This is probably the most epic and the funniest thing that I have seen since I started at my job about 2 1/2 years ago.
I work at a wholesale store, to those who don't know. At said wholesale store, we have a gas station. It's a nice service to our members, and it's super-cheap in comparison to other stations in the area. We get a lot of bigger cars, trucks, and most people will bring their RV's or boats to fill them up because it's such a good deal.
There is a little ramp before our main drive-in entrance that leads cars almost directly to the gas station. It's pretty small, only regular sized cars can get up the mini ramp, so there are two huge boulders on either side of the ramp to prevent any major truck, RV, or boat hauler getting up it.
Oh, and I mean HUGE boulders. 5 feet wide, 4 feet high, at least.
Here's a little pic I drew of the entrance so you can better understand it.

Today, business was going on as usual, when a man STORMED into the building and DEMANDED the store manager. He started screaming about compensation and how he'll sue us for all we're worth.
This man was driving one of those HUGE U-hauls. He tried the ramp. And he must have been going seriously f^&#ing fast through that busy intersection... because he got the U-haul lodged ON TOP OF THE 4 FOOT TALL BOULDER. At this point, I ran out to see it. It was the funniest thing I've ever saw. The U-Haul truck was on top of the boulder past the first axle, with it's rear 2 wheels still on the ground. There was no way off that rock without a tow truck and a miracle.
The police were there. Other members were taking PICTURES. I went back inside at this point. The kicker, THE GUY WANTED US TO PAY THE TOW AND DAMAGE BILLS TO THE U-HAUL. The manager silently listens to him rant. The tow truck guy comes inside at that point. He tells him no way is he going to tow it for $100 since the driver failed to tell him it was on top of a f$&%ing boulder. $350 minimum. The driver then tells the store manager to write the guy a check!
The store manager then takes the driver outside to the ramp, and points silently at the sign to the ramps entrance...
The SM told him it was his fault completely and there is no way we're compensating him for the tow OR for the damages to the U-Haul. The police step in at this point and say either the guy can pay to get it towed, or the county will tow it and IMPOUND IT since it was blocking traffic into the building. They also ticketed the guy for reckless driving!
I wonder how he's gonna pay U-Haul for a $4000 damage bill...
I work at a wholesale store, to those who don't know. At said wholesale store, we have a gas station. It's a nice service to our members, and it's super-cheap in comparison to other stations in the area. We get a lot of bigger cars, trucks, and most people will bring their RV's or boats to fill them up because it's such a good deal.
There is a little ramp before our main drive-in entrance that leads cars almost directly to the gas station. It's pretty small, only regular sized cars can get up the mini ramp, so there are two huge boulders on either side of the ramp to prevent any major truck, RV, or boat hauler getting up it.
Oh, and I mean HUGE boulders. 5 feet wide, 4 feet high, at least.
Here's a little pic I drew of the entrance so you can better understand it.

Today, business was going on as usual, when a man STORMED into the building and DEMANDED the store manager. He started screaming about compensation and how he'll sue us for all we're worth.
This man was driving one of those HUGE U-hauls. He tried the ramp. And he must have been going seriously f^&#ing fast through that busy intersection... because he got the U-haul lodged ON TOP OF THE 4 FOOT TALL BOULDER. At this point, I ran out to see it. It was the funniest thing I've ever saw. The U-Haul truck was on top of the boulder past the first axle, with it's rear 2 wheels still on the ground. There was no way off that rock without a tow truck and a miracle.
The police were there. Other members were taking PICTURES. I went back inside at this point. The kicker, THE GUY WANTED US TO PAY THE TOW AND DAMAGE BILLS TO THE U-HAUL. The manager silently listens to him rant. The tow truck guy comes inside at that point. He tells him no way is he going to tow it for $100 since the driver failed to tell him it was on top of a f$&%ing boulder. $350 minimum. The driver then tells the store manager to write the guy a check!


The SM told him it was his fault completely and there is no way we're compensating him for the tow OR for the damages to the U-Haul. The police step in at this point and say either the guy can pay to get it towed, or the county will tow it and IMPOUND IT since it was blocking traffic into the building. They also ticketed the guy for reckless driving!
I wonder how he's gonna pay U-Haul for a $4000 damage bill...