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Adventures in Idiocy

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  • Adventures in Idiocy

    One of our new employees walked out on us today. She had been there maybe a month. ASM and I were ringing people up, the modem was down, the lines were long. Saturday afternoon rush. She was just standing there, mouth agape, string of drool running down her chin.

    So I turned to her and said, "Why don't you start processing some of those trades?"

    Ten minutes later, she announced that she was quitting, and left five minutes after ASM went on break (he had a couple hour break because he opened the store and then had to come back for our midnight event). Leaving me alone for two hours with a full store. Way to be at least decent and finish your shift before bailing, you giant pile of crap. And why? Because I asked you to, you know, work at your fucking job.

    But she wasn't the funnest part of the day. These people were:

    Hang up the phone HANGUPTHEPHONE
    I was making the calls to our reserve customers on Guitar Hero: Aerosmith edition to let them know about the midnight release. I saw the name. I should have recognized it but I didn't. Remember this lady? When I heard the slurred speech, the confused tone...I hung up on her. I got halfway through my spiel, and when she started talking, I hung up. The phone rang a couple seconds later and I didn't answer it. I just couldn't handle that kind of drunken inbred nonsense screaming at me about god knows what while her idiot kid sucks her dry of money just so Wittle Pwecious can play guitar hero. She's a whole mess of WTF that I can't bring myself to deal with.

    Where did you think you were calling?
    SC: Yeah you guys carry Maxim or FHM?
    Me: ...what?
    SC: You know, the magazines?
    Me: Yeah but...this is a video game store. We carry video game magazines.
    SC: So do you have them?
    Me: We have...well, we have Bratz Ponyz for the DS. That's about the closest thing to Maxim we have.

    He hung up on me.

    This is how they make money in MAGICLAND!
    Nineteen year old kid trades in some games and wants some sort of Pokemon guide. I rang him up and he was 34 cents short. Now, I don't have any change on me and I am NOT shorting my register for anyone.

    Me: 34 cents.
    SC: I don't have 34 cents.
    Me: ...Ok?

    You know, I hear when you stare at someone for over five minutes because you neglected to bring sufficient funds for your purchase, the Magic Money Fairy will fly out of a CSR's ass and bludgeon you to death with quarters. Keep staring, idiot, and good luck.

    I really DON'T FUCKING CARE.
    Some guy called and asked if he could bring games in to trade. I told him yes, we always take trades. He then proceeds to read me off all of the games that he owned. No, he wasn't asking me the trade value of each, he was just telling me what he had.

    I hung up on him after about the twentieth title. Oops. Sorry, guy, call back later when I give a shit. Which, to put that in simple terms, is NEVER.

    Closed. Closedclosedclosed.
    When we close we pull the gates down over the door low enough so that people can't see inside without laying on the ground. That hasn't stopped people from pulling on the door so much after it's locked that now the door won't close properly without being yanked on inwardly or pushed relatively hard. Yes. They twisted the metal door out of the metal frame. dsjbfksdjnksdj

    Modem down. MODEM, not CREDIT CARD
    (This is a running theme. Both the modem and this question.) Our modem went down again today. So I advised the customer I was helping that the modem was down so I may not be able to run his card through.

    SC: So should I try a different card?
    Me: Our modem is down..we can't run any cards.
    SC: Let me try my debit card instead.

    Nngh. You know, I like this job, but sometimes...just..sometimes...
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    When we close we pull the gates down over the door low enough so that people can't see inside without laying on the ground. That hasn't stopped people from pulling on the door so much after it's locked that now the door won't close properly without being yanked on inwardly or pushed relatively hard. Yes. They twisted the metal door out of the metal frame. dsjbfksdjnksdj
    Wow. The worst we have had was a customer ram the automatic sliding doors with a cart a few times to get our attention. He got the attention of the LP guy, a 6ft+ guy who worked out often.


    • #3
      Quoth marty View Post
      Modem down. MODEM, not CREDIT CARD
      SC: So should I try a different card?
      Me: Our modem is down..we can't run any cards.
      SC: Let me try my debit card instead.
      I would probably be one of these types. I'm so used to using my card and would never have the kind of cash on me to pay for a game. It would take a few moments for my brain to reboot and fully comprehend what you were saying. Silly, ain't I
      Last edited by Spiffy McMoron; 06-29-2008, 09:03 PM. Reason: Fixed wonky quote tags.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

