This one is short and sweet and yet amazingly funny. I'm surprised that i didn't have to mute my phone for this one.
Me: <opening spiel>
FC: (funny customer) How are you today Chanlin.
Me: I'm doing well, and yourself?
FC: Oh, i've had better days. I'd be alright it if weren't for my damn wisdom tooth giving me so much pain. I swear I'm tellin you I took 2 viagra today and it still hurts like hell...
Viagra? For pain?
FC: Yeah, so anyway the reason I'm calling is.....
Either this guy was pulling my leg, or so out of it he completely missed what he said. I'm going with the former only because he was completely lucid for the rest of the call.
Me: <opening spiel>
FC: (funny customer) How are you today Chanlin.
Me: I'm doing well, and yourself?
FC: Oh, i've had better days. I'd be alright it if weren't for my damn wisdom tooth giving me so much pain. I swear I'm tellin you I took 2 viagra today and it still hurts like hell...

FC: Yeah, so anyway the reason I'm calling is.....
Either this guy was pulling my leg, or so out of it he completely missed what he said. I'm going with the former only because he was completely lucid for the rest of the call.