little asses by me to the next one and stare at me until i move. why would you go to an empty computer? why? i'm there. obviously not talking to anyone or helping anyone and there's nothing on my desk. i mean, i even have a nifty little badge thing that says "may i help you?". just come to the computer. i can check your books out. i promise.
which brings me to....
2. choosing to come to my computer when someone is at the other one doing nothing and i have a whole shitload of books in front of me.
this pisses me off too. obviously i'm busy checking in 50 million books. maybe i'm withdrawing. who knows? but if there is another capable body behind a different computer with nothing, why come to me? just walk the extra 2 steps.
3. men's bathrooms.
maybe a man can explain this to me. why is it so hard to flush a urinal? you are standing there...facing it. why can't you just move your arm in front of you...no...a little higher...there ya go. ok. now...push down on that nifty silver thing...come on...i promise...it's not heavy. and oh my god. look at that. now i don't have to look at your pee when i make sure that there's no psycho lying in wait for me when we close. i don't know. is it because someone before you has peed and touched his penis and now you don't want his penis germs on your hands? well ya know what? neither do i.

4. crazy children.
parents. we make you sign a child safety form for a reason. we are not your personal free babysitters. keep an eye on the little buggers. if you know you have to take care of your 3 year old for the afternoon, it's probably not the best time to take them to the library so you can check your myspace page for a couple hours and hopefully find a new baby daddy or whatever. trust me. i have better things to do with my time then to entertain your little darling. don't get me wrong. i love kids. but it's not my favorite thing in the world to have a child hit me with the tail of an iguana puppet (which unfortunately has happened). then i have to parent them...which is not in my job description. also...if your child has taken out every puzzle we own, help them put the puzzles back together so i don't have to waste 10 minutes trying to do it. i don't like this, especially when it's time to leave. and if you look at a bunch of books, that's fine, just let us know, so we can reshelve them before we're ready to clock out. i don't live here, therefore i don't want to spend all night here either.
5. speaking of piles of books...
if you don't want a book that's fine. but please don't hide them, leave them on the floor, shove every junie b. jones book we own under the shelf, or make up your own "i'm an idiot" dewey decimal system. just tell me. hand them to me. make me aware of your lack of interest in the reading material. i don't care. just don't send me on a scavenger hunt. i don't look at it as "oh boy. books on the floor! well...it's my lucky day! i found the buried treasure." no. it just pisses me off.